Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C704 The Younger Sister Is Meant to be Pampered

C704 The Younger Sister Is Meant to be Pampered

3In front of the mirror.    


Zhou Mengmeng, who had changed her clothes, stood there. It was as if she had changed into a different person in an instant. Even her magic tricks were not as fast as hers.    


"The clothes are OK, but the hairstyle is not good." Jiang Xiaorou looked at this shop. They could help to make a styling and a very comprehensive shop. "Help my sister make a hair!"    


An hour later.    


Zhou Mengmeng stood in front of the mirror again. She had completely changed from head to toe. She had never thought that she could live so beautifully like those white-collar workers in the city.    


But her aura was still a lot different from Jiang Xiaorou's because she had never dressed like this before. She needed time to suit herself. When she spent more time in the workplace in the future, her aura would naturally be trained.    


"My sister is indeed beautiful, very beautiful." Jiang Xiaorou was very satisfied.    


Jiang Xiaorou wrote the address of the house to the people in her shop and asked them to send it to the house later. There would be maids to receive it. Jiang Xiaorou placed the black card in Zhou Mengmeng's palm.    


"As my Jiang Xiaorou's younger sister, how could she possibly be short of money to spend! This card has no upper limit and you can spend it however you want. There is no password, but you can set one up when you have time. Otherwise, you will be picked up and spent if you lose it. In the future, if you need anything, just tell your sister and I'll help you settle it. Hmm?" Jiang Xiaorou held Zhou Mengmeng's hand and the two of them walked out of the store together.    


Zhou Mengmeng was very touched. Actually, she had quite an idea in her heart now. Because last night, Jing Muchen told her that she and Jiang Xiaorou were not the same father but the same mother.    


Zhou Mengmeng was not stupid. She could feel it and could even think in her shoes. She felt that Xiao Rou should hate her but she did not. Xiao Rou was too good to her and it made Zhou Mengmeng feel very guilty.    


"What's wrong?" Jiang Xiaorou asked.    


Zhou Mengmeng suddenly stopped and did not leave but there was still half an hour before the board of directors. If she did not hurry, she would be late.    


"Sister, I'm sorry. I apologize to you on behalf of my father." Zhou Mengmeng was bowing to Jiang Xiaorou.    


Jiang Xiaorou was immediately dumbfounded. But she quickly reacted. Zhou Mengmeng knew the truth. It must have been her master who told the truth. When did he become a big mouth?    


"Why did you apologize? You didn't do anything wrong. We are all the daughters that Mom likes. Now that Mom is gone, of course I have to take care of you. And I will also help you find Dad. Hmm?" Jiang Xiaorou patted Zhou Mengmeng.    


Zhou Mengmeng was really very kind. She did not have that many thoughts and had never had any bad intentions. This was also why Xiao Rou liked her very much.    


"Big sister, you really don't blame me?" Zhou Mengmeng asked.    


"Of course not. Why should I blame you? What happened in the past was not your fault. We are not wrong, right? Alright! Don't think about those things. What you need to do now is to shock everyone on the board. Of course, If you can't shock me, I'll help you. " Jiang Xiaorou pulled Zhou Mengmeng into the car.    


Zhou Mengmeng was very nervous.    


"Sister, what am I going to do in Jiang's Group? Why don't you let me be an ordinary assistant first! The kind that brings tea and water, wait until I have some skills before going up? Can you not rise too quickly in one go?" Zhou Mengmeng looked weakly at Jiang Xiaorou.    


Jiang Xiaorou was amused by this girl. Such a good thing fell on her head, how could she bear the burden? If it was the previous Jiang Yufei, she would probably directly force Jiang Xiaorou to do it.    


"No, you are my younger sister. How can you go and serve tea and water?" Jiang Xiaorou was the first to disagree.    


"Then what do I need to do?" Zhou Mengmeng was so annoyed.    


"Of course I want to be the female president. In the future, when I'm not in the Jiang's Group, the entire company will be under your control." Jiang Xiaorou said.    


Jiang Xiaorou intended to let Zhou Mengmeng take over the position of Vice President. Anyway, Jiang Xiaorou was not in the company, so it was fine to let Zhou Mengmeng take over the position. She would just treat it as a form of training.    


"Sister, I can't do it. Please spare me!" Zhou Mengmeng refused.    


If she were to be the CEO, the company would be doomed in two or three days!    


"Even if you can't, you have to. This matter is settled. I will announce your new identity to the board of directors in a while." Jiang Xiaorou had already decided on this matter a long time ago.    


"Sister, I want to go back to the village." Zhou Mengmeng looked at Jiang Xiaorou, feeling wronged.    


It was too complicated in the city. If she wanted to go back to the village, it would be easy for her to go back to the village. One acre of land could be planted well. Why would she need so many things?    


"It's too late. From now on, you will be a citizen of the city." Jiang Xiaorou smiled.    


Zhou Mengmeng pouted and looked unhappy. She was under a lot of pressure and now she was trembling. Seeing her like this, Jiang Xiaorou smiled because there was really nothing to be nervous about. In any case, the Jiang's Group was owned by her own family, so she could do whatever she wanted.    


"Director Jiang." The front desk saw Jiang Xiaorou's car parked at the door and immediately ran over to open the door.    


Jiang Xiaorou and Zhou Mengmeng walked down together and Jiang Xiaorou gave the car keys to Zhou Mengmeng. This was a new car and this was also the first time Jiang Xiaorou drove it today. She was giving it to Zhou Mengmeng and it would be her ride from now on.    


"Sister, I can't drive such an expensive car. What if I rub it somewhere?" Zhou Mengmeng did not dare to take it.    


"Didn't I give you the black card? If you really take it, you will have a place to spend your money." Jiang Xiaorou pulled Zhou Mengmeng and walked into the Jiang's Group together.    


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