Five Brothers All Spoil Me

C18 This Was the First Time He Spoke

C18 This Was the First Time He Spoke

2"Auntie."     4


Duo Duo shouted again. Her cute and cute voice was very pleasant to hear. She was still crying.    




Jiang Xiaorou's tears immediately fell. She walked into the elevator and held Duo Duo's little face.    


"Mm! Auntie heard it."    


"Duo Er, be good. Be good and go home with your daddy. If Auntie wants to, ask Big Brother to call me. We can talk in the form of a video, and when Duo Er comes home, she must be good. Hmm? "    


Jiang Xiaorou could not bear to part with it!    


If possible, she really wanted to snatch the child over immediately. She would never let them return to the Shen family. That family was cold and emotionless. It was not suitable for the child to grow up.    


However, she really couldn't do it now.    


Jiang Xiaorou exited the elevator and looked at Duo Duo crying on Shen Yancheng's shoulder. She looked at Xuanxuan waving at her and looked at Shen Yancheng's cold face of the King of Hell.    


She stood alone in front of the elevator door for a long time.    


In the car!    


Duo Duo's hands were still tightly holding onto the little doll Jiang Xiaorou had given her. She hugged him like a treasure.    


"Duo Duo, you really like this?" Shen Yancheng asked.    


If his daughter liked it, he could directly buy the toy factory and produce all the toys she liked.    


Just now, when Duo Duo called him Auntie, she opened her mouth to speak. Shen Yancheng was very happy.    


It was just that he did not understand what method the waitress used to make Duo learn how to speak.    


"Duo Duo likes it. Daddy will buy you a lot of things some other day and place them all in the entire room, okay?" Shen Yancheng's voice was very low. He was very gentle when talking to Duo Duo.    


Duo Er shook her head. She was still unhappy.    


She did not like so many toys. She only cared about the toy in her hand because it was given to her by the auntie. Because the auntie was good to her, the auntie even cooked noodles for her and fed her.    


These were all things that Jiang Yufei could not give to her. Duo Duo missed her mommy. The more she thought about it, the tighter she hugged the toy in her hand.    


"Did you eat at Auntie's house just now? Is the food she makes very delicious?" Shen Yancheng asked again.    


Shen Yancheng knew his precious daughter too well. She did not interact with strangers, did not talk or laugh, and even had to pick people to eat. She did not care who she was in a bad mood.    


In the end, all of this was broken in front of the waitress.    


The first time she smiled was because of her. The first time she spoke was because of her. The first time she was willing to interact with strangers was also because of her. So, what kind of ability did that woman have? How did she do it?    


Duo Duo nodded!    


She expressed her affirmation towards Jiang Xiaorou's culinary skills not because she cooked well, but because she was muddle-headed. She would pretend to be ugly to make Duo Duo happy, she would tell jokes, she would feed, she had patience, and she loved to laugh.    


"Alright, daddy understands. But next time, duo Duo can't run away from home again, hmm? Daddy is very worried about you, okay? " Shen Yancheng held his daughter in his arms.    


Who knew how much Shen Yancheng cared about his precious daughter? His love for Duo Duo exceeded his love for Xuanxuan. It wasn't that he didn't like Xuanxuan, it was because Duo Duo needed love more.    


Duo Duo hugged her little doll and leaned into her daddy's arms. She fell asleep in minutes.    


"Xuanxuan, what do you think of that auntie just now?" Shen Yancheng asked.    


He was thinking about a question. He needed to make a decision.    


"Auntie is pretty good. She treats both me and Duo Duo very well. She also likes to laugh. She's also a good person." The Jiang Xiaorou that Xuanxuan mentioned was perfect.    


Of course, he did not dare to mention Auntie's cooking skills. Dark cuisine was one of the best.    


"It looks like both you and Duo Duo like her very much." Shen Yancheng's words carried a trace of regret.    


These should have been brought to the children by a mother. If Jiang Yufei had done enough for her, duo Duo and Xuanxuan would not have felt the same way when they looked for their mother from other aunties.    


Shen Yancheng's face was very dark and ugly, like the prelude to a storm.    


Back home!    


After Little Duo woke up, she started to stir up trouble.    


She didn't shower, didn't sleep, and kept crying. She was very irritated, and no one coaxed her.    


Usually, at this time, Jiang Yufei should be coaxing Duo to sleep. Sometimes, when Jiang Yufei wasn't at home, Shen Yancheng would personally say it out. Basically, she would only sleep after all her tricks were used up and she was exhausted.    


But tonight, he was really at his wit's end. Duo Duo was very stubborn.    


It caused Shen Yancheng to have a headache. He thought about how he was the boss of a listed company, a figure above ten thousand people. Usually, others would look at his expression, but when did he need to look at others' expressions?    


However, duo Duo had been a hero for half her life. She had fallen into the hands of his precious daughter. Once Duo Duo made a fuss, Shen Yancheng had no other choice. He was so anxious that his head was almost bald.    


Shen Yancheng really had no choice but to drive out the door.    


Forty minutes later!    


Dingdong! Dingdong! The doorbell rang.    


"Who is it? It's late at night, do you want me to rest?"    


Jiang Xiaorou had just put on her facial mask and was about to lie down and rest. Another person rang the doorbell. It had been a while since she had returned to the country, but it had never been so lively before. It was best for someone to knock on the door to have serious business. Otherwise, Jiang Xiaorou would lose her temper.    


"Shen Yancheng?"    


Why was it him?    


Jiang Xiaorou could not figure out what was going on, but seeing Shen Yancheng's anxious look, there must be something important!    


"Come with me."    


He was giving orders to her.    


Jiang Xiaorou found it funny.    


"Why should I follow you? Besides, who are you? If you want me to go, I will go? You really think highly of yourself. "    


Jiang Xiaorou was not an ordinary woman. She had money and status. She did not need to grovel in front of a good-looking leather bag or even fawn over him. There was no need at all.    


Shen Yancheng went forward and grabbed Jiang Xiaorou's waist with one hand and threw her onto his shoulder. He carried her and left. It was simple, domineering, and not long-winded.    


"Hey! Put me down. Otherwise, I'll call the police. Put me down. "    


No one cared even if Jiang Xiaorou shouted until her throat was broken. No matter how powerful and rich she was, however, she could not deal with Shen Yancheng in a fight. It was very dangerous for him to carry her on his shoulder. She felt that she could be taken care of by him at any time.    


However, his shoulder was very wide, so he had an inexplicable sense of security.    


Jiang Xiaorou did not struggle anymore. Anyway, her slippers had been thrown away just now. It would be useless to struggle. She did not believe that Shen Yancheng could do anything to her.    


Jiang Xiaorou was thrown into the car.    


"Where are you taking me?" Jiang Xiaorou asked.    


Suddenly, Shen Yancheng's handsome face came close to her. Jiang Xiaorou's heart raced. It had been a long time since her heart skipped a beat. It was as if she had suddenly come back to life.    


Her two eyes stared straight at Shen Yancheng. Her heart was beating faster and faster. The moment it jumped to her throat, Shen Yancheng sat back down. He only helped her fasten her seatbelt, but she was so nervous.    


He didn't say anything and drove Jiang Xiaorou away.    


When the car stopped, Jiang Xiaorou only knew that she was brought to his house by Shen Yancheng. So, what was he going to do?    


"You brought me to your house? What do you mean?"    


No matter how smart Jiang Xiaorou was, she could not understand. She only felt that Shen Yancheng had some improper thoughts about her. In any case, men were all the same.    


The car door opened and Jiang Xiaorou was pulled out.    


"Wait, I will go by myself."    


Jiang Xiaorou did not want to be carried away again. After all, she was an influential person. It would not be good if news of this got out. She was not a little girl.    


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