Warlord, Get Out Of My Way

C16 New Year's Day

C16 New Year's Day

0Thirty years old, the last day a year later. Tang Xuemei woke Lin Miaoting up early in the morning.    


"Mom, where are father and brother?" Lin Miaoting wiped her face after washing up and asked.    


"They went to worship their ancestors! She will be back soon. Take out some melon seeds, peanuts, and sugar cubes and put them on the plate."    


"Does anyone from our family want to come?" Lin Miaoting asked as she followed her instructions.    


"Didn't you suggest Dr Lin to come the day before yesterday? Your father went to ask yesterday. Dr Lin agreed and said that he would come back in the afternoon."    


Hearing Tang Xuemei's answer, Lin Miaoting gave an" oh "as an answer.    


Tang Xuemei led Lin Miaoting to prepare the things that she needed for the night and soon Lin Kaishan came back with Lin Zhize.    


"Let's go and paste the couplets!" Lin Kaishan said.    


"Look at my brain. I forgot what I was doing." Tang Xuemei said and patted her on the head.    


"Quick, quick. Zhize, Keer, you two go and paste the couplets."    


There was a total of two couplets. One for the door and one for the house. In the middle of each door was a big lucky note.    


Lin Miaoting looked at the red couplet and felt quite happy in her heart. This was her first year in this era.    


At noon, Lin Kaishan brought Lin Zhize and Lin Miaoting to the house to pay their respects to the old man and gave them some new dumplings. After that, they returned home. Because it was the new year, Eldest Aunt did not say anything excessive. She just said coldly, "The dumplings are here."    


In the afternoon, Lin Kaishan went to the northernmost part of the village, which was Dr Lin's house, and invited him over for dinner.    


When Lin Bowen came, he brought a fish and gave Lin Zhize and Lin Miaoting red packets wrapped in red paper. This made Tang Xuemei and Lin Kaishan very unfriendly.    


"I was originally indebted to you and wanted to invite you to spend the New Year together. What do you want us to do?" Lin Kaishan asked Lin Bowen as he sat down.    


"I've been spending the New Year alone for five years. It's rare for me to borrow your glory. I'm just asking for some New Year's glory. It's nothing."    


Because Lin Miaoting's family had just split up and there were no extra tables, their family of four plus Dr Lin sat alone on a table.    


There were more than fifty dumplings made of pure white green onion pork, a plate of fried peanuts, a large plate of cabbage stewed pork, a bowl of chicken egg soup and a bowl of radish soup, and more than fifty dumplings made of pure white green onion pork, a plate of fried peanuts, a large plate of cabbage stewed pork, a bowl of chicken egg soup and a bowl of radish soup. In addition, Dr Lin had brought a fish when he came. The six dishes were the best meal in the village!    


Due to Lin Bowen's arrival, Lin Kaishan took out a jar of wine that he had bought years ago and started drinking with Lin Bowen. This year was also very lively. During the meal, Dr Lin specially told Lin Miaoting not to get wet for the next few days. They would talk about it after ten days.    


After the meal, Lin Kaishan and Dr Lin had already had a lot to drink. Originally, Tang Xuemei had asked Dr Lin to rest on the brick bed before leaving, but Lin Bowen had already said that he would be troubling them by having dinner at her house. In the end, she had no choice but to ask Lin Zhize, who did not drink, to send Dr Lin home.    


After a long time, Lin Zhize came back very happily. Lin Miaoting asked him what had happened. She only heard Lin Zhize say that Dr Lin had agreed to teach him some words before he went to the private school. Moreover, when he was adding firewood to Dr Lin's cooking pit, he vaguely heard Dr Lin say that Dr Lin was originally an official in Haojing.    


Lin Miaoting frowned. She always felt that things were not that simple. But thinking that it had nothing to do with her, she did not think about it anymore.    


By the time Lin Kaishan woke up, it was already dark.    


Lin Kaishan and Tang Xuemei asked Lin Miaoting and Lin Zhize to kowtow to them and pay their respects to the new year. Then the two of them took out ten wens each for the two children to wear red strings.    


Then, the family chatted and guarded the year. They talked about the situation of this year and discussed how they should spend next year.    


The first day of the first day of the first month.    


Because the time of the year was relatively late, the four people of Lin family slept until they woke up naturally for the first time in their lives. By the time they woke up, it was already close to noon.    


Tang Xuemei put on her clothes and went to the kitchen to cook. In fact, she treated the dinner she cooked for the night as breakfast after heating it up. Lin Kaishan got up and went to chop firewood. Lin Zhize was studying there with the book.    


Lin Miaoting was bored and could only find some cloth to make jewelry according to the tutorial of Taobao making jewelry in her memory.    


When Tang Xuemei asked them to prepare dinner, her gaze was attracted by Lin Miaoting's hair flower.    


"Keer, are these made by you? The two bows were tightly tied together and there were ribbons on them.    




" It's so beautiful. Mother has never seen such a flowery style before. " As she spoke, Tang Xuemei held a darker one and drew it on her head.    


"Change it tomorrow and ask the shop if you want to accept it. This is still a 1: 1 ratio."    


As she spoke, Tang Xuemei reluctantly put down the hair flower in her hand.    


"Selling hair flowers? Lin Miaoting suddenly woke up. That's right, she can sell hair flowers. She can sell jewelry! Which accessory shop in front of modern university doesn't earn a lot? If she can also make modern jewelry in ancient times, then she can sell them. Wouldn't that be absolutely no loss?    


Lin Miaoting thought that it was good, but this sales channel? Looks like she still needs to plan properly! Lin Miaoting calculated in her heart.    


After lunch, Tang Xuemei also followed Lin Miaoting to make hair flowers.    


Dozens of hair flowers were finished in a short while. Except for some cloth that Tang Xuemei wanted to leave behind, anything that could be used was requested by Tang Xuemei to make hair flowers.    


The colors were colorful and there were only three or four different styles. It was not that Lin Miaoting did not know how to do it. It was she who thought it would be better to push things out.    


Around four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Miaoting said that she wanted to go out and play for a while. The others did not feel anything wrong, so they let Lin Miaoting go out and only told her to return before dark.    


After she went out, Lin Miaoting did not look for the villagers to play with. Instead, she walked towards the mountain. Following the mark left behind before, Lin Miaoting quickly walked to the place where the traps were dug.    


However, this time Lin Miaoting did not check the traps. Instead, she walked on the tree and drew a huge triangle as she walked towards the depths of the forest.    


Unlike the cold outside of the mountain forest, perhaps due to the trees blocking the cold wind, there was some warmth in the depths of the mountain forest.    


"Hualala, hualala. The sound of water flowing made Lin Miaoting, who entered the mountain to search for treasures, slightly different. How could there be water in this world of ice and snow?    


Lin Miaoting looks for the direction where the sound of the water is coming from and looks for the water. At the same time, she draws a mark on the tree to prevent her from getting lost. At this time, it was not that she did not protect nature, but it was nothing compared to her life.    


Lin Miaoting did not know how long she had walked, but she only knew that her legs were a little weak. When Lin Miaoting was about to return to the original path, a white fog suddenly appeared in the mountain.    


Lin Miaoting said in her heart, Oh no!    


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