Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C824 Jiang Xiaorou Started Her Ultimate Move

C824 Jiang Xiaorou Started Her Ultimate Move

4Jiang Xiaorou frowned very tightly. She was really very unhappy and very unhappy.    


The child in front of them was their biological son! It was the kind of relationship where broken bones and tendons were connected. But now, he was right in front of her. Jiang Xiaorou felt that the child was so far away from her. It was as if the child could not be hooked no matter how far he went.    


"Xiao Rou, have some confidence in your son. He will understand. Hmm?" Shen Yancheng told Xiao Rou to relax her.    


Xiao Rou was too worried right now. She did not look like a decisive person like she usually did.    


"I understand everything, but every time Zhang Min refuses me, I feel like it hurts my heart. But it's also us who owe him. My heart feels even worse. " Jiang Xiaorou really felt very uncomfortable.    


"Then we will make up for it and let Zhang Min feel our sincerity." Shen Yancheng grabbed Xiao Rou's hand and gave her a stable strength.    


Three days was a short period of time, but the two of them were confident that they could save Zhang Min.    


In front of them.    


Zhang Min stopped and stood in a vegetable field.    


Jiang Xiaorou put away her negative thoughts and walked over with a smile.    


"Is this Second Sister-in-law Zhang's vegetable field? Wow, these dishes are so fresh!" Jiang Xiaorou took the initiative to land on the ground. Shen Yancheng quickly followed, afraid that Little Rou would fall. The land was full of vegetables, and the road was not very good either.    


Zhang Min did not go down. He found a place to sit down and wait. He would wait for the two of them to finish picking the vegetables before going back together.    


Jiang Xiaorou casually picked a few pieces of vegetables and leaves and raised them in the air. "Zhang Min, take a look at what shape these leaves look like."    


Zhang Min did not look at them at all. He knew what Jiang Xiaorou wanted to do.    


"I feel that these leaves are like a crescent moon, and this one is like a little rabbit. What does this piece look like?" Jiang Xiaorou raised it in her hands. It wasn't that she didn't know how to describe it, just that she wanted to interact with Zhang Min.    


Zhang Min turned his face over and looked at the leaves in Jiang Xiaorou's hand. He found that each leaf was about the same. It was not as lively as what she said. Zhang Min turned his face away again. He picked up a stone and drew on it on the ground.    


Jiang Xiaorou wanted to interact with Zhang Min, but she failed. But there was no first class. Just now, Zhang Min turned his face over. This was a very good start.    


"Take your time to pluck it." Jiang Xiaorou said to Shen Yancheng.    


She did not pluck it, but walked over to look at Zhang Min. He sat there alone, holding a stone in his hand as he drew. However, he had never learned how to draw. The things he drew could not be seen at all. The circles were full of circles.    


Jiang Xiaorou squatted down and picked up a stone from the ground to draw.    


Jiang Xiaorou's painting skills were much better. She drew a jumping rabbit on the ground. It was like a real rabbit.    


Jiang Xiaorou continued to draw. She drew fish, sun, trees, houses and stars...    


As long as it was something that could be seen normally, Jiang Xiaorou drew it all. Zhang Min's hands stopped moving. He was attracted by Jiang Xiaorou's drawings because he had never drawn before. He did not know that the things in our lives could be drawn and drawn so well.    


Zhang Min was just a little kid. He was easily attracted to her.    


Jiang Xiaorou saw that Zhang Min was interested and immediately said, "Do you want to learn? Can I teach you when you get home? I happen to have a brush and paper in my car."    


Zhang Min did not make a sound and turned his face away. Actually, he wanted to learn, but he did not want to learn from Jiang Xiaorou, because Zhang Min was thrown away by his parents back then. He really cared about this matter.    


In the vegetable field.    


Shen Yancheng had almost finished picking the vegetables. Everyone walked back together. Zhang Min was still ahead of them, while Shen Yancheng and Jiang Xiaorou followed behind.    


"I was painting just now. I noticed that Zhang Min was very interested. He should like to paint. Later, let's take the brush and paper from the car and teach him how to draw. " Jiang Xiaorou said.    


"Okay, I will go and get it." Shen Yancheng nodded.    


After returning home.    


Shen Yancheng went into the kitchen. He did not ask Liu Zhang and Second Sister-in-law Zhang to help him. Instead, he went into the kitchen alone. He even made the fire himself. It was a little difficult, but he had done it because he wanted Zhang Min to know how much his parents loved him. Shen Yancheng was working hard.    


Jiang Xiaorou did not give up. She put the brush and paper on the table in the yard. Although Zhang Min did not go over, she still drew there.    


It just so happened.    


Second Sister-in-law Zhang's daughter came back after school. She was one year younger than Zhang Min and went to kindergarten in the village. Her name was Niuniu and she was a very cute little girl. She saw Jiang Xiaorou drawing and walked over curiously.    


"Auntie, what are you drawing?" Niuniu asked.    


"Guess?" Jiang Xiaorou said with a smile.    


"Niuniu can't guess!" Niuniu shook her head. She really could not guess because Jiang Xiaorou only drew a little bit and could not tell.    


"So you are called Niuniu! Your name is really cute. How old is Niuniu this year?!" Jiang Xiaorou asked.    


"She's four years old." Niuniu's voice was cute and cute. It was really very pleasant to listen to.    


When Jiang Xiaorou saw Niu Niu, she thought of her own daughter, duo Duo. She was also cute and likable.    


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