Daddy, Here Is Mommy



4Before Lin Ange could finish her words, her cherry-like lips were once again sealed.    


Soon, he felt a sharp pain on his lips. Traces of blood flowed between their lips.    


CHI *    


Lin Ange frowned, her rosy face turning slightly pale.    


Not only was this man abnormal, he was also a bit crazy.    


All men of Lu Family were like this?!    


Lu Hengyuan was.    


Lu Jinhui was the same.    


Lu Yiyao was even more so!    


In the large cloakroom, the temperature was significantly higher.    


Lin Ange was furious and stomped on Lu Yiyao.    


Lu Yiyao had to stop his next attack because of the pain in his back.    


"Lu Yiyao, you …"    


Lin Ange licked her lips that she had bit into. Her heart heaved as her clear eyes filled with burning fury.    


"Lin Ange, these clothes are all custom-made for you."    


Lu Yiyao frowned and said in a low voice as he endured the pain in his foot.    


If she didn't explain, who knew what kind of misunderstanding she would have?    


"For me?"    


When Lin Ange heard that, her gaze froze. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva with great difficulty. He asked for an unknown reason.    




"Silly Girl …"    


"Lu Yiyao, don't you think that's funny?"    


"Believe it or not."    


Lu Yiyao let go of his hands, turned around and walked out with a look of silence. Only Lin Ange was left standing alone in the large cloakroom, dazed.    


Lin Ange was still a little unconvinced. She bit her lip, walked in, and casually looked at the sign.    


Without exception.    


All her size.    


Lin Ange's hands, which had been touching her clothes, went slightly numb, and her brain exploded.    


Did I misunderstand him?    


When did he prepare these clothes?    


When she came back, or before?    


It should be before.    


She hadn't been back for long. Even if she were to rush back, she wouldn't be able to do it.    


How long ago?    


Three months ago?    


Half a year ago?    


A year ago?    


Lin Ange covered her chest and sat on the sofa in the middle of the cloakroom.    


His heart pounded rapidly.    


Her face turned pale.    


His mind felt like it was being pierced by needles.    


She sat in the cloakroom for a long time before she slowly stood up and walked out.    




Sister Zhou was sitting on the sofa with Lin Yanyan, watching cartoons. When she saw Lin Yanyan come down, she immediately stood up.    


"Young Mistress, you came down."    




Lin Ange responded with a smile.    


"Sister Zhou, it's better if you don't call me Young Mistress. Just call me by my name."    


"That won't do. Third Young Master will scold me if he knows."    


Sister Zhou waved her hands repeatedly.    


Seeing that she could not persuade him, Lin Ange could only let her call him that.    


Thinking about it, he decided to let Lu Yiyao tell her.    


"Young Mistress, how much did you eat for lunch? The bird's nest is still simmering. I'll go get you a bowl of soup. "    


"Sister Zhou, there's no need …"    


"The third young master has instructed me to do so."    


Sister Zhou turned around and walked into the kitchen.    


Lin Ange felt a little uncomfortable and sat down next to Lin Yanyan.    


"Mei Gege, you came down."    


"Yes." Brother Yan, what are you looking at? "    


"Piggy Page …"    


Lin Yanyan glanced at her and then immediately set his gaze on the TV screen.    


Thinking about it, he misunderstood Lu Yiyao. Since he said something 'unpleasant', he should apologize to him.    


"Brother Yan, did you see your dad's location?"    


"He seems to have gone to the lake."    


Lin Yanyan looked at the TV and casually answered.    




Lin Ange replied as her mind was still thinking about what just happened.    


Sister Zhou brought over the bird's nest very quickly.    


Lin Ange didn't want to touch her good intentions, so she began to drink with small gulps.    


Seeing this, a gratified smile appeared on Sister Zhou's face.    


After a while.    


Lin Ange tilted her head and asked Lin Yanyan.    


"Brother Yan, the weather is good now. Do you want to go out for a walk?"    




Lin Yanyan was full of energy. How could he still want to go out? He refused decisively.    


Lin Ange licked her lower lip, sighed, and curled up on the sofa again.    


"Mei Gege, if you want to find Father, then go." "Don't sigh here."    


"Ugh …"    


Lin Ange froze for a moment, her ears turning red.    


He felt a bit embarrassed that his thoughts had been hit.    


"When did I say I was going to find him?"    


She curled her lips, refusing to admit it.    


"Mei Gege, did you make dad angry?"    


Lin Yanyan turned around and looked at her with his black grape-like eyes.    


After so much effort, he finally recognized his father. He didn't want anything bad to happen to them.    




Lin Ange pursed her lips to deny it.    


"No?" "Then when I saw dad coming down, I was very unhappy."    




Lin Ange's heart tightened. She was so guilty that she didn't dare to look at him. She stood up. His hands stroked his stomach.    


"I was a bit full just now. I'm going out for a walk."    


"Oh, okay …"    


Lin Yanyan blinked his eyes and replied obediently. As Lin Ange turned around, a sly glint flashed across her eyes.    


"You obviously wanted to find Father, but you still refused to admit it. Haha … Daddy did as well, deliberately telling me that I went to the lake. He clearly wanted me to tell Mommy … "Ai, for such a big person to worry about …"    


Lin Yanyan raised his eyebrows, then turned off the TV with the remote control.    


Sister Zhou hurriedly asked when she walked over and did not see Lin Ange.    


"Young Master, where did the young mistress go?"    


"Hee hee …"    


Lin Yanyan grinned. His eyes were bright and his teeth were white. He was carved from jade, it was hard to dislike him.    


He climbed down from the sofa and ran on his short legs to the French window. His large eyes looked outside and his slightly curled hair fluttered like the clouds in the sky.    


Afraid that he would fall down, Sister Zhou also followed behind him.    1


Outside the window.    


The spring breeze was warm and refreshing.    


The weeping willow by the lake gently swayed, and Yulan began to breathe in and out her fragrance.    


Lin Ange, wearing a goose-yellow knit top, looked gorgeous in the green. She lowered her head and clasped her hands together, walking towards the black figure in the middle of the lake.    


There was a unique little hexagonal pavilion in the Yunxi Lake.    


There is a corridor connecting the lake shore to the kiosk.    


Lin Ange stood for a moment at the end of the corridor. He pursed his lips and gathered up his courage before slowly walking towards the pavilion in the middle of the lake.    


The corridor was made of wood. The armrests were carved to perfection.    


Lin Ange had no time to admire the patterns and patterns on it as she walked slowly and nervously.    


Creak, creak.    


With every step he took, there was a slight sound.    


Lu Yiyao put his hands in his pockets and looked at the sparkling lake with a cold expression.    


The sound of light footsteps came closer. He did not need to turn his head to know who it was.    


The corner of his lips slightly twitched, and a faint smile appeared on his dark and narrow eyes.    


This girl should teach her a lesson.    


Let's see if she still dares to let her imagination run wild.    


Lin Ange looked at the tall figure standing in the middle of the pavilion with a tense expression. He reached out to stroke his hair and walked over, calling out in a low voice.    


"Lu Yiyao …"    




Lu Yiyao didn't look back, nor did he answer. The black shirt made his back seem even more lonely.    


The pavilion was shaded, and it added to its bleakness and loneliness.    


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