Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C1004 It's Not Scary to Make Mistakes

C1004 It's Not Scary to Make Mistakes

4"What's wrong?" Assistant Wu happened to pass by and saw Sun Qingqing sitting there alone, crying. It must be because of what happened today.     0


Assistant Wu walked over and stood in front of Sun Qingqing. He wanted to ask her if something had happened to her. Or was he worried about Jiang Mengmeng?    


Sun Qingqing raised her head and looked at Assistant Wu with blurry tears. The moment she lifted her head, her gaze suddenly fell on Assistant Wu.    


He wore a neat and fitting suit, which made his figure very well-proportioned. He was tall and looked thin but very muscular. His voice was gentle and he also looked sunny.    


Sun Qingqing suddenly felt that this man in front of her was quite handsome. Maybe it was because she was crying and her tears made her eyes wet. She saw things a little blurry, so she thought that he would look good!    


Sun Qingqing shook her head and turned her face to the side. She did not want to speak, nor did she want to express her feelings at this moment. Moreover, could he understand just by talking to Assistant Wu? The two of them were not familiar with each other. Including this time, they had only met twice.    


Assistant Wu was also fine now. He sat beside Sun Qingqing.    


"Usually, if the chairman is in a dilemma, he will usually tell me and ask for my advice. Usually, my suggestions are quite effective. So, do you want to try? " Assistant Wu put his palms together naturally between his legs. He turned his head and looked at Sun Qingqing.    


"Let me tell you?" Sun Qingqing also turned around and looked at Assistant Wu in the same posture.    


In fact, Sun Qingqing did have a dilemma. She also needed someone to help her come up with ideas, but she was not sure if Assistant Wu could be trusted.    


"So, no matter what you told me, or whether you decided to do it or not, I will keep it a secret for you. I will not tell anyone. Are you willing to believe me?" Assistant Wu said.    


Sun Qingqing looked at Assistant Wu seriously. "Can I really trust you?"    


"As long as you are willing, you can trust me." Assistant Wu nodded. He was a mature man at the age of 25 and had experienced a lot of things. He was still capable of handling a little girl.    


Sun Qingqing thought for a while and decided to tell Assistant Wu. Although she only knew Assistant Wu last night, Sun Qingqing felt that this man could be trusted. He gave people a very reliable feeling.    


"Actually, my sister did not fall down from the stairs. I stepped on her skirt, which caused her to fall down from the stairs." Sun Qingqing said.    


Assistant Wu was shocked in his heart. A little girl dared to do things that hurt people, but he did not show it in front of Sun Qingqing. Instead, it was the opposite of what he thought.    


"I know you were just careless. It wasn't intentional. It doesn't matter. I believe Mr. Jing and Mrs. Jing will choose to forgive you like me if they find out." Assistant Wu said.    


Sun Qingqing smiled at him. "Thank you for thinking in a good way, but I did it on purpose. I have always liked Mr Muchen and wanted to snatch him from my sister's hands. So I was jealous of my sister and wanted to cause her to have an abortion. I wanted to make her lose her child so that Mr Muchen wouldn't like her anymore. Then I'll have a chance. I did it on purpose. "    


The smile on Sun Qingqing's face was so funny. She really felt that she was so stupid. Why would she do something that harmed others?    


"But you are regretting it now. Am I right? Actually, you're still very kind. After all, you're only 18 years old. There are many things that you can't handle properly. " Assistant Wu said again.    


He really knew how to comfort people and did not imagine Sun Qingqing to be like him. She was a bad daughter. Sun Qingqing looked at Assistant Wu very touched.    


"I regret it. I am also very afraid now. If you give me another chance, I will not do that. What do you think I should do now? What do I have to do to make up for my mistakes?" Sun Qingqing asked.    


It could be seen that Sun Qingqing indeed regretted it. If the child in Jiang Mengmeng's womb was really gone, Jing Muchen would hate her for the rest of her life. He might even kill her. Sun Qingqing was even more unable to obtain Jing Muchen's love. She had just understood this principle.    


Moreover, Sun Qingqing had already decided to let go. She was destined to be unable to be with Jing Muchen in this lifetime. It was also possible that her love for Jing Muchen was not love, but purely because she felt that his good looks were attracted by his charm.    


"I believe that as long as you bravely admit your mistakes, Mr. Jing and Mrs. Jing will forgive you." Assistant Wu said.    


"Really? If I say it out loud, will Mr Muchen hate me to death? Will he chase me away immediately?" Sun Qingqing was extremely afraid.    


"No, I have followed Mr. Jing for nearly ten years. I know his temper very well. He would not go so far as to lay his hands on a little girl like you. Besides, you're Mrs. Jing's younger sister. Mr. Jing will consider this. " Assistant Wu continued, "You also regret it now. If you can say it yourself and not be forced to admit it, you will feel much better. Right? "    


Assistant Wu really could guess Sun Qingqing's thoughts. It was too easy to guess a little girl's thoughts. In fact, Sun Qingqing was also a very simple little girl.    


"Thank you. Thank you for telling me so much. I know what to do." Sun Qingqing suddenly understood.    


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