Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3"Mei Gege, why did you ask such a difficult question?"    


Lin Yanyan raised his head, his teary eyes became cleaner and brighter, and his brows were furrowed.    




With reddened eyes, Lin Ange didn't know how to explain it to him.    


Lin Yanyan blinked his long eyelashes, then smiled slyly and said with certainty.    


"Mei Gege, this question is actually not difficult at all. I have definitely chosen you. "Because you are my most beloved Mei Gege."    


He obviously didn't fully understand what this question really meant.    


Looking at her innocent eyes, Lin Ange could not bear to continue asking. She gently said as she rolled up the corner of her mouth and stroked his slightly curled hair.    


"Mommy also loves Brother Yan the most."    


Beep, beep.    


Lin Ange's cell phone rang. Lin Yanyan turned his head and said softly.    


"Mei Gege is the godfather."    


"Hurry up and answer it."    


Lin Ange was still thinking about how Gu Yunxiao still hadn't arrived after such a long time had passed.    


I was just about to call him.    


Lin Yanyan opened the video call with his small hand.    


Gu Yunxiao's heroic face instantly appeared on the screen of his phone.    


He had changed into a black-and-white striped short-sleeved T-shirt, and his curly-colored hair was still wet.    


Apparently, he had just taken a bath.    


"Godfather …"    


Lin Yanyan curled his lips, raised his eyebrows, and greeted him obediently.    


"Hello, Brother Yan …"    


Gu Yunxiao took a bottle of cola and drank a mouthful. His deep blue eyes revealed deep love and yearning.    


After being separated for less than 12 hours, he was already starting to miss little bun.    


"Dad, it's been a long journey. Have you eaten? "    


Lin Yanyan's big eyes were also filled with concern.    


"Thank you, Brother Yan, for your concern. I already ate on the plane, so I'm not hungry yet." "Eh, where's your mother?"    


Gu Yunxiao put down the cola, leaned his back against the balcony railing and held up his phone.    


On the screen, the blue sky and white clouds appeared, along with a coconut breeze.    


"Mei Gege is here. Wait a moment."    


Lin Yanyan handed the phone to Lin Ange, who adjusted the camera angle and pursed her lips. Her voice was a little cold.    


"Gu Yunxiao, you're here."    


"Yes, I've only been here for a short while. It was too hot, so he went to take a bath first. I'm sorry I made you worry. "    


Gu Yunxiao looked at the pretty figure that appeared in the camera. The blue eyes of his suddenly narrowed. He felt a wave of bitterness in his heart for no reason.    


Ever since he returned to his villa, he felt that something was missing.    


His heart was empty.    


"Who's worried about you. "Hmph …"    


Lin Ange curled her lips and said in a mocking tone.    


"Yes, I'm not worried. "Two heartless guys, once you have Lu Yiyao, you'll forget about Gu Yunxiao …"    


"Gu Yunxiao, what are you talking about?"    


While Gu Yunxiao was talking, Lin Yanyan walked up to Lin Ange. Hearing Lin Ange's words, Lin Yanyan burst into laughter.    


"Brother Yan, what are you laughing about?"    


Gu Yunxiao glared at Lin Yanyan, scratched his curly hair and said sadly.    


"All of you have left, leaving me alone to drink and drink. Ai …"    


"Gu Yunxiao, speak properly."    


Lin Ange knew that he was acting a little, but she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


She remembered his kindness to her.    


"I am speaking nicely?"    


Gu Yunxiao frowned, with a serious expression.    


Before Lin Ange could reply, Lin Yanyan grinned.    


"Godfather, you should find a female friend. That way, you won't be lonely anymore."    


"Girl? Forget it, I'm still free and alone. "    


Gu Yunxiao's deep blue eyes moved and a smile appeared on his face.    


However, Lin Ange could hear the loneliness in his voice.    


"Gu Yunxiao, you're not young anymore. It's time to find a girlfriend? "It was Brother Yan and I who dragged you down these past few years …"    


As she spoke, her clear eyes flashed with starlight, and her long eyelashes were covered with a thin layer of mist.    


"Geiger, what are you talking about? "Ai ai ai ai, speak properly."    


Gu Yunxiao imitated her tone and said with a frown.    


"Gu Yunxiao, thank you."    


Lin Ange Changqiu blinked her eyes, letting the mist dissipate. She pursed her lips, her dimples brimming with a faint smile.    


"Ge Ge, I am not happy with you doing this to me."    


Gu Yunxiao's face suddenly darkened as he pretended to be angry. However, his heart was not at peace. In order not to reveal the emotions in his heart, he pulled at his lips.    


"Ge, Brother Yan, I'm going to rest first. "I have to go to the base for a mission later"    


"Mm. Alright."    


Lin Ange and Lin Yanyan nodded. Lin Yanyan raised his small hand and spoke softly to him.    


"Godfather, Bye – by."    


"Brother Yan, Bye – by."    


Lin Yanyan bid farewell to Gu Yunxiao and ran off.    


"Gu Yunxiao, you have to take good care of yourself. "Remember to eat on time, don't stay up all night …"    


Lin Ange said, a little worried.    


"Got it, Ge Ge, you too."    


Gu Yunxiao smiled at him. When Lin Ange was about to hang up, he suddenly said this.    


"Ge Ge, I am very confident in handing you over to Lu Yiyao."    


"Gu Yunxiao, you …"    


When Lin Ange heard this, her heart pounded heavily like a heavy weight. It was dull, her heart was sour, and she felt like crying.    


"Alright, let's leave it like this for now. I'm going to go take a nap."    


Gu Yunxiao yawned and smacked his lips.    


"Alright. "Go ahead."    


Seeing that he was tired, Lin Ange didn't say anything else.    


Hanging up the video.    


Lin Ange put her phone on the tea table, stood up and walked to the French window.    


Looking at the continuous spring rain outside, the thoughts in his heart began to grow longer and longer.    


He felt a little choked up in his throat.    


He wanted to cry, but he couldn't.    


Night slowly descended, and the orange street lights appeared hazy.    


Lin Ange was worried about Lu Yiyao. She wondered if he had gotten better. Do you have a fever?    


She wanted to call him, but she shook her head and sighed.    


"To him, what do I count as?"    




Qingning Hospital.    


Lin Zhiyan saw Lu Hongzhan pick up the phone and say that he would not be back for a long time. He stood up and glanced at Lu Yiyao. Seeing that Lu Yiyao seemed to have fallen asleep, it was not good to wake him up.    


He walked out and took a deep breath.    


Looking around, he didn't see Lu Hongzhan. He could not help but feel a little puzzled.    


"Just a phone call. Where'd he go?"    


As a nurse passed by, she quickly stopped and asked.    


The nurse told her that Lu Hongzhan seemed to have gone downstairs.    




Lin Zhiyan was suspicious, but in front of the nurse who didn't show it, she said, "Thank you."    


The young nurse respectfully replied with 'no need to thank me' and returned to her job.    


Lin Zhiyan stood on the spot and pondered.    


"Why would he go down at this time? What important matter is he going to take care of? "    



The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. She took out her phone and dialed.    


The phone rang for a long time, but he didn't answer.    


She became increasingly suspicious as she felt a trace of unease in her heart.    


He continued to pursue the call.    


A cold female voice suddenly sounded from the phone.    


"Hello, the number you have dialed has been turned off."    


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