Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C335 Shen Yan City Where the Car Saw a Flat Tire

C335 Shen Yan City Where the Car Saw a Flat Tire

2In the study.    


Jiang Yufei pushed open the door and walked in. She saw that her father was writing a will, so she wrapped herself around her father like a good daughter and started acting cute.    


"Dad, don't be angry about what happened just now. I don't want your money. No matter how you write the will, I won't have any objections." Jiang Yufei laid on her father's body. She did not intend to directly take it. Instead, she tactfully made her father realize.    


"Dad knows that Fei Fei is not that kind of person. I understand." Jiang Zhiguo nodded.    


"Dad, actually, the person I should be thanking the most is you. When I entered the Jiang family with my mother, although I wasn't your child, But you changed my surname, making everyone think highly of me. It was you who protected my childhood and allowed me to grow up healthily. Thank you, dad. I'll always be my good daughter." Jiang Yufei hugged her father. She was slowly shaking her father's determination.    


Jiang Zhiguo gently patted his daughter's hand.    


"It's rare that you still remember these things. No matter what happens in the future, we are family." Jiang Zhiguo said.    


"Dad, are you going to write your will now? Then I won't bother you anymore. Write it first! " Jiang Yufei smiled and let go of her father.    


When she turned around and walked out, she looked back and found that the ratio in her father's will was like this. Jiang Xiaorou had 10% while Jiang Yufei herself had 5%. The remaining 5% would be donated.    


The will was written clearly and clearly.    


Suddenly, Jiang Yufei's heart pricked up. She had said so much just now. She thought that her father would give her a little more for the sake of the father-daughter relationship that they had been through for so many years. Even if she could not give more, it should at least be fair.    


Now, Jiang Xiaorou not only owned the entire Jiang's Group, but she also wanted to take 10% of her father's shares. Her father's heart was really out of his control!    


Jiang Yufei returned to her room with a gloomy face. The first thing she did was to throw things. Slap. Slap. The sound was especially loud.    


"What's wrong, wife? Did Dad not agree?" Lee Xiu hugged Jiang Yufei.    


"Don't call him father. He is not our father. He is Jiang Xiaorou's father." Jiang Yufei was angry. She even wanted to kill him.    


"What is going on? Does Dad not plan to keep it for you at all?" Lee Xiu asked.    


"Yes, but only five percent for me." Jiang Yufei sneered, "This is the father I have called for for more than twenty years. He has really disappointed me."    


Five percent? Although they had said a lot, they still wanted more.    


"Wife, do you think there is any other way? Do you really want Jiang Xiaorou to take advantage of you?" Lee Xiu hugged Jiang Yufei and whispered into her ear. His voice was soft and detailed, but it was meaningful.    


"Method? What solution can there be? Dad's will has already been written. Tomorrow morning, he will take the will and look for a lawyer. When the lawyer is confirmed, it will take effect. Do you think there is a solution? " Jiang Yufei pushed Lee Xiu away. The more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became.    


Smack. Smack. She started to throw things again, and she tossed them all the night.    


Next door was Jiang Xiaorou's room. She was lying on the bed, listening to Jiang Yufei go crazy and felt that it was very funny. Sure enough, this was human nature. For money, she became like a devil. It was simply low-class.    


Jiang Xiaorou would never become like Jiang Yufei, because she would never put money first.    


Early in the morning.    


Everyone sat together and ate, but no one spoke. Even the sound of eating was softer than usual.    


Last night, everyone was so angry about the matter of property that their faces and ears turned red. This morning, however, they were so calm, which was quite surprising.    


Jiang Xiaorou was the first to eat. She got up and wiped her mouth. Her hand landed on her father's back and gently patted it.    


"Dad, you go and find a lawyer later. Drive safe. It's early in the morning, so don't rush." Jiang Xiaorou said.    


"I know. You have to be careful too. If you have nothing to do, go to blind dates more often. Don't always be alone." Jiang's father urged for marriage again early in the morning.    


He was not urging her to get married. He was forcing Jiang Xiaorou to leave quickly.    


"Dad, I'm not telling you anymore. I'm going to be late for work." Jiang Xiaorou ran out.    


Outside the villa.    


Shen Yancheng's car was parked there.    


Why was he here? It was early in the morning, and he wasn't afraid that his father would let the dog go and bite him.    


"Why are you here?" Jiang Xiaorou walked over.    


Shen Yancheng was dressed formally. He was wearing a suit and a pair of shoes. He even had a hairstyle. Was he trying to confuse the flowers and plants on the roadside?    


"I just happened to pass by and saw that it was still early, so I stopped. Are you going to work? I'll drive you? " This was the first time Shen Yancheng was so attentive.    


Who asked him to chase after Jiang Xiaorou and not know how to chase after her? He could only send her to work. Although it was old-fashioned and not romantic, it was fine as long as he could meet her.    


"No need. I have a car." Jiang Xiaorou refused.    


She was going to the f * cking company in a while. It was not appropriate for Shen Yancheng to send her there.    


"Your car is not safe. If there is an abortion on the way, it will delay you from going to work. It is better for me to send you there!" Shen Yancheng quickly opened the car door and waited for Jiang Xiaorou to get in.    


"Do you think my car is made of tofu? How can a flat tire explode just like that?" Jiang Xiaorou smiled and got into her car. She did not believe that it would really have a flat tire.    


If it did, she would complain about the Ferrari company. Who would dare to drive a car that had a flat tire for two consecutive days?    


Shen Yancheng saw Jiang Xiaorou drive the car away, so he could only get in his own car. He was very calm as he sat in the car and leisurely followed Jiang Xiaorou's car.    


Ten minutes later.    


At the turn.    


There was a loud bang.    


Jiang Xiaorou felt a buzzing sound in her head. The car suddenly stopped and she got out of the car to take a look.    


F * ck! The tire exploded? It really exploded?    


Jiang Xiaorou stood on the road and looked back at Shen Yancheng's car. His head came out of the window and stared at Jiang Xiaorou.    


"Old Shen, have you ever opened your mouth? There was really a flat tire." Jiang Xiaorou put her hands on her waist helplessly.    


It must be because Shen Yancheng was too handsome today. Her tire could not take it and exploded.    


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