Warlord, Get Out Of My Way

C4 Coiled Vegetable Buns

C4 Coiled Vegetable Buns

0As night fell, the Lin family stood around the stove, looking at the beautiful, shriveled pheasant they had caught today.    1


"Why don't we deal with it now? We can just make soup for the children to make up for it. We don't have to worry about sister-in-law." Father Lin said helplessly. His sister-in-law was getting more and more excessive!    


"It's so late at night, so it won't be more troublesome if the taste goes out. Who knows, that sister-in-law of yours might just follow the smell and come in!" Mother Lin glared at her husband, "I think it's better to go and sell it early tomorrow morning. We can still exchange for some copper coins to buy something. It's almost the new year. What is this!? "    


"Okay, then I'll get up early. I'll go at dawn!" Lin Kaishan nodded as well. After all, there was no new year goods at home. If it wasn't for the food and eggs that his uncle brought back when he was still in the family, they wouldn't even know what to eat now!    


"You can leave before dawn, save your sister-in-law's life. Come and block the house for you at dawn." Tang Xuemei's words made Lin Zhengshan's face turn red.    


Because Tang Xuemei made a prompt decision, she had already decided the direction of this troublemaking chicken. The family also took off their clothes and went to rest on their own beds.    


Of course, Lin Miaoting was an exception. Because she had already planned to stay, she must pester Lin Kaishan to bring her to the town tomorrow to see if there were any projects that could make money. She could stay, but she really could not live a poor life.    


"Forget it. Since we have come, we should settle down. In order to make her life a little better, I'll chase after her tomorrow. " This father of mine will go to the town to take a look. "    


As she had slept during the day, Lin Miaoke did not feel sleepy at all. She closed her eyes and slowly analyzed her current situation. At the same time, she also thought about whether there were any opinions in the original novel that she could use. After all, there was a basis for nonsense!    


In the hazy, Lin Miaoting heard the small sound of clothes being put on. Following the source of the sound, she saw that Lin Fan's father had already put on cotton clothes and was about to put on shoes and get off the ground.    


She quickly got up and quietly got off the bed. She put on a pair of slightly larger cotton shoes and tied her hair behind her head. She tied it into a ponytail and looked like a kid. Although Lin Miaoting had seen a lot of combing hair in modern times, she did not light up this skill!    


When Lin Miaoting got up, Lin Zhengshan noticed her daughter's movements. However, he did not make a sound because he was afraid that he would wake his sleeping eldest son and his wife.    


When Lin Zhengshan and Lin Miaoting arrived at the outer room, they saw their daughter who was dressed neatly standing in front of him. They sighed and said, "I'm very tired."    


"I'm not afraid." Lin Miaoting firmly replied. If she was tired, what difference would it make if she gave up that coward? Moreover, her wealth in modern times was not something that could be obtained with a wave of her hand. She had flown for three days for a project and sat on a train for more than 20 hours. It was still a train ticket. Now, just walking a few miles was nothing to be tired of.    


Lin Zhengshan originally wanted to persuade his daughter, but when he saw his daughter's determined gaze, he could only give up.    


At the same time, he was afraid that the sound of his words would wake up the person who was sleeping with the gift. Forget it. At worst, Keer would not be able to walk anymore. He just had to carry his daughter on his back. It was not like he did not carry her on his back.    


The cold wind mercilessly blew on the faces of pedestrians.    


Lin Miaoting's face was a little painful when she blew. Even in ancient times, people who lacked skincare products did not know how her small face would be blown. Fortunately, she was still a child and the protein had not disappeared yet. There was still a possibility of remediation!    


Lin Miaoting thought and her hand honestly touched her face. Could she get some facial skin care products or something? After all, most of the women in the modern society who stayed up late would know some formulas. She was no exception. Should she open a beauty parlor or something along the way?    


Lin Miaoting did not think about it. On the spur of the moment, a wave of love for beauty swept across the entire continent!    


The trees on both sides of the village road rustled in the eerie wind. Fortunately, the sky was misty blue. If it was some beautiful music, Wouldn't that be a perfect horror film background? Lin Miaoting suddenly thought of the horror novel she read in college. She trembled all over. Don't let anything come out! She subconsciously moved closer to Lin Kaishan.    


"Is it cold?" Lin Kaishan asked his daughter.    


In fact, Lin Zhengshan had been looking at his daughter all the way. He felt that her daughter had changed a lot after she got sick. She had become quiet and had an idea. After walking for so long, she seemed to be very tired, but she was still persisting. If it had been before, she would have made a scene long ago. She would have cried and asked him to carry her on his back.    


"Do you want my father to carry it?" Lin Kaishan asked probingly.    


"No." His stubborn tone did not allow any doubt.    


After walking for about an hour, Lin Zhengshan and Lin Miaoting arrived at the town. Due to the early arrival of the two of them, many shops on both sides of the town had not opened yet. Only Xi Xi carried the goods on her shoulders and served breakfast.    


Smelling the fragrance of the breakfast, Lin Miaoke felt slightly hungry. Her eyes were fixed on the stall selling stuffed buns. If it was in modern times, she would have rushed up to the stall and gobbled it up. Unlike modern times, where the pockets were empty. She was still wearing her shabby cotton clothes, which did not resist the wind at all.    


Lin Zhengshan noticed his daughter's gaze. He took out a few copper coins from his pocket and handed them to Lin Miaoke. "Go buy some buns."    


Lin Miaoting looked at the rough hands covered with calluses in front of her. Her eyes were slightly warm. There was really not much money left at home. But she could not endure the torture of hunger and finally took the money to buy a bun.    


The price of the buns was very fair. One wen for a rough vegetable bun, one wen for a white vegetable bun, and one wen for a white vegetable bun. The meat bun was indeed two wen for one. Lin Miaoke bought two coarse vegetable buns and asked the boss to wrap them up. She gave the remaining wen back to Lin Kaishan, but Lin Kaishan didn't ask for it. He just smiled and said, "Save it for Keer to buy candy."    


"Daddy, here you go." Lin Miaoke passed one of the buns to Lin Kaishan. "Keer is young. I'll be full after eating one."    


Lin Zhengshan looked at his daughter's sweet smile and listened to her words of concern. His heart was filled with endless strength. No matter how bitter or tired he was, as long as his daughter was happy, everything was worth it.    


He thought about how his daughter could have bought a meat bun, but in order to save money, she had also asked him to eat a bun to buy this coarse noodle dish. With the hot bun in his hand, he suddenly felt that winter wasn't as cold anymore.    


The sky was getting brighter and brighter, and there were more and more people in the town. After all, it was close to the end of the year, and everyone who had some money left had to come out and buy some good things to go home and celebrate the new year.    


Lin Zhengshan and Lin Miaoting had waited in the market for a long time, but only a few of them did not buy anything. After all, this wild thing did not have any food to resist hunger. Warmth and hunger were always the first thing that the masses cared about.    


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