Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C54 The Little Bun Begged

C54 The Little Bun Begged

4"Aunt, are you going to leave and never come back?"    


Xuanxuan held the phone tightly with both of his hands. He was very nervous because he missed Jiang Xiaorou too. After a period of time, he believed that Xuanxuan had feelings for Jiang Xiaorou. He liked her very much, even more than he liked his mother, because Jiang Xiaorou really treated Xuanxuan very well. She was warm and loved.    


"I'm sorry, Xuanxuan. Aunt didn't tell you when she left. I'm very sorry. In the future, Xuanxuan has to obediently listen to his parents and be a good baby." Jiang Xiaorou sat on the sofa.    


Her petite figure seemed a little lonely. How could she not miss her own flesh and blood?    


Duo Duo and Xuanxuan were the babies she had given birth to after ten months of pregnancy. Jiang Xiaorou always wanted to reunite with them. However, she had no choice now. There were many things that she could not help herself with, so she could only let them suffer for the time being.    


"But Aunt... I miss you." Xuanxuan cried.    


His voice sounded very pitiful. His father was also lying unconscious on the bed. Xuanxuan felt that the sky was about to collapse. His mommy had a bad temper and had been keeping a straight face. Xuanxuan did not dare to approach. He was very afraid. Duo Duo had also been crying. The house had become chaotic.    


Xuanxuan really missed Jiang Xiaorou's days. Someone was playing with him. There were people accompanying and talking. They were all laughing and laughing every day.    


"I also want Xuanxuan and Duo Duo. However, aunt has her own work and my circle of life, so I can't go back. Xuanxuan needs to be brave. Besides, We can also meet in the future. As long as you miss your aunt, you can come and find me, right? " Jiang Xiaorou tried her best to smile.    


Her heart had never been happy ever since she came out of the Shen family. She always felt like she had no energy to do anything.    


"So, you really can't come back?" Xuanxuan asked.    


His lonely back was very small, so small that it was just a speck of dust in the thousands of worlds. He sat in his small room, waiting for a miracle to happen. He always felt that as long as Jiang Xiaorou came back, the world would light up and this home would become better.    


"I'm sorry, Xuanxuan. Aunt can only say sorry." Jiang Xiaorou refused.    


The Shen family had never belonged to her. Jiang Xiaorou knew better than anyone else, so she could not go back. She had her own world.    


"But daddy fainted. When he found out that you weren't home, he was so angry that he vomited blood. He still hasn't woken up yet. Auntie, can you please come back and see daddy? As long as you come back and see him, you will definitely wake up. " Xuanxuan cried.    


He was not a boy who loved to cry, but he cried because his small world had collapsed.    


"He fainted? What was going on? Didn't he wake up during the day? " Jiang Xiaorou immediately became anxious.    


No wonder her right eyelid was twitching today. It turned out that Shen Yancheng had fainted again and even vomited a lot of blood.    


Jiang Xiaorou's heart immediately tightened. She really did not know that her departure would make Shen Yancheng so angry that he would vomit blood. He was really stupid. The most stupid man in the world. Why did he need to do that? He knew that there wouldn't be a result. However, he had to do something that would make people misunderstand.    


"I heard from the maid that it was because daddy knew that you left. He was angry and even hit mommy. In the end, daddy was so angry that he vomited blood. His health is very poor now. Aunt, can you come back? Look at Daddy. " Xuanxuan was begging.    


Jiang Xiaorou was stunned. Because of what Xuanxuan had said, her heart was in a mess. She felt numb and did not know what to do.    


Du! Du! Du!    


The phone was pressed by Xuanxuan because Jiang Yufei walked in.    


"Xuanxuan, what are you doing with your phone?" Jiang Yufei's expression was very ugly, like an old witch.    


Xuanxuan hung up the phone in advance. He was afraid that his mommy would find out that he was calling Jiang Xiaorou and would be very angry.    


"I will play to calm myself down." Xuanxuan said.    


Playing games?    


Jiang Yufei's expression immediately turned ugly.    


"Your daddy is still in bed and hasn't woken up yet, but you came here to play with your phone?" Jiang Yufei lectured Xuanxuan.    


"I'll go over now." Xuanxuan put down his phone and went to his daddy's room.    


He didn't know if his aunt would come back. If his daddy saw her, he would definitely be very happy. He might even get better. Xuanxuan ran to his dad's room and whispered in his ear, Jiang Xiaorou will come back. As long as my dad opens his eyes, he will be able to see her.    


At Jiang Xiaorou's house!    


She sat on the sofa and her emotions were very complicated.    


But she did not go back because Jiang Xiaorou knew very well that the Shen family was not her home. Shen Yancheng had never been an important person in her life. Jiang Xiaorou had been lying on the sofa all night.    


The next day!    


She went to work as usual. She had dark circles under her eyes. She must have stayed up all night.    


"Director Jiang, are you alright?" Xu Feng followed closely.    


"If you have something to say, say it." Jiang Xiaorou put one hand in her pocket and her high heels stepped rhythmically. She was wearing the same uniform as before. She was dressed professionally. Her hair was tied into a bun, which highlighted her domineering aura.    


The domineering Jiang Xiaorou slept the whole night and she came back to life again. At least in front of outsiders, she was no different from usual.    


"It's not something particularly important. It's just that you don't come to the company often recently. Although I hid it well, I was still exposed to the chairman. He seemed to have some opinions about your work and asked you to call him back in half an hour." Xu Feng said.    


"Master?" Jiang Xiaorou said.    


That's right. The chairman of the f * cking group was Jiang Xiaorou's master. It was also because of him that Jiang Xiaorou's career was like the sun in the sky. Five years later when she returned to the country, she could be so domineering that others could not catch up to her.    


But this relationship was very subtle. After all, it was just a master-disciple relationship and there was no blood relation. The better Jiang Xiaorou performed, the more people would guess at her. However, her master was an old fox and no one could fool him. Jiang Xiaorou's shrewdness was learned from her master.    


Therefore, Jiang Xiaorou had to be careful in front of her master. Many times, she was unable to guess his thoughts.    


"Yes. The chairman called you last night but couldn't find him. He called me here. It seems that someone said something." Xu Feng said.    


"Okay, got it," the chairman said. Jiang Xiaorou walked into the office.    


Half an hour later, she sent a video to her master.    


"Hi! Old handsome man." Jiang Xiaorou greeted the camera.    


Usually, she would call her master a handsome old man in private because he indeed had the charm of a man. The older he was, the more attractive he would be.    


"You're joking with my master again. How have you been recently? Have you gotten used to it after arriving in Country F? " Master asked.    


"I've gotten used to it. It's a special habit. Everything is normal. Thank you, handsome, for thinking about me. How about you? How have you been recently? How many girlfriends have you gotten? Can they all live in peace?" Jiang Xiaorou always liked to joke around with her master.    


"Not a single one, haha!" Her master laughed loudly, "Enough. It's useless to not talk about these things. Some people say that you don't go to the company often recently. Your whereabouts are very mysterious, and there are also people who say that you are secretly roping in your own power. They want to do something big in Country F, and some say that you have your own company. You may leave the f * cking company at any time. Is there such a thing? " The master asked half-jokingly.    


In these words, it was true and false, false and true.    


"Do you believe it?" Jiang Xiaorou asked back.    


Master smiled. "What do you think?"    


"Master, you are joking with me again. Besides, if it wasn't for you five years ago... Can I sit in today's position? In my Jiang Xiaorou's heart, you are my master for my entire life. No matter how much money I have, I can't get it. In this lifetime... I will work for you. Don't think of such a way to chase me away! I won't fall into your trap." Jiang Xiaorou laughed loudly.    


"You, you will only blame me." Master was very happy after being coaxed.    


He had never doubted Jiang Xiaorou. It was just that someone mentioned this matter. He just asked.    


"Master, I won't talk to you anymore. I have a very important phone call coming in. Bye bye." Jiang Xiaorou hung up the phone.    


When she saw the phone display, her face became very gloomy. Her heart directly fell to the bottom of the valley. Her fingers were also trembling, and she did not know how to answer the phone.    


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