Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C20 Her Identity Is Very Mysterious

C20 Her Identity Is Very Mysterious

3Therefore, when Jiang Xiaorou came to the Shen family, would she become a very special servant?    


It sounded like it was not bad. She had money and freedom. She was not tired of living. If she was a normal person, wouldn't she go crazy with joy? However, Jiang Xiaorou was different. She had a job and a career. Everyone called her the God of Wealth.    


Now, this master wanted to be a servant. He would not believe it if he told others!    


"Where is your wife? She seemed to have an opinion on me previously. If I were to come here like this, I'm afraid... it wouldn't be good! " Jiang Xiaorou asked.    


She was not afraid of Jiang Yufei at all! On the contrary, if she really came to the Shen family, Jiang Yufei would probably vomit blood from anger. How fun would that be!    


Jiang Xiaorou only wanted to know what happened between Shen Yancheng and Jiang Yufei.    


The atmosphere in the house seemed to be especially tense.    


"You don't need to care about her. I have the final say in this house. It seems that you have agreed. I'll send a car to pick you up tomorrow." Shen Yancheng said.    


"Who said I agreed? I still have to think about it! Bye bye!"    


Jiang Xiaorou turned around elegantly and left immediately. Her eyes did not need to stay on Shen Yancheng for long.    


'This woman is quite special. ' Shen Yancheng stood on the second floor and watched Jiang Xiaorou leave.    


The next day!    


Jiang Xiaorou went to the f * cking company and called Xu Feng to the office.    


"What? Director Jiang, you're not joking, right?" Xu Feng felt that there was something wrong with his ears.    


"What do you think?" Jiang Xiaorou crossed her legs.    


She thought about this decision for the whole night. After careful consideration, she made this decision. Could it be a joke?    


"But if you are not in the company, how are you going to deal with these big and small matters? Investments worth more than 50 million must go through your hands. This kind of investment will happen every day. When the time comes, where can I find you? If you leave the company to me, I won't be able to handle it! " Xu Feng had a bitter life!    


He was just an assistant, and now he even had to do the boss's work.    


"How about this, you can bring it to the Shen family at night. When the time comes, I'll come out to sign, but I can't let anyone find me. So, when you come, you can first see if there's anyone, then call me. Hmm? " Jiang Xiaorou said.    


Why did he act like a thief? He was obviously a person who did big business, yet he insisted on coming to Shen Family's servants. Xu Feng seriously suspected that something had gone wrong with the big boss's brain.    


There was such a weird thing, it was unheard of!    


"Looks like you have already decided. Alright! I understand." Xu Feng knew he couldn't stop him.    


He hoped that Big Boss Jiang would come back as soon as he had had enough fun! This was her battlefield!    


"Remember, when I'm not around, you can't let anyone enter my office, and you can't let anyone know where I am. No one can tell me, and you must keep it a secret, understand?" Jiang Xiaorou said.    


She had just arrived in Country F! She needed to be careful when doing things. The more mysterious her whereabouts were, the better.    


"I'll try my best." Xu Feng nodded. He felt helpless. With such a boss, he could only accept his fate.    


"Bring all the documents that you have today! I won't be coming in the afternoon." Jiang Xiaorou said.    


Xu Feng immediately ran out. When he came back, he carried a pile of documents and signed them, making Jiang Xiaorou's hands go soft. She didn't usually have so many documents!    


After all the relevant matters were arranged, Jiang Xiaorou left the company and returned home.    


She called Shen Yancheng.    


"I can go to your house to be a servant, but you must come and pick me up personally." Jiang Xiaorou said.    


She needed Shen Yancheng's attitude and CEO Shen's personal drive to pick her up. How much face would she have? If she had to pretend, then she had to pretend. Otherwise, what was the meaning of life?    


Shen Yancheng did not refuse.    


Half an hour later!    


He charged over. A tall figure stood outside the door, giving off a very oppressive feeling.    


"You came really quickly." Jiang Xiaorou smiled.    


She had not finished packing and there were a lot of things. She took a few boxes and kept them. She was not going to be a servant. This was clearly a house arrangement, okay?    


"There should be a lot of tips for working in the sprinkling shop!" Shen Yancheng put one hand into his pocket and stood there very energetically.    




What did he mean?    


"You don't need to stare at me like that. The things you use aren't very good, but they are still some brands. Normal hotel waiters can't afford it. If it wasn't for the fact that you usually tip a lot, what else could it be?" Shen Yancheng's analysis was very logical.    


Jiang Xiaorou's face, on the other hand, turned dark with anger. So, she only relied on earning tips? What did this man think of her?    


Jiang Xiaorou got angry and stopped packing her things. She directly sat on the sofa and Er Lang crossed his legs. He lit a cigarette and smoked. He looked angry and a little arrogant, like a hooligan.    


Shen Yancheng saw Jiang Xiaorou's other side.    


She even smoked? A woman smoking would give people a bad impression.    


Shen Yancheng walked over, grabbed the cigarette, threw it on the ground, and lightly stepped on his leather shoes.    


"You are not allowed to smoke after you arrive at the Shen family." Shen Yancheng ordered.    


This woman is going to take care of Duo Duo. It's not good for the child if the smell of smoke is too strong.    


"Who's going to your house? Now I'm going back on my word. I'm not going." Jiang Xiaorou changed her legs.    


She took another cigarette from the cigarette box and continued smoking. She saw Shen Yancheng staring at her and threw one to him. Shen Yancheng dodged and did not take it.    


"Don't tell me you don't know how to smoke!" Jiang Xiaorou asked.    


She had come into contact with Shen Yancheng a few times, but she had never smelled any smoke from him. The smell on his body was very clean. He was different from ordinary men. Did he not smoke?    


It shouldn't be! Such a tall man did not smoke? Don't all men like this?    


"This isn't something you should be concerned about. Pack your things and come with me." Shen Yancheng said coldly.    


Today, he had to take Jiang Xiaorou away no matter what.    


"I said I'm not going. You can ask someone else!" Jiang Xiaorou said.    


She always did what she said.    


"You want to go back on your word now? It's too late." Shen Yancheng walked forward.    


He had a domineering aura and a powerful aura. His target was clear, it was Jiang Xiaorou.    


Wait a minute. Was he going to use the Overlord Strike on the bow again? Jiang Xiaorou would definitely not allow herself to be carried away by the same man twice. It was too shameful. It was completely not in line with her domineering CEO persona. She was the God of Wealth. It had always been others flattering her. How could she fall twice in front of Shen Yancheng?    


"Stop. Unless you agree to one condition of mine. As long as you do it, I will immediately carry my luggage and leave with you. Otherwise, even if you kidnap me, I will not listen to you. If you don't believe me, you can try. " Jiang Xiaorou quickly ran behind the sofa.    


"Speak." Shen Yancheng was also very straightforward.    


Jiang Xiaorou smiled, picked up the cigarette case, and threw it over.    


"As long as you smoke a cigarette in front of me, I will immediately follow you." Jiang Xiaorou was sure that Shen Yancheng would not smoke.    


Shen Yancheng frowned slightly and looked at the cigarette in his hand. He did not have a good feeling. Could it be that this girl wanted to play with him?    


"Don't tell me you really don't know how to smoke! Could it be that you don't know how to smoke even though you are the chairman and CEO of the Shen's Group? Really? " Jiang Xiaorou deliberately mocked.    


For someone like Shen Yancheng, who had high self-esteem, he could not stand people calling him bad.    


Furthermore, he was the one asking for help now, so he would definitely smoke the cigarette obediently.    


"You really don't know how to do it! No way! You really don't know how to do it? "    


Jiang Xiaorou walked over and looked at Shen Yancheng with a smile.    


"If you really don't know how to smoke, just say that you don't know how to smoke. That's fine too. Don't force yourself!" Jiang Xiaorou raised her head and looked at the high and mighty Boss Shen.    


The expression on his face was a little cute!    


"Who said I don't know?"    


Shen Yancheng took out a cigarette and put it by his mouth. The thin lips were very sensitive. Biting the cigarette was just right, and it would even make people feel that the cigarette was very blissful. It could stay in Shen Yancheng's mouth.    


The next second, it was not like that.    


Jiang Xiaorou heard the sound of the lighter in Shen Yancheng's hand. The moment the little flame came out, his face changed. It was a kind of fear that came out of his soul.    


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