Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C257 Jiang Xiaorou Moved Home

C257 Jiang Xiaorou Moved Home

4"You guys talk first. I'll go see Dad." Jiang Xiaorou walked away with a smile on her face.    


Just that sentence of hers had already caused ripples to appear on the calm surface of the lake. Next, it was likely that her stepmother would have to interrogate Jiang Yufei properly. They would definitely not be able to argue with Jiang Xiaorou sitting here and wait for her to leave before the main event.    


Jiang Xiaorou went to her father's room. He laid on the bed with an ugly expression and his lips were purple and he was very angry. Jiang Xiaorou obediently walked over and sat beside her father's bed. She used her hand to help him caress his chest.    


"Still angry?" Jiang Xiaorou asked.    


Jiang Zhiguo rolled his eyes. It would be strange if he was not angry.    


"Such a big matter, how can I not be angry? Yufei has been obedient since she was young. She has always been growing up according to the requirements of her family and has never had the intention of going against us. This time, she divorced Shen Yancheng and married Lee Xiu. This... this... "    


No, Jiang Zhiguo was too angry.    


" Alright! Don't think so much. Jiang Yufei's matter should be settled by herself. No matter what she does, it is her problem. She has to take responsibility for her actions. You can't possibly care about her for the rest of her life!" Jiang Xiaorou looked at her father with a smile.    


When her eyes landed heavily on her father's face, she saw that his face was full of wrinkles and his hair had also become much whiter. Jiang Xiaorou's heart instantly could not calm down. It turned out that her father was really old. He was no longer the young father who could lift her up high.    


All these years.    


Her father's focus was always on work. He neglected Jiang Xiaorou and missed her growth. Jiang Xiaorou had hated him. In the past, she had always thought of something. When she turned eighteen, she would run away from home and completely get rid of this family.    


But now.    


She suddenly realized that her father was old. The anger in her heart was gone. She wanted to do something for her father so that he could live the rest of his life without any worries.    


Her father sighed heavily. Things had already become like this, there was nothing he could do to interfere.    


"What about you? You are not young anymore. Shouldn't you consider your personal issues? " His father held Jiang Xiaorou's hand and gently patted it. He was really not angry with Jiang Xiaorou and did not blame her for stealing the company.    


Even if Jiang Xiaorou did not snatch it, the Jiang's Group would still be in her hands in the future. Although his father was old, he was not muddle-headed. Giving the company to Jiang Xiaorou could be considered returning it to its owner.    


"Dad, I will not consider it for the time being." Jiang Xiaorou shook her head.    


To Jiang Xiaorou, her only goal right now was to snatch Duo Duo and Xuanxuan back. It did not even matter if a man wanted it or not. Just having two cute little ones was enough. Thinking about Jiang Yufei and Shen Yancheng, hadn't they been separated for eight years after marriage?    


When they divorced, they had even shed all pretenses. At that time, they had been arguing over the property. Just thinking about it made them feel disgusted. Jiang Xiaorou did not want to get divorced after getting married one day. Her family property was so many that it was hard to count. Why should she split half of it? It was a huge loss.    


"Xiao Rou, you..."    


"Dad, you don't have to worry about me. Don't you think it's good for me to be alone now? I want to eat, I want to sleep. No one can control me. How good would it be if I ate enough to feed my whole family?" Jiang Xiaorou smiled very frankly.    


Father could only sigh. Neither of the two daughters had any worries.    


"Dad, I'll go back first. Take care of yourself." Jiang Xiaorou stood up and let go of her father's hand.    


"Xiao Rou." Her father stopped her.    


"What's wrong, dad? He looks so serious." Jiang Xiaorou smiled and her face stiffened.    


His father looked at Jiang Xiaorou very seriously. He had been holding back a sentence in his heart and did not say it out loud. It felt strange.    


"I'm sorry."    


His father held it in for a few seconds. When he said it out loud, he felt much better.    


He was apologizing to Jiang Xiaorou because he had been focusing on work all these years. He had neglected Jiang Xiaorou's feelings and made her unhappy. When Jiang Zhiguo lost the Jiang's Group and instantly squeezed out of the position of chairman, he felt relaxed and understood a lot of things.    


I'm sorry?    


Is dad apologizing to her?    


Jiang Xiaorou blinked and tears fell. She ran back and threw herself into her father's arms, hugging him tightly.    


"It's okay, dad." Jiang Xiaorou said.    


She really did not hate him anymore. She no longer hated those things that happened to her father. From this moment on, Jiang Xiaorou would love her father well. He was old and especially needed love.    


"Xiao Rou, don't leave! From now on, you will stay at home. Jiang family will always be your home." Jiang Zhiguo said.    


"Alright." Jiang Xiaorou nodded.    


Living alone outside was quite calm. She promised her father that she would move back home. Jiang Xiaorou went downstairs and prepared to go back to get some things. Tonight, she would officially move back home.    


In the living room on the first floor!    


Only her stepmother was sitting there. Jiang Yufei and Lee Xiu were already gone. It seemed like the great battle of the century had just happened. His stepmother was very angry. Jiang Xiaorou did not greet them and walked out.    


Outside the villa, she saw Jiang Yufei and Lee Xiu pulling and pulling. Lee Xiu shook off Jiang Yufei's hand and was throwing a temper at her. Both of them were not easy to deal with. They quarreled and Lee Xiu drove off. Jiang Yufei was so angry that she stomped her feet.    


Jiang Xiaorou did not go over but went to drive her own car.    


"Jiang Xiaorou, stop right there." Jiang Yufei ran over and grabbed Jiang Xiaorou's arm and pulled her over.    


"You did it on purpose just now, right?! The matter has already passed, why do you still want to deliberately ruin the happiness between Lee Xiu and me?" Jiang Yufei was so angry that her eyes were red.    


Jiang Xiaorou, on the other hand, smiled coldly.    


"Are you really happy with Lee Xiu?" Jiang Xiaorou saw through Jiang Yufei's thoughts with one look. "Stop joking. You don't love Lee Xiu at all. You just used that fool to make him work for you. If you want to control him, use him to deal with me!"    


Jiang Xiaorou, who was quick-witted, really saw through Jiang Yufei.    


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