Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3Gu Yunxiao quickly hid in a nearby room.    


The faint glow made him realize that he had entered a study. The furnishings in the room were simple. There was no place for him to hide, other than that Pear Blossom Tree desk.    


He slipped under the desk, held his breath, and listened.    


Although this house wasn't a newly developed building, the soundproofing effect was quite good.    


Gu Yunxiao had such great hearing, yet he didn't hear anything?    


It was only the big man, huddled under the desk, who was a little depressed.    


But there was no other way. Who told him to be so unlucky?    


If he had known earlier, he would have been extremely dissatisfied. He took his toothbrush and left immediately.    


Having been so late by two seconds, he did not know how long he would have to hide here.    




It was better to avoid as much as possible.    




When Lu Yiyao fell asleep, he went out again.    


But what about the little bun?    


After not seeing him for so long, he was bound to be worried.    


At the same time, she was also very worried about him.    


He held his breath and listened, but he still didn't hear anything.    


Well, it shouldn't have been so tight.    


At this point, he couldn't even hear a single thing.    


His palm suddenly went numb, and a faint blue light lit up the dark and tranquil space.    


Gu Yunxiao was shocked. He looked down and saw that the little bun was worried about him. He sent a message over.    


"Dad, why aren't you back yet?"    


"Brother Yan, something happened, I'm stuck here."    


"Hmm? "Where do you want to block it?"    


"Of course it's the home of Boss Lu?"    




Lin Yanyan consecutively sent three question marks, as if it was a bit inconceivable.    


"Brother Yan, I think I came back a bit late. You go to sleep first, don't worry about me."    


Gu Yunxiao reminded him like a good father.    


"Yes, got it. "Godfather, you have to be careful."    


Lin Yanyan's face was tense as he looked at the chat on IPAD. He bit his lips and his heart tightened.    


"Don't worry, Brother Yan."    


Gu Yunxiao was stunned for a while after that.    


"There should be a monitor at Boss Lu's house. I'll know after checking it."    


Before he came in, he only wanted to not leave any traces, so that the monitoring system on the way here would be blacklisted, including Lu Yiyao's family.    


He opened his phone and entered a website. His ten fingers flew about as he typed in a line of instructions.    


On the screen of the phone.    


Every place in the house (except the bathroom) came into his sight.    


He looked carefully at every room three times, but didn't find anyone.    


Half an hour later.    


Even if he had to go to the bathroom, he thought, he would come out.    


F * ck.    


I'm so stupid.    


Even after she left, she was still foolish enough to hide here for such a long time.    


Gu Yunxiao crawled out from under the table and stretched his slightly numb legs.    




It was probably because the temperature in the study was too low, causing him to sneeze loudly. He didn't know if there was anyone there, nor did he cover his nose.    


He rubbed his sore arm and turned on the desk lamp.    


"Hai, not bad!"    


The light from the lamp illuminated the study room, causing Gu Yunxiao to exclaim in surprise.    


Although the room wasn't big, the furnishings were simple. But no matter if it was the bookcase or the desk, they were all made of precious Pear Blossom Wood.    


One could tell that it was quite valuable.    


Gu Yunxiao looked around and was about to walk out when he was attracted by a photo on the desk.    


At first glance, he felt that the woman with the child in the photo looked very familiar.    


Taking a look at it, the astonishment in his eyes grew.    


This is not...    


What was Lu Yiyao's relationship with her?    


Why were there pictures of her when she was young?    


Could the child she was carrying be Lu Yiyao?    


Gu Yunxiao's gaze was locked on the child's face.    


His heart sank.    


This child was exactly the same as Lin Yanyan three months ago.    


Such an important discovery made Gu Yunxiao pat his forehead three times, took a few deep breaths, and finally calmed down his beating heart a little.    


He gently placed the photo on the desk, picked up his phone and pressed the shutter button.    


Put it away.    


He checked the security screen again and confirmed that there was no one in the house. Only then did he relax and walk out.    


As soon as he stepped into the elevator, someone came out of the fire escape.    


"CEO, he's gone?"    


"Monitoring has been restored. "Yes, I understand. I'll go and check it immediately."    


He walked in while holding his cell phone.    


Ten minutes later he spoke to the man on the other end of the line again.    


"CEO, there's nothing missing except a toothbrush in the washroom."    






Lu Yiyao stood on the balcony and listened to Ding Mo's call. His face was frozen.    


Who would be so daring as to steal from his house?    


Not steal anything?    


Steal his toothbrush?    


Such a strange action caused his anger to set the prairie ablaze, but in his heart, he was also doubtful about the possibility of rebirth.    


He frowned and lowered his eyes.    


He stared at the man that appeared on the screen.    


He was tall, with short hair, handsome features and bright eyes.    


Where had he seen those eyes before?    


Lu Yiyao closed his eyes and recalled.    


I had to flex my eyelids.    


The doctor with the child?    


Even though he wore gold-rimmed glasses, the shape of his eyes could not be changed.    






A bold guess appeared in Lu Yiyao's mind and his heart throbbed more and more.    


The face at the airport with the sunglasses, the little girl with the pink mask on her face in the corridor of the ward.    


If you put together the features they don't have...    


Lu Yiyao's heartbeat suddenly quickened as his pitch black pupils quivered.    


Could they be?    


The calm lake in his heart shook violently.    


He immediately called Ding Mo.    


"Come to the hospital at once."    


Ding Mo rushed to the hospital as fast as he could.    


Lu Yiyao handed him a plastic bag with a few strands of his hair inside.    


"Send this to the specimen the man handed in for re-examination."    


"Yes." "CEO"    



Ding Mo understood tacitly and left the hospital.    


Lu Yiyao walked into the ward.    


Lin Ange was still sleeping, and her red and swollen face had gradually faded.    


Lu Yiyao sat down in front of the sickbed, held her soft and weak hand and mumbled in a low voice.    


"Lin Ange, did you hide something from me?"    


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