Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C1111 Happy Birthday Baby

C1111 Happy Birthday Baby

0Ye Chen picked up the wine glass in his hand and raised it up without saying a word. With a bang, it collided with Zhang Peng's glass and he drank it happily.    


When Zhang Peng saw Ye Chen like this, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He also drank it in pain.    


Next, the two of them talked less and drank more. Everything was in the wine glass in their hands. Only drinking could make them not think too much.    


Actually, who didn't want to live a more relaxed life!? Ye Chen also wanted to, but the problem was that he couldn't. He couldn't help but feel like his body had changed!    


At night.    


It was very late. Ye Chen returned home. He pushed open the door to the living room and didn't turn on the lights, but he could still see Jiang Yufei sitting on the sofa in the living room.    


She sat there without saying anything. There was no movement. Even her breathing was still. It was quite scary.    


Ye Chen turned on the lights and walked over. He drank some wine and his feet were not very stable. He did not have anything to say in front of Jiang Yufei.    


"Son, you drank?" Jiang Yufei asked.    


In this villa, Jiang Yufei still wanted to address Ye Chen as mother and son. After all, they had relied on each other all these years.    


"Yes." Ye Chen nodded.    


"Sit down and have a chat!" Jiang Yufei said again.    


She reached out and tried to pull Ye Chen's hand, but Ye Chen subconsciously avoided it. Jiang Yufei pulled the air, and she instantly felt uncomfortable.    


She looked up and looked at Ye Chen with affection. "In your eyes, do I hate you that much? You don't even want to call me mother now. Is that so? "    


Jiang Yufei was quite heart-wrenching. Even if she wasn't Ye Chen's mother, she had at least taken care of Ye Chen for so many years.    


Ye Chen sat down and looked up at Jiang Yufei. Ever since he knew that he was not Jiang Yufei's son, Ye Chen had a knot in his heart and never called her mother again.    


But in fact, Ye Chen did not hate Jiang Yufei at all. If he put himself in Jiang Yufei's shoes, Ye Chen would definitely be even more extreme than Jiang Yufei.    


"Son, I know you have thoughts about me. Plus, I am not your biological mother. You are not even willing to call me 'mother' now.    


But I want to say that there's still a long way to go in the future. We have a long way to go, and I treat you as my own son from the bottom of my heart.    


It's impossible for me to have a child in my life, and in my eyes, you're the only one. If you can call me mom like before, I'll be very happy.    


Furthermore, I believe that your dad also thinks the same way. Son, are you still willing to be like before? Just like when you were young, you always liked to surround me and call me mother. You always protected me carefully. " Jiang Yufei said.    


Many things surfaced in Ye Chen's mind. They were all things that happened after he was five years old.    


Under the sunlight, he ran around his mother, who was sitting in a wheelchair. He called her mother, one after another. The baby's voice was sweet, and his face was full of smiles.    


It was really good at that time. Those beautiful scenes had always been in Ye Chen's mind, and he had never forgotten them.    


"Mom, I'm sorry." Ye Chen looked at Jiang Yufei and called her mom.    


This call made Jiang Yufei so excited that her tears fell. She thought that Ye Chen would never call her mother again and would never hear these two words again.    


"Good, good, really good. He really is mother's good son." Jiang Yufei's trembling hands reached over and hugged Ye Chen.    


"It is getting late. Quickly go and rest. Don't drink again next time. It will hurt your body if you drink too much. If you are unhappy, tell Mom. " Jiang Yufei patted Ye Chen and slowly let go of him.    


"Okay, okay. Mom, good night. " Ye Chen nodded and supported himself up the stairs.    


For the next few days.    


His life was very smooth.    


Ye Chen would ask Zhang Peng to ask Shen Duoduo out to play every night. Shen Duoduo would climb over the wall every night. Every night when she came back, there would be a ladder placed there.    


Every night, Shen Min would watch his sister go out with worry, quietly guarding his sister. He had already told her what he needed to tell her, but she just wouldn't listen. Furthermore, she had promised that she would know what she was doing and know what she was doing.    


Shen Min couldn't say anything else. Perhaps he really had to wait for her to suffer once before she understood what had happened last time!    


Every day, Shen Min was worried like this.    


Shen Duoduo, on the other hand, was playing very crazily with Zhang Peng. Every night, Zhang Peng would bring Shen Duoduo to all kinds of fun and exciting places to play.    


Shen Duoduo rarely went out of her house, and she rarely came into contact with people. She also rarely went to places, so every night she would have a fresh feeling, especially when she went out with Zhang Peng. She was so happy that she forgot that she was the young lady of Shen family. She forgot that her father was called Shen Yancheng, and her mother was called Jiang Xiaorou.    


Saturday night.    


After Shen Duoduo had gone mad, she returned home. She sweetly picked up her phone and laid on the bed, giving Mr. Z the Wechat.    


"Tomorrow is my birthday. Do you want to go out and play with me?" Shen Duoduo sent it over.    


Tomorrow was Shen Duoduo's 15th birthday, and also Shen Min's birthday. In the past, they would celebrate their birthdays together with their parents, as well as Shen Xiaoxiao.    


But tomorrow, Shen Duoduo wanted to spend her birthday with her good friend or with her family during the day. At night, she would go with Zhang Peng.    


Ye Chen had just finished bathing. When he passed by the desk, he glanced at his phone and saw the message from Shen Duoduo.    


Only then did he realize that tomorrow was Shen Duoduo's birthday. Ye Chen definitely wouldn't miss such an important day.    


He had put in so much effort to fish for big fish. It was also time to collect the net tomorrow.    


"Okay, see you tomorrow." Ye Chen went back very quickly.    


Shen Duoduo received the Wechat from Mr. Z and was so happy that she rolled around on the bed. She really did not expect Zhang Peng to agree so quickly. She thought he would say he was very busy.    


Moreover, the two of them had seen each other every night recently and had seen each other quite a few times. Shen Duoduo was even more afraid that Zhang Peng would annoy her.    


Now, she was so happy. She was afraid that she would not be able to sleep tonight. Her two little feet kicked and kicked in the air. She was very energetic and almost kicked a hole in the blanket.    


Shen Xiaoxiao happened to pass by the door. When she saw her second sister making such a fuss in her room, she immediately stuck her head out.    


"Second Sister, what are you laughing about? Share it!" Shen Xiaoxiao asked.    


When Shen Duoduo heard Shen Xiaoxiao's voice, she immediately sat up and returned to normal.    


"It is already so late and you are still not sleeping? Do you want to be a cat at night? Hurry up and go to sleep." Shen Duoduo deliberately put on a fierce look.    


Actually, no matter how fierce she was, it was useless. Everyone in the world could see how good Shen Duoduo's mood was right now. She was the kind of person who could easily write her happiness and unhappiness on her face.    


Shen Xiaoxiao was Shen Duoduo's biological sister, how could she not see it?    


"Second sister, it's your birthday tomorrow. What birthday present do you want? My younger sister will also prepare it for you. After all, you are my biological second sister! " Shen Xiaoxiao stuck her head in again and stared at her second sister with a smile.    


Shen Duoduo heard that this lass wanted to give her a gift. Forget it, the gift that Shen Xiaoxiao gave back then was something that she had spent money on?    


Didn't she randomly choose a toy that she had played with to give to Shen Duoduo? She did not have any sincerity at all, yet she still had the nerve to say that she had spent money?    


"No." Shen Duoduo directly refused and threw the pillow out.    


Shen Xiaoxiao's reaction was also fast enough. She directly moved her head away and waited for the pillow to fall to the ground before sticking her head out.    


"Second sister, this is a birthday present for you. Why are you beating people up? You are too immoral!" Shen Xiaoxiao said again.    


"Why aren't you getting lost?! Do you want me to make a move on you before leaving?" Shen Duoduo was about to go over.    


Only then did Shen Xiaoxiao run away. Shen Duoduo even used the fastest speed to lock the door behind her so that Shen Xiaoxiao would not sneak into her room to sleep in the middle of the night.    


At Ye Chen's house.    


After replying to Shen Duoduo, he picked up his phone and stood in front of the windowsill to call Zhang Peng.    


Zhang Peng was still in the company, playing games and playing hard. When he saw that it was Director Ye calling, he directly ignored it.    


Ye Chen made another call. Before he could ring twice, he was hung up by Zhang Peng.    


Ye Chen was speechless. There was actually an employee who dared to hang up the boss's phone. Amazing! Truly amazing.    


Ye Chen quickly sent a Wechat to Zhang Peng. "Call me back immediately. Otherwise, I will stop the company's network right now."    


With a swoosh, Ye Chen released the Wechat and sent it over.    


Zhang Peng took a look and immediately called back. He threw his phone on the table and turned it on speaker mode.    


"Director Ye, what do you want?! It's Saturday today. I just want to play games quietly for a while. Do you have to?" Zhang Peng looked helpless.    


"Listen to me. How do you play the game? I don't care, but I have to turn it off now." Ye Chen said.    


He could hear the sound of the game on his phone, which was even louder than Zhang Peng's voice. It was a serious disrespect to his boss.    


What Ye Chen wanted to talk about was very important. No noise was allowed.    


Zhang Peng could only turn off the game and answer the phone seriously. "Alright, Director Ye, please tell me."    


"Tomorrow is Shen Duoduo's birthday." Ye Chen said.    


Shen Duoduo's birthday?    


When Zhang Peng heard this, a very bad feeling instantly arose in his heart. In this week's time, he brought Shen Duoduo out to play every night.    


Zhang Peng had to admit that he was very happy when he played with Shen Duoduo. Shen Duoduo was much younger than Zhang Peng by many years. Zhang Peng treated Shen Duoduo as his younger sister in his heart.    


He was playing with his younger sister.    


Before he knew it, a week had passed. It was time for him to do the last step, but Zhang Peng could not do it. Now that Director Ye called, Zhang Peng was even more anxious.    


"Director Ye, what do you want me to do?" Zhang Peng asked.    


"It's very simple. Find a good place tomorrow night and treat Shen Duoduo to dinner. Then, you can have a romantic confession. All expenses will be reimbursed by the company. You can only succeed and not fail." Director Ye said.    




Only success was allowed, and no failure was allowed.    


Zhang Peng felt that Shen Duoduo would most likely agree. The two of them had been having a lot of fun recently.    


It was easy to guess the little girl's thoughts, but Zhang Peng still felt uncomfortable in his heart. He could not do it.    


"Do you understand?" Ye Chen saw that Zhang Peng did not say anything and did not express his stance. He thought that Zhang Peng had gone to do something.    


Only then did Zhang Peng come back to his senses.    


"Director Ye, must you do this? Actually, I think Shen Duoduo is a pretty good girl. The grudges of the previous generation have nothing to do with her. Why must it be her? " Zhang Peng said.    


Ye Chen took a deep breath.    


"Do you think we can still retreat after what we've done?"    


After Ye Chen finished speaking, Zhang Peng stopped talking again.    


"I know that it is very difficult for you. This matter originally had nothing to do with you. It was me who implicated you, but this time, I hope you can help me. Just this one time, there will not be a next time." Ye Chen added another sentence.    


The main reason was that he did not think so much at the beginning and let Zhang Peng see Shen Duoduo. Besides Zhang Peng, there was no one else he could trust.    


He could only ask Zhang Peng for help on this matter.    


"Director Ye, don't say that. I will work hard tomorrow." Zhang Peng said.    


"Alright, thank you." Ye Chen said.    


He hung up the phone. Ye Chen stood alone in front of the windowsill for a long time, the cold wind blowing for a long time.    


Zhang Peng also began to prepare. Since he wanted to confess, he had to make proper arrangements. As long as it was a girl he liked, he would get it. He would definitely be able to move Shen Duoduo.     1


The next day.    


Early in the morning.    


In the villa of Shen family.    


Shen Yancheng, Jiang Xiaorou, Shen Duoduo, Shen Min and Shen Xiaoxiao were sitting at a table. The table was very big and did not feel crowded.    


Shen Yancheng and Jiang Xiaorou sat together. Shen Duoduo and Shen Min sat together very naturally. Shen Xiaoxiao was always like an independent person, sitting there and eating alone.    


Jiang Xiaorou smiled as she looked at the two children. The smile on her face was almost unable to contain it!    


"Today is your birthday. Eat two more eggs in the morning and get out safely for the whole year!" Jiang Xiaorou personally peeled the eggs and gave them to Shen Duoduo and Shen Min respectively.    


"Thank you, mom." Shen Duoduo and Shen Min said at the same time.    


"This is your birthday present, happy babies." Jiang Xiaorou gave a birthday present early in the morning.    


It might be the child's birthday every year, but Jiang Xiaorou felt very happy every time. Every year, this day was a very important day.    


It was just that when she gave birth to Duo Duo and Min, Jiang Xiaorou was still locked in the villa by Jiang Yufei. At that time, when her stomach hurt, she did not even know who it was that locked her up.    


It was only when she saw Jiang Yufei that she realized it was her. And at that time, Jiang Yufei directly took the child out from Jiang Xiaorou's stomach.    


The past days were painful and unforgettable, but it was all in the past. Every time Jiang Xiaorou saw Duo Duo and Min, her heart would be filled with traces of sweetness.    


Shen Duoduo and Shen Min took the presents from their mother. The two of them did not look at them and placed them on the table first.    


Shen Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, was quite proactive. She looked at her mommy and asked, "Mommy, you aren't going to prepare the same birthday gift for big brother and second sister again, right?"    


"You can even guess that?" Jiang Xiaorou smiled.    


"It's the same every year. You always give big brother and second sister the same birthday present. You don't care at all. If I were big brother and second sister, I would definitely be angry." Shen Xiaoxiao, this wretched girl, was looking for trouble here again.    


"It's fine. As long as it is a gift from mother, we will like it." Shen Duoduo's face had more smiles than anyone else. She looked very happy today!    


"Me too." Shen Min also said the same thing, so Shen Xiaoxiao naturally had nothing to say.    


Shen Yancheng also gave out the birthday present he prepared. He stood up very solemnly and took out two very thick red packets.    


"Happy birthday, duo Duo. Happy birthday, Min." Shen Yancheng said.    


Shen Duoduo and Shen Min woke up early together. They took the red packet from their daddy and thanked their daddy together.    


Every year, Shen Yancheng's gift was the most unsuspenseful, but it was also the most popular. Children liked big red packets and cash because they could buy anything they wanted. It was more attractive than a fixed birthday present.    


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