Warlord, Get Out Of My Way

C24 Depends on Luck

C24 Depends on Luck

4Lin Miaoting and her father worked at the food stall for a while. Soon, three big bowls of steaming hot meat soup were served. The soup is very fragrant. There are a few thin slices of meat floating on it. One wen per bowl is very affordable. This was Lin Miaoting's evaluation.    


After the meal, the father and son of Lin family went to the grocery store first. However, Lin Kaishan only bought ten catties of rice and twenty catties of coarse noodles this time.    


After that, Lin Kaishan led Lin Miaoting and Lin Kaishan to the seed store. He planned to buy some vegetable seeds that he wanted to plant in the spring. Fortunately, he planted them in the yard. As for the seeds in the ground, they would have to wait until the end of the third month of the lunar calendar, the beginning of the fourth month. Lin Miaoting also asked Lin Kaishan if it was normal to plant crops in the spring. Lin Kaishan told her that the northeast was colder and the land had been frozen for a long time. If the weather was not good, it would suddenly snow in the spring. Then this could be considered a waste of time!    


Lin Miaoting nodded her head, half understanding. As for the snow falling in the spring that Lin Kaishan mentioned, she agreed in her heart. After all, there was a June snow flying at the northeastern end of the modern year. At that time, she even guessed that there was some kind of grievance. Later on, she only smiled and forgot about it. Perhaps it is nature who is shouting injustice. Lin Miaoting muttered in her heart.    


Facing the vegetable seeds that were about the same size, Lin Miaoting had a headache. They all looked the same, okay? She was just waiting for her father to sell the seeds.    


Since they didn't buy much, the father and son of Lin family didn't plan to torture them this time. They decided to return to the village in the cart earlier.    


When the father and son duo took the cart, three women from the same village were already on the cart. One of them was Aunt Lin of Li Er's family, who was close to her family. Lin Miaoting didn't know her. If Aunt Lin had not greeted her father in the village, she would not have known any of them.    


"Second Brother of the Lin family, what did you buy? Let us take a look." One of the women sitting on the cart asked.    


"Nothing much. Buy some coarse rice noodles. Isn't there no food left?" Lin Kaishan asked.    


"Oh, but I did see a big cloth bag in Keer's basket backpack. Do you have something good that you don't want us to know?" The woman had a smile on her face but her eyes were filled with greed. As she spoke, she reached out to flip Lin Miaoting's basket backpack.    


"This is the cloth that the shop owner gave me when I sold silk flowers!" Lin Miaoting was a little angry and protected her basket backpack. Lin Miaoting angrily looked at the woman who was going to flip the basket backpack. The atmosphere in the car was very awkward. On the other hand, Aunt Lin, who had been sitting at the edge of the car and chatting with Lin Kaishan, opened her mouth.    


"Keer has grown up and knows to protect her own things. In the future, whoever goes to Keer will have fortune!" Although it was to tease Lin Miaoting, Lin Miaoting knew that Aunt Lin was probably going to ease her anger. Lin Miaoting did not say anything and only moved the basket backpack a little to her side.    


Another woman who had been watching the show in the car also opened her mouth, "I think so too. This Keer is pretty. Protecting the house is definitely a good thing!" Lin Miaoting did not reply but her face was slightly red. It was unknown whether it was because of the anger of the person who wanted to flip her basket or because she was being teased until her face turned red. But after that, There was silence in the cart, and only the sound of the coachman driving the cattle could be heard. And the muffled cries of the cattle.    


When Lin Miaoting and the other two returned home, Tang Xuemei had not cooked the rice in the pot yet. "I came back quite early today!"    


"We made a cattle cart back." Lin Kaishan said, "I bought some seeds from the garden today. I'll clean up the garden in a few days."    


Tang Xuemei nodded and asked how much they were sold for. Lin Kaishan started to report, "I bought ten pounds of rice for 120 wen. 20 pounds of coarse rice for 100 wen. There were also some vegetable seeds and trees for 50 wens. Today, they sold a total of 2 rabbits and 2 taels of silver. The fox only sold 20 taels of silver this time due to some damage to its fur. The pheasant and the other two deer were sold in the market for a total of 350 wen. "We still have 22 taels and 80 wen left."    


Tang Xuemei finished listening to Lin Kaishan's report and took the rest of the money. She left the rest to Lin Kaishan. She turned to look at her daughter.    


Lin Miaoting was stunned for a moment and suddenly understood. She took out the copper coin from her pocket. "I sold the hair flower to Linglong Cloth shop. It is sold for thirty wen each. There is a total of fifty-four wen. It is all here!" Lin Miaoting said as she placed the copper coin on the table.    


Tang Xuemei's eyes drifted to her daughter's basket backpack. Lin Miaoting understood and immediately replied, "This is the cloth that the manager of Linglong Cloth shop gave me. He asked me to be the head flower! Good, send it back next time."    


Tang Xuemei looked at Lin Miaoting with a slight smile and took thirty wen from the table. "You have also made the head flower and it was your idea. You keep the rest of the money to buy things."    


Lin Miaoting looked at her mother speechlessly. Her mother was the one who was protecting the house, right? Everything was out of her eyes. Fortunately, the cloth bag was big enough to block the medicine bag and the small medicine Twist.    


Lin Miaoting was still ridiculing in her heart when she saw a pair of wrinkled hands reach in front of her. "This is a pouch for you. Keep it and put silver in the future." Before Lin Miaoting could react, a pink brocade pouch was stuffed into Li Miaoting's hands.    


Similarly, Lin Zhize also received a purse. It was a blue satin with a white cloud pattern on it. The pouch also contained something else. Tang Xuemei had just put in one or two silver coins and deducted thirty wen from Lin Miaoting. "In two days, you will be going to the private school, even though you are a little older. But Mother believed in a good man. This money is also used to buy some things to study."    


"I will definitely learn well! I'll take the exams and earn glory for my parents. " I will let my younger sister marry into a beautiful family. " Lin Zhize said confidently. Lin Zhize did study hard after that, but he did not get the title. Instead, he achieved great achievements on another path.    


While they were talking, dinner was ready. The family hastily took a bite. Because Lin Kaishan and his son had some lunch in town, they did not eat much in the evening.    


After dinner, Tang Xuemei finished cleaning up the house and pulled Lin Kaishan to sit on the brick bed to discuss something.    


The main thing was to discuss what kind of food to plant at home for a period of time. She also wanted to go and see the three acres of land that were distributed after the branch family was separated. After all, the Lin family was a farmer's family. They were paving the land for food. Even if Lin Miaoting dug a trap, she could let the Lin family earn a small sum of money now. But after all, that was not a long-term business. Winter was still fine, because there was no food in the mountains that would go down the mountain. But in spring, the animals would go into the mountains, so how could they catch them? Sometimes, it depended on luck.    


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