Warlord, Get Out Of My Way

C208 The New Product Taste It

C208 The New Product Taste It

4"Young Master Ann, this is the kitchen of Sishui Town's Jufu Restaurant."    


The kitchen of Sishui Town's Jufu Restaurant was twice as big as the kitchen of two towns. Perhaps it was because of Lin Hai, there was a shelf on top that was filled with all kinds of seafood made from iron pots.    


Looking around, Lin Miaoting was very satisfied with the scene she saw. This kitchen was very clean! In this restaurant, regardless of whether the dishes were good or not, the kitchen was clean and tidy. At the very least, it ensured the customers' spiritual feelings when eating.    


To ask the question, a restaurant had a good taste, but the kitchen was dirty and messy. Although the taste of the restaurant and the restaurant were slightly unsatisfactory, the kitchen was very clean and tidy.    


Choose one, which one do you want to go to?    


"The kitchen is very important. Outsiders are not allowed to enter?" The person who asked was the assistant who was helping in the kitchen.    




Lin Miaoting turned her head and looked at Manager Chen who followed her in.    


That person saw Lin Miaoting's body. The person behind her was Manager Chen's. He immediately felt his face turn red and his throat was unable to make any sound.    


"This is Liu Er, the one who helped from the kitchen. He is the disciple that Master Xie took in."    


Shopkeeper Chen explained the identity of the person who spoke and then looked at the young man who had just stopped Lin Miaoting from entering.    


"It's not a problem. This is our third boss. Your master's most proud Bai Zhan Chicken was passed down by our third boss."    


Hearing Shopkeeper Chen's words, the young man's face, which had already turned slightly red, lowered his head with a reddened face. He did not say anything and retreated to the side.    


"I feel that what you did was very correct. This kitchen is the biggest secret of a restaurant. Protect the food in the kitchen and the cooking recipe. As a chef, you are right. It seems like your master taught me very well. "    


Lin Miaoting praised him generously.    


"Not yet. Thank you, third boss." Master Xie stir-fried the dishes in his hand and said.    


"Yes, ah. Thank you, Third Boss. Thank you, Third Boss." The young man was reminded by his master and quickly thanked Lin Miaoting.    


Lin Miaoting smiled and pointed to the shelves of seafood on the wall. She then said. "Go over there and get me a catty of sea clams."    


"Huh? Ah, I'll get it right away."    


The young man didn't react in time, causing the people in the room to burst into laughter.    


Inner, my disciple, this child is just a little mushy. Seeing that his disciple was the captain who was making fun of everyone, Master Xie's face turned red as he tried to defend his own disciple.    


"No problem. This Mu Na is good at all. As long as he is serious in his work, that's good."    


While Lin Miaoting was replying, the young man had already brought the sea clam that Lin Miaoting wanted in front of him. The entire basin of sea clams was full of living things.    


Lin Miaoting pointed at the young man and asked him to place the clams in front of a stove that did not have a master working.    


"Uncle Chen, none of the dishes I introduced before were mainly seafood. This is my negligence." Lin Miaoting said apologetically to Manager Chen.    


No, no. "    


"Just now, I heard the conversation of the diners and felt that I did not think about it. So, I decided to stay in Sishui Town for a few days and introduce some seafood dishes."    


Just as Lin Miaoting finished speaking, she saw that Master Xie seemed to have seen gold and his eyes were shining with golden light. Because it was at night, the number of people eating was not as many as the number of people in the morning.    


Hence, there was only Master Xie in the kitchen. This saved her some trouble that needed to take care of other people's emotions.    


"Tonight, I'm going to make a common spicy stir-fried clam in the seafood. After the stir-frying, Master Xie, you can also stir-fry a plate and then bring it to the customers outside." Lin Miaoting handed it over to him.    


No problem. " Manager Xie generously agreed.    


"Shopkeeper Chen, when this dish is carried out later, everyone can give a little for free. After that, tell that little servant that Jufu Restaurant is about to introduce a new dish of seafood. I would like to ask them to try it first."    


"Alright, we will do as you say."    


Under Lin Miaoting's request, Master Xie taught his own disciple the work in his hands first. Then, he learned how to cook spicy fried clams from Lin Miaoting.    


Under Lin Miaoting's guidance, a wave of fresh and spicy smell ran from the kitchen to the hall.    


"Hey, waiter, I was wondering what your kitchen is for! It smells so good. Give me a plate too." In the hall, there were already people who started to ask what kind of dish the fragrance was coming from.    


Because Lin Miaoting had reminded Manager Chen before, Manager Chen immediately informed Little Er in the store.    


"Master, the new seafood dishes prepared by the kitchen are going to be released in Jufu Restaurant. As they are new dishes, they are not sold at a price yet. However, the shopkeeper had just said it. In order to see how satisfied everyone is with the dishes, we will distribute the dishes to everyone for free later."    


Fortunately, the waiter was quick with his words and finished his long speech in less than a minute. When everyone in the hall heard the new dish that was launched by Fu Lou, they could taste it later. Even those who had already finished their meal and intended to pay the bill and leave returned to their seats and waited quietly.    


Even those who passed by the entrance of Jufu Restaurant heard that there was a new dish being introduced in Jufu Restaurant. Without hesitation, they walked in.    


Now, almost everyone knew that as long as the new dishes were served in Jufu Restaurant, they would definitely be the best. Furthermore, today, they could taste it for free. They were even more eager and delighted.    


If they missed this opportunity, although they wouldn't regret it for the rest of their lives, they would inevitably feel a trace of regret.    


However, because the news of the free taste was spread out, some beggars who were wandering on the streets heard it. The entrance of Jufu Restaurant had also appeared. There were never many beggars.    


These were the two young men in the restaurant. When Manager Chen heard the waiter's report, he did not know how to deal with it. He hurriedly ran to the kitchen to ask Lin Miaoting for her opinion. After all, this was the first time he had seen such a thing.    


If it was in the past, all he needed to do was to send someone to chase away the beggars who were blocking the door, but this time, the Jufu Restaurant had said that they would provide the opportunity to taste the new dishes for free tonight. When the beggars heard the news, it was reasonable for them to come and wait.    


"Those beggars have entered the house. Do you have a place to arrange it?" Lin Miaoting changed the topic of discussion as soon as she spoke. Although Manager Chen was puzzled, he answered respectfully.    


"Those beggars didn't enter the house at all. They just lingered at the door."    


These beggars were not very annoying, Lin Miaoting thought in her heart.    


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