Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C1012 Can You Not Make Me Worry

C1012 Can You Not Make Me Worry

1Xu Feng helped Jiang Xiaorou back to the hospital and found a doctor to treat her wound.    


But it was very strange. The doctor gave Jiang Xiaorou medicine to stop bleeding, but the result did not seem to be obvious. The blood was still gushing out. From the moment she was injured until now, the bleeding did not stop.    


The doctor used the best imported medicine again, but it still did not work. In the entire hospital, all the medicine used to stop bleeding, be it domestic or imported, were used. It took a long time to stop the bleeding.    


The doctor was anxious and sweaty. He was afraid that the blood could not be stopped and the patient's body would not be able to take it. Fortunately, it was stopped now, but the expression on the doctor's face was not good. He drew the blood and went to do the test first. The result would only be out after half an hour.    


Jiang Xiaorou and Xu Feng waited in the hospital. They did not inform Shen Yancheng, nor did they dare to tell Jing Muchen. They were afraid that the two of them would go crazy after knowing Jiang Xiaorou was injured. Jiang Xiaorou and Xu Feng waited there until the examination results were out in half an hour.    


The doctor used his hand to support his glasses. He looked at Jiang Xiaorou and then looked at the test results with a serious expression.    


"Doctor, you can say what you want to say." When Jiang Xiaorou saw the doctor's expression, why did it feel like she was not far from death? Was there a need to be so serious? She only went out and tripped, falling so nervously.    


"Miss Jiang, judging from the results of the test results, there is a problem with your blood coagulation function. In other words, it is best that you do not get hurt again. If it is only a small wound, it is still alright. But if it is a big wound, your blood coagulation function will be much slower than ordinary people. It will be life-threatening." The doctor said.    




Jiang Xiaorou actually did not know that her body would have such a problem.    


"But I did not have this before?" Jiang Xiaorou said.    


"Human life is not always the same. You are pregnant now. Plus, you were pregnant before and your body was seriously injured. There are various reasons. You still have to pay more attention when you get home. As long as you're not harmed, you'll be fine. " The doctor said.    


Jiang Xiaorou understood what he meant.    


As long as she was not injured, it was fine. But if she was injured, she might die. And the two children in her womb would also have problems.    


"Thank you, doctor, I understand." Jiang Xiaorou nodded and left the hospital with Xu Feng with the test results. Both of them were injured and could not drive, so she called a driver over.    


In the car.    


Xu Feng and Jiang Xiaorou sat together. On the same day, both of them were injured. They even found out that Jiang Xiaorou had a problem with her body. They really did not know if it was a blessing or a curse.    


"Boss, I think you don't have to worry too much. Didn't the doctor also say so? As long as you're not injured, you'll be fine. Then don't go out anymore and stay at home. You'll definitely be fine." Xu Feng looked at the boss with a smile.    


Jiang Xiaorou smiled. "Of course I will be fine. You are the one who is in trouble now. You can't even move one of your arms. Quickly go home and lie down."    


"Okay, then I'll go back first. Boss, pay more attention to yourself." Xu Feng got out of the car first and separated from Jiang Xiaorou.    


The driver then sent Jiang Xiaorou home.    


After returning home, she did not go anywhere. As expected, she could not go out. As long as she went out, there would definitely be no good things. It was as if there was a pair of eyes behind her. Even when she went out, it could be considered good. Those people could still play tricks in front of her and prepare everything.    


In the afternoon.    


Shen Yancheng returned on time.    


After a while, he saw Jiang Xiaorou sleeping on the sofa with only a thin blanket covering her body. She slept very well and her little face was red. She was so cute.    


Shen Yancheng walked over and half-squatted in front of Xiao Rou. His hand landed on her head and gently caressed it. The way he looked at Xiao Rou was too doting.    


At this moment.    


Shen Yancheng noticed that Xiao Rou's hand was wrapped in a large circle of white gauze. It seemed like she was injured and not light at all.    


Shen Yancheng carefully grabbed Xiao Rou's hand and placed it on his palm. He was clearly careful enough, but in the end, he still hurt Xiao Rou and woke her up, who was sleeping soundly.    


"What happened to your hand?" Shen Yancheng had a serious look on his face.    


He knew that it must be Xiao Rou who was disobedient and did not stay at home. Otherwise, she would not have injured him so badly that he would cry out in pain just by touching her.    


"No, it's nothing. It's just a small injury." Jiang Xiaorou withdrew her hand. She did not want to talk about it.    


The main thing had already happened. It was meaningless for her to talk about it now. Shen Yancheng would only be more worried about her.    


"How long more do you want to hide it from me? I already know everything about you going to the station today. Why didn't you tell me when the result came out? Why did you hide it from me? Your hand was also injured outside, right? We are husband and wife. Can you tell me immediately when you are in danger? Can you not be so forceful? Can't you act like you really need me? " Shen Yancheng looked at Xiao Rou seriously.    


He was truly too worried about Xiao Rou. In the end, xiao Rou always ignored him.    


"I'm sorry." Jiang Xiaorou raised her head and looked directly into Shen Yancheng's eyes.    


"I want to hear it. It's not that you are sorry. I want to know how your hand is and why you are injured." Shen Yancheng asked.    


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