Warlord, Get Out Of My Way

C13 Crazy Shopping

C13 Crazy Shopping

4The Jufu Restaurant of Luohe Town is located in the center. Lin Miaoting and her family planned to go to the grocery store to buy some daily necessities after leaving the Hall of Happiness, so they headed north.    4


When they passed by the noodle stall, Lin Miaoting and her family found an empty seat and sat down. They ordered three bowls of Clear Broth Noodle Soup.    


The three bowls of Clear Broth Noodle Soup were placed on the table. The hot air carried the fragrance of the noodles into Lin Miaoting's nose. A few vegetable leaves floated over the meat soup.    


Lin Miaoting's eyes were slightly moist. She suddenly thought of the Li Ji Noodle House in the Three Dining Halls back in university. At that time, her grandfather had just passed away. Whenever she was sad to think of her grandfather, she would go and eat a bowl of Clear Broth Noodle Soup. The faint taste was just like what her grandfather made for her when she was young. She did not forget it until she graduated.    


The Northern Market in Luohe Town mainly focused on food. No matter what kind of food you wanted to buy, you would easily find it in the Northern Market. Along the way, the three men from Lin family bought a lot of rice and white flour. They filled Lin Kaishan and Lin Zhize's two big baskets. There were fifty to sixty kilograms of rice!    


After buying these things, it took them more than two hours before the three men from the Lin family rushed to the north market of Luohe Town to buy the needlework Tang Xuemei requested before she left.    


The Northern Market had a total of four cloth shops, big and small. Lin Kaishan led Lin Miaoting and the two siblings to the Northern Market. It was a cloth shop called Zhen Xiuge. It was also the only clothing shop in the entire Luoshui Town.    


When he walked into the shop, he found that there were all kinds of cloth in the main seat. There were silk, silk, and cotton. All kinds of clothes hung on the walls around them, attracting people's attention.    


But for Lin Miaoting now, not to mention buying the clothes on it, Even looking at it, she felt that it was a bit extravagant.    


Originally when Lin Kaishan went out, Tang Xuemei had told him to only buy some needlework. But due to Lin Miaoting's strong request, in the end, she bought three extra pieces of coarse cloth, two pieces of cotton and five pounds of cotton.    


When Lin Kaishan heard the shop owner pay the silver after the price, his heart ached. That was a total of ten taels of silver! Luckily, Lin Miaoting and the others bought a lot of money. In the end, the shop owner wiped off the money and gave out a large bag of cloth. Lin Kaishan felt a little more at ease.    


When they left Zhen Xiu Pavilion, the father and son of Lin family happened to see the library opposite Zhen Xiu Pavilion. Lin Kaishan gritted his teeth and walked into the bookstore to buy two books, pen, ink, and lamp oil.    


As the sun set, the three men from Lin family who were planning to make a cart back home looked at the things in the basket backpack and the cloth in their arms. In the end, they gritted their teeth and had no choice but to give up.    


After all, they had bought so many things at once. It was inevitable that they would be questioned. Moreover, it was difficult for them to answer. If they got into any trouble again, it would be very difficult.    


In the end, the father and son of the Lin family had no choice but to go to the bun shop and buy a few meat buns. They planned to eat them if they were hungry on the way home.    


Coming home in the dark, this made Tang Xuemei a little anxious and worried at home. Did the father and son of Lin family run into some trouble? After all, they had been gone for quite some time.    


Tang Xuemei paced back and forth in the house.    


A cool breeze blew in from the door. The anxious Tang Xuemei saw the father and son of Lin family enter the room and felt relieved, but she could not help but scold them.    


"Why did you come back so late?"    


"Isn't it because you bought too many things? "I got into trouble by car," Wang Yao said. "In the end, I decided to walk back. Lin Kaishan put the things on the brick bed as he spoke. Then he took off the basket backpack from his children and put it aside.    


Tang Xuemei looked at the piles of big and small bags and frowned. "How much money does this cost?"    


Lin Kaishan just smiled and said, reporting to his wife.    


"One pound of salt, 120 wen. 4 pounds of red sugar 10 wen, 1 pound of soy sauce 20 wen, 1 pound of white vinegar 20 wen, 1 pound of garlic 10 wen, 1 pound of ginger 10 wen, 1 pound of sugar 30 wen, 10 wen for melon seeds, 5 jin of peanuts 40 wen. 10 catties of white flour, 50 wens of rough noodles, 20 catties of 100 wens of rice, 10 catties of 120 wens of rice, 4 catties of white wine, 60 wens of white wine. "    


When talking about wine, Lin Kaishan scratched his hair and looked at his wife with a smile. He was a little embarrassed. When the year came, he was a little greedy.    


Tang Xuemei did not care about Lin Kaishan's embarrassment. Her face was gloomy. She put the things in the cupboard and locked them. It was called a cabinet, but it was actually a big cabinet on the floor. It was much worse than modern cupboards.    


Lin Kaishan saw his own house. The wife ignored him and went on with her accounts.    


"There are still four meat buns left, and two wen per bun cost a total of 14 wen. As the name implies, there are three to eat!    


Tang Xuemei did not say anything. She just took a bowl and placed the four buns inside. She took them to the stove and heated them up. She was going to use them for dinner later.    


Lin Kaishan carefully took the things he bought from the clothing shop and placed them in front of Tang Xuemei. "Three pieces of coarse cloth, two pieces of cotton cloth, four pieces of cotton cloth, and five pounds of cotton."    


Tang Xuemei's face turned black. Lin Kaishan quickly picked up the last package. "There are thread and cloth inside. The boss didn't take the money."    


Tang Xuemei wanted to laugh as she looked at her husband's careful look. She reflected in her heart that she was usually so scary.    


Until later, Tang Xuemei only found out that although Lin Kaishan doted on her a long time ago, he was not afraid of her. It was only because of the separation that Tang Xuemei protected Lin Miaoting. That look of wanting to kill everyone made Lin Kaishan start to fear her.    


But to Lin Kaishan, it was mostly because he hated his own incompetence that he could not even protect his wife and daughter. Rather than saying that he was afraid of her, it was more because he loved her than because he couldn't see her unhappy expression.    


Lin Kaishan saw that Tang Xuemei did not show any signs of speaking. He took Lin Miaoting's basket backpack and took it out as well.    


"This packet of snacks from the manager of Jufu Restaurant. This packet is the two books I bought for Zhize. One book, one thousand words, three hundred words and one knowledge book, two taels. The remaining packet is paper and pen ink. This small bottle is lamp oil. I want Zhize to open the new year to go to school."    


Lin Kaishan and Lin Zhize carefully waited for Tang Xuemei's reply, but the eagerness in their eyes betrayed their thoughts.    


"You have to learn well. Tang Xuemei smiled and touched Lin Zhize's head. Then she quietly packed her things into the cabinet in the room and arranged them neatly.    


Everything was so calm, as if the gloomy face was not Tang Xuemei's. Only Tang Xuemei knew how much he blamed himself for his eldest son not being able to go to school.    


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