The Ex-wife is Back: Please Let Me Go

C121 The Uterus Transplant

C121 The Uterus Transplant

1After Chu Jiaxuan returned to her room, she felt as if all her strength had been sucked dry. She helplessly fell to the ground. Recalling what Pei Nanjue had said to her just now, she felt pain in her heart.     2


Haha, asking her to take care of her was because she was still by his side, so she had to take care of her.    


Chu Jiaxuan, the thing that you wanted to protect in your heart slipped away from between your fingers. Right now, the only thing you have is the child in your stomach. You must protect her well.    


Reaching out to touch her belly, Chu Jiaxuan's eyes softened.    


Chu Yiyi will be carrying out the uterus transplantation surgery tomorrow. If she is pregnant with the child, she will not snatch her child anymore, right? Chu Jiaxuan thought worriedly in her heart. Her pretty eyes wrinkled and her eyes were full of worry.    


Chu Yiyi finished the uterus transplantation surgery the next day. Chu Jiaxuan boiled chicken soup and sent it to Chu Yiyi.    


In the hospital, Chu Jiaxuan carried the chicken soup in her hands. When she just arrived at the door of the ward, she heard voices coming from inside. It was Pei Nanjue and Chu Yiyi's conversation. They were all comforting Chu Yiyi. They said that since she could bear the child now, she must take good care of her body.    


Chu Jiaxuan stood outside the door and listened to their conversation. The corners of her lips curled into a bitter smile. In the past, she had hoped that he would be gentle to her a little. Even a little bit could make her happy for two or three days. Hehe.    


She raised her hand and knocked on the door. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open. She walked in. Her cold eyes swept over Pei Nanjue and Chu Yiyi. Then, she placed the incubator on the table.    


"Sister, you're here." Chu Yiyi looked at Chu Jiaxuan and said with a smile on her face.    


She thought that she would not come. She did not expect that she would actually come. Chu Yiyi sneered in her heart and looked at Chu Jiaxuan with eyes full of gratitude.    


After Pei Nanjue saw Chu Jiaxuan come, the smile on his face faded. He sat on the bed and walked away and sat on the sofa.    


Chu Jiaxuan heard Chu Yiyi's words and nodded. She did not reply. She poured out the chicken soup from the incubator box and passed it to Chu Yiyi.    


Chu Yiyi looked and reached out to take it. "Thank you, ah... it's so hot."    


Just as she reached out to take it, Chu Yiyi immediately let out a low cry. She pushed her hand away. The scalding hot water splashed onto the back of Chu Jiaxuan's hand. She quickly withdrew her hand from the scalding hot water and the bowl fell to the ground. Before the pain in her hand could recover, Chu Jiaxuan's body was immediately pulled back by someone. She did not need to guess to know who it was.    


"You vicious woman, do you want to burn Yiyi to death?" After Pei Nanjue threw Chu Jiaxuan to the side, he coldly scolded Chu Jiaxuan and lowered his head to check Chu Yiyi's hands.    


Chu Jiaxuan barely stopped her body. She looked at her hands that had been scalded to the point that their skin had peeled off and frowned.    


"Yiyi, are you scalded?" Pei Nanjue looked at Chu Yiyi's hands and kept checking her hands.    


Chu Jiaxuan looked at Pei Nanjue's nervous look and her eyes were filled with pain. She was the one who was injured, but why couldn't he see her?    


Chu Yiyi's eyes swept over Chu Jiaxuan's hand and looked away without leaving a trace. She looked up at Pei Nanjue pitifully and said, "Nanjue, big sister is scalded. Ask the doctor to help big sister take a look."    


Chu Yiyi was considerate and looked at Pei Nanjue with pleading eyes.    


Pei Nanjue heard Chu Yiyi's words and looked at Chu Jiaxuan's hand. His pupils shrank. Her hair was red and her skin was peeled.    


"She deserves it. Why don't you go to the doctor to take a look? Do you want to pretend to be pitiful?" Seeing Chu Jiaxuan standing there and clenching her teeth to resist, he spoke discontentedly.    


Chu Yiyi forcefully endured the pain in her hands and bit her lips. She turned around and left ward. She found a nurse to treat her wound.    


Chu Yiyi looked at Chu Jiaxuan's disappearing back and sneered in her heart. Chu Jiaxuan, is it very painful? Haha.    


"Nanjue, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, sister wouldn't have burned." Chu Yiyi looked at Pei Nanjue and said. Her eyes were filled with tears. She bit her lower lip and looked pitiful.    


"It's none of your business. That woman is too vicious. You just finished the surgery and you seem to be taking a good rest." Pei Nanjue gently comforted Chu Yiyi and told her not to think too much.    


His Yiyi was too kind. That was why she was bullied by Chu Jiaxuan like that.    


Chu Yiyi nodded at Pei Nanjue, then lied down on the bed and closed her eyes.    


After Chu Jiaxuan bandaged her wound, she walked out of the hospital and hailed a taxi to Villa of Pei Family.    


If she returned to ward now, she would definitely be scolded to death by Pei Nanjue. Instead of this, she might as well go back and recuperate from her own injuries, Chu Jiaxuan thought in her heart.    


Chu Yiyi had completed the uterus transplantation for three days and Chu Jiaxuan would send soup to Chu Yiyi every day. During this period of time, Chu Yiyi took advantage of Pei Nanjue's absence to humiliate her in every way.    


On this day, Chu Jiaxuan sent the soup to Chu Yiyi as usual. She walked in and poured out the soup. After confirming that the temperature was about the same, she passed the soup to Chu Yiyi.    


Chu Yiyi looked at the chicken soup in front of her and did not reach out to take it. Instead, she looked at Chu Jiaxuan calmly. Her eyes were full of pride.    


"Chu Jiaxuan, don't you feel wronged taking care of me? Aiya, but there was no helping it. Who asked Nanjue to love her? It's me, not you? Chu Yiyi looked at Chu Jiaxuan and said softly. Her eyes were filled with coldness.    


Chu Jiaxuan heard Chu Yiyi's words and did not speak. She just put the soup in her hand back on the table.    


Chu Yiyi looked at Chu Jiaxuan's expression and was not angry. She opened her mouth and was about to speak when Wang Yuncai came in from the door. Chu Yiyi looked and immediately laughed.    


"Mom, you're here." Chu Yiyi looked at Wang Yuncai and said happily. Her eyes were full of smiles.    


When Wang Yuncai entered the ward and saw Chu Jiaxuan, the smile on her face turned cold. This jinx said unhappily in his heart and fiercely glanced at Chu Jiaxuan before sitting down beside Chu Yiyi's bed.    


"Yiyi, how do you feel about your health?" Wang Yuncai looked at her precious daughter and spoke gently. Her eyes were full of pain.    


Chu Jiaxuan heard Wang Yuncai's concerned tone and pursed her lips tightly. This person who raised her for more than 20 years had never been nice to her and did not care about her.    


"Mom, I'm fine. Chu Jiaxuan always makes me angry." Chu Yiyi looked at Wang Yuncai and said softly. She looked at Chu Jiaxuan viciously.    


Wang Yuncai heard and immediately got angry. She stood up from the chair and looked at Chu Jiaxuan as if she wanted to eat her.    


"Why are you so vicious? Didn't you see that your sister is in the hospital?" Without giving any explanation, he waved his hand and greeted Chu Jiaxuan's face.    


Scoundrel, indeed, they are all the same. Her daughter is currently in the hospital and yet she still dares to anger her precious daughter. Wang Yuncai scolded Chu Jiaxuan unhappily in her heart.    


Chu Yiyi saw Chu Jiaxuan being beaten and the corner of her mouth immediately rose. Her eyes looked at Chu Jiaxuan as if they were poisoned.    


Chu Jiaxuan reached out and covered half of her face that was hit. She looked at Wang Yuncai with tears in her eyes.    


"What right do you have to hit me?" Chu Jiaxuan opened her mouth and questioned Wang Yuncai. Her tone was full of heartache.    


Why did she hit her without telling her the reason? Even if she was not her daughter, she could not just hit her like that. Just because of one sentence from Chu Yiyi, could she hit her like that?    


Wang Yuncai heard Chu Jiaxuan's words and lightly spat at her.    


"I hit you, so what? I raised you. After so long, what's wrong with beating you up? "Who told you to make your sister unhappy?" Wang Yuncai did not regret hitting Chu Jiaxuan and even scolded her.    


"Bitch is a slut. Even the daughter she gave birth to is so lowly!" Wang Yuncai did not seem to be able to vent her anger and even Chu Jiaxuan's mother also started scolding.    


Pei Nanjue came back after buying the fruit. Just as he was about to push the door open, he heard Wang Yuncai's scolding coming from inside.    


"Mom, why are you talking so much? Even if I am not your daughter, I have lived with you for more than 20 years!" Chu Jiaxuan looked at Wang Yuncai and spoke. The tears in her eyes could not help but slide down.    


Even if she did not like her, she should not scold her like this.    


"Even if I am not your daughter, at least when you were sick, the one accompanying you was me. You didn't like me since you were young. You hit me and scolded me. " But I still take care of you like a mother. I never blamed you. But why do you hate me so much? You don't even give me the slightest bit of care? " Chu Jiaxuan looked at Wang Yuncai and said in pain. The tears in her eyes were like a kite with a broken string. They kept flowing.    


When Wang Yuncai heard Chu Jiaxuan's words, the displeasure in her eyes became even more intense.    


"Bah, who is your mother? Don't shout. I don't dare have a daughter like you!" Wang Yuncai heard Chu Jiaxuan's words and immediately retorted. How could she dare to have such a daughter?    


Chu Jiaxuan heard Wang Yuncai's words and covered her mouth with her hand. She turned around and walked out of the ward.    


When she walked out of the ward, she looked at Pei Nanjue who was standing outside the door and ran away from him without saying anything. Pei Nanjue looked at Chu Jiaxuan's sad back and suddenly felt pain in his heart.    


So she was not Wang Yuncai's daughter. No wonder she always spoke to her in such a way. Did he blame her wrongly? Pei Nanjue thought to himself as he walked towards ward.    


"That slut is really annoying. She was raised so old. Why did she hit her? She even lost her temper. Ever since Chu Jiaxuan left, Wang Yuncai had still been scolding Chu Jiaxuan.    


When Chu Yiyi saw Pei Nanjue come in from outside, she immediately put away the smile on her face and put on a troubled look.    


"Mom, don't scold sister." Chu Yiyi looked at Wang Yuncai and spoke unhappily and frowned.    


"Why should I scold her? She is so vicious and actually wants to bully you!" Wang Yuncai heard Chu Yiyi's words and did not buy anything at all. She continued to curse with dissatisfaction and even more vicious words came out.    


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