Daddy, Here Is Mommy



1"Eldest Sister-in-Law, quickly sit down."    


Lu Yixun pulled Lin Zhiyan and sat in front of Lu Jinhui's bed. Lin Zhiyan, however, did not want to sit next to Lu Hongzhan. She pushed Lu Yixun to sit next to him while she sat next to Lu Yixun.    


Lu Yiyao, who was sitting opposite them, glanced at them indifferently. His cold eyes flinched for a moment before they landed on Lu Hongzhan's body.    


Lu Hongzhan saw him looking at him and thought to himself.    


[Why is he looking at me like that? Did he get a hold of something?]    


He pursed his lips and looked at Lu Jinhui, who was beside the bed.    


Lu Yiyao saw that he intentionally avoided his gaze, so the corner of his lips slightly twitched.    


He really did not expect that his elder brother, who was growing up to fifty years old, would actually have the bad qualities of a man, having three children on the outside.    


And this woman was still …    


If the old tutor knew, he'd probably never wake up again.    


Lu Yiyao slowly retracted his gaze and adjusted his legs.    


Even though he was lazily sitting, he still carried an extremely strong aura. No one dared to underestimate him.    


If not for the dean's worry that Lu Jinhui would not be able to survive tonight, they might not have been able to see him one last time.    


How could they have stayed by the sickbed together for so long?    


Within the spacious ward, only the sound of a breathing machine could be heard. In the air, there was a faintly discernible smell of Disinfectant Liquid.    


Sitting like this was very boring.    


Lin Zhiyan tilted her head and asked Lu Yixun warmly.    


"Sister, did your brother-in-law and nephew not come back with you?"    


"They still have things to attend to and are temporarily unable to leave. I should be back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. "    


Lu Yixun explained with a smile.    




Lin Zhiyan nodded.    


"Eldest Sister-in-Law, where's Hengyuan?"    


Lu Yixun got off the plane and came here. He hadn't returned to the Lu Family yet, so he didn't know about Lu Hengyuan's situation.    


As the eldest grandson of the family, he should be by his grandfather's side right now.    


"He's not well. Let him go back and rest."    


A trace of awkwardness flashed across Lin Zhiyan's reddened eyes.    


"Bad health? What happened to him? "    


Lu Yixun's delicate and pretty face revealed a trace of concern when she heard that.    


His family only had such a nephew. Naturally, he was very fond of him.    


"That's right …"    


Lin Zhiyan couldn't help but glance at Lu Yiyao. The light in her eyes flickered as she said embarrassedly.    


"Ugh, I can't say it clearly for a while …"    


Lu Yixun naturally noticed the uneasiness on her face and followed her gaze to look at Lu Yiyao.    


She wondered if Lu Hengyuan was suffering from some hidden disease, so she couldn't say anything in front of Lu Yiyao.    


Nodding his head, Zhang Xuan replied warmly.    




Lin Zhiyan smiled at her and said nothing more.    


Squeak... Squeak...    


Suddenly, a sharp sound came from the bed.    


The red numbers on the medical monitor jumped.    


Lu Yiyao suddenly let go of his crossed legs, stood up and quickly pressed the emergency call bell.    


Everyone in the ward stood up.    


Lu Yixun's tears fell as she called out with a trembling voice.    


"Father... "Father …"    


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!    


The sound of the ventilator became louder.    


Heavy and turbid.    


"Father... "Father …"    


In the end, Lu Yixun was still a daughter, so she cried even louder.    


Lu Hongzhan and Lu Yiyao were tense and frowning.    


Everyone knew that life and death were the norm.    


However, now that things had come to this, their son's heart still didn't feel good.    


Even if it was Lu Yiyao, who had no kinship with him, at this moment, his heart was very heavy.    


In the shopping mall, he was decisive in his killing. With a flip of his hand, he turned the clouds into rain. He was in control of the lives of many people, and he was never lenient in his actions.    


But at this moment, he looked at the person that gave him his life, his life was slipping away bit by bit, and his heart started to move inexplicably.    


The mood was very complicated.    


The ventilator was covered with white mist, Lu Jinhui opened his mouth slightly and gasped heavily.    


Lu Jinhui, who had been in a coma for a long time, slowly opened his eyelids. His eyelids were trembling so badly that a single tear rolled down from the corner of his eye.    


Lu Hongzhan called out anxiously as he bent down with tears at the corner of his eyes.    


"Father …"    


Lu Jinhui's hands were trembling violently, the veins on the back of his hands were very, very high.    


Lu Yixun knelt on the ground, grabbed his hand, and cried for him.    


"Father …"    


Seeing this, Lin Zhiyan also secretly wiped away her tears.    


Lu Yiyao also stood beside Lu Jinhui. He frowned and lowered his eyes. His black pupils were filled with red veins.    


The fog on the ventilator was getting thicker and thicker. Lu Jinhui's lips were trembling as if he was calling for something.    


The dean led a group of medical personnel in.    




Emergency treatment.    


The dean's solemn expression was somewhat better.    


"CEO, Deputy Chairman, the chairman has finally escaped from his life. You can go home and rest. "    


The siblings, Lu Hongzhan and Lu Yixun, heaved a sigh of relief.    


Especially Lu Yixun, with red eyes, sat in front of the sickbed and used an overheated towel to wipe the tears that filled the corners of Lu Jinhui's eyes.    


"Father... "I'm Yixun, I'm back …"    


Lu Jinhui's pale lips were trembling. He couldn't hear clearly through the breathing machine.    


It seemed to be calling her.    


It wasn't as if he was calling her.    


Lu Yixun lay down closer to him.    


"Father... "What did you say …"    


Lu Jinhui's pale lips quivered as if he was using up all of his energy.    


"Lu Yiyao …"    


Lu Yixun was stunned for a moment. She hurriedly raised her head and looked at Lu Yiyao on the other side.    


"Third Brother, Daddy seems to be calling you …"    


Lu Hongzhan and Lin Zhiyan were stunned when they heard that.    


At this time, the old man was still reciting "Ol 'Three".    


How could they endure this?    


When Lu Yiyao heard Lu Yixun's words, he leaned forward and lowered his head, moving closer to Lu Jinhui.    


This was the first time that father and son had gotten so close together.    


"Father …"    


Lu Yiyao's voice was hoarse, but it still carried a deep sense of alienation and indifference.    


"Lu Yiyao …"    


The veins on Lu Jinhui's forehead were popping out. Lu Yixun sat on the edge of the bed and held his hand tightly. The moisture in her eyes didn't fade but instead became thicker and thicker.    


"Father, I'm here …"    


Lu Yiyao moved closer to Lu Jinhui, his ear almost touching the breath mask.    


"Child …"    


Even through the mask, Lu Yiyao could hear her clearly. His heart began to beat faster, and his breathing became even more ragged. Complicated emotions were rolling in his stomach.    


He didn't expect that Lu Jinhui was still worried about Lin Yanyan even at this time.    


Just as he was about to reply, his eardrums jolted and a weak voice echoed.    


"..." Bring... "Let me see …"    


When Lu Yiyao heard this, his eyes darkened and the red veins on his black pupils became even more obvious.     4


He did not think too much into it. Nodding his head, he said in a deep voice.    




Lu Jinhui's face was calm as he saw Dudian's response. He closed his eyes again as his breathing calmed down.    


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