Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C1024 We Have Always Been Together

C1024 We Have Always Been Together







Sun Qingqing finished counting, but she still did not dare to open her eyes. She just stood there and felt that the wind around her had gotten stronger. It blew on her thin body, making her look so weak and scared at this moment.    


After a long time.    


Sun Qingqing slowly opened her eyes. She opened them little by little and did not dare to look.    


In the end.    


When she fully opened her eyes, she saw Assistant Wu standing in front of her. He did not even take a step forward, and he was looking at her with a smile on his face.    


At this moment, Sun Qingqing didn't know how happy she was in her heart. The thing she was most afraid of didn't happen. Instead, it was developing in a positive direction.    


The next second.    


Sun Qingqing jumped directly onto Assistant Wu's body. She hung on his neck and began to announce.    


"You didn't go away. From now on, you are my boyfriend! You are not allowed to cheat. " Sun Qingqing held Assistant Wu's neck with one hand and opened her other hand.    


Assistant Wu held Sun Qingqing and walked around in circles. Both of them were very happy. At this moment, Assistant Wu looked more like a child.    


The two of them only stopped after a long time. Assistant Wu put Sun Qingqing on the ground and the two of them looked at each other.    


"Why didn't you walk away just now!" Sun Qingqing looked at Assistant Wu stupidly.    


Of course, it was because she liked her that she didn't leave. Otherwise, she would have left a long time ago.    


"If I walk away, will you feel very uncomfortable?" Assistant Wu just looked at Sun Qingqing like this. She would definitely feel uncomfortable!    


"So, you don't walk away because I am sad. Don't you like me?" Sun Qingqing suddenly felt that she was happy too early.    


Assistant Wu's answer made her very uncomfortable. She felt uncomfortable all over.    


"Of course not. I am very happy to be with you." Assistant Wu was an honest man. He was telling the truth.    


"Then let's just be happy and be together forever, okay?" Sun Qingqing took the initiative to throw herself into Assistant Wu's arms. Although the two of them were much older than each other, Sun Qingqing really did not mind at all.    


She really liked this man in front of her and especially liked to be with him. Furthermore, older men tended to dote on others. Sun Qingqing liked to be loved by others in the palm of their hands.    


"Qingqing, do you really want to be with me?" Assistant Wu lowered his head and looked at the petite little girl who had jumped into his arms.    


In fact, Assistant Wu was still struggling because he was not sure if the two of them were together. Whether it was right or not, whether the two of them would break up or not, how long could they be together? Because there were too many uncertainties, they could not be together with a clear conscience.    


"Of course. Don't you want to?" Sun Qingqing looked up at Assistant Wu. From her point of view, Assistant Wu was really handsome!    


He was 25 years old and was not considered old. He was just a little older than her. His face was very clean, so thin that even his pores could not be seen clearly. His skin was good, and his facial features were also proper. No matter how one looked at it, he was perfect.    


Sun Qingqing was thinking why she did not realize that this man was so good-looking in the past. Actually, if it was not for the fact that Assistant Wu was just an assistant, if he was also a big boss and a big boss, he would definitely be very dazzling. There might even be a lot of girls chasing after him!    


Sun Qingqing suddenly felt that she had picked up a treasure.    


"Qingqing, don't you think that I am much older than you? I'm already at the age of marriage, but you haven't. You still need to go to university for four years. You have to meet a lot of men on your way to university, and most of them are even better than me. They... "Assistant Wu's meaning was very obvious.    


He was afraid that Sun Qingqing would come into contact with him. It was just a little girl. Her heart could not settle down. Now that she said she liked him, she would not like him again in a few days.    


But if Assistant Wu took it seriously, the one who would be hurt in the end would be him. Although he was a man, if he was hurt by love, it would be very uncomfortable.    


"Do you want to get married? I can do it!" Sun Qingqing looked at him innocently and thought that he was thinking of something! Sun Qingqing could do anything as long as she could be with the person she liked.    


"That's not what I meant. What I meant was that maybe after some time, you will realize that you don't like me. Maybe you will meet someone better, maybe..."    


Sun Qingqing put her foot on the ground and covered Assistant Wu's mouth with her hands.    


"What you said might be possible, but now it is. Right now, I just like you. Now, I don't realize that you are better than me.    


So what if you're older than me? In my heart, you're already perfect enough, and I don't need to find a more perfect man.    


I, Sun Qingqing, want to be with you. No one can separate us." Sun Qingqing put her foot on the ground and slowly let go of Assistant Wu. She kissed the corner of his mouth.    


This was Assistant Wu's first kiss, and also Sun Qingqing's first kiss. Sun Qingqing usually had a lot of guts, but when she touched the corner of the man's mouth, she subconsciously took it back. She was very embarrassed and her face also turned red.    


Assistant Wu only reacted after a long time. He realized that he had been kissed by the little girl. It was as if he had been electrocuted. His whole body was numb, as if he could abandon everything.    


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