Daddy, Here Is Mommy



0"Are you threatening me? If you like to eat, don't eat. It's not me who is hungry. "    


Lin Ange glared at him as she prepared to place the porridge on the small tea table.    


"Oh? "Cough, cough …"    


Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows and looked at her calmly. Just as he spoke, he lightly coughed again.    


His thick eyebrows knitted together, and his deep eyes narrowed. The dark green in the depths of his eyes appeared once again.    


Although the stubble on his chin had been scraped clean, a trace of weariness still remained.    


Lin Ange couldn't bear to see this, so she picked up the bowl again.    


The corner of her mouth twitched, revealing a swirl at the side. Her charming face was covered with a layer of anger.    


"Open your mouth."    


Her tone was not gentle, even a tinge of impatience.    


Lu Yiyao sounded pleasant to the ear. With a heart full of happiness, the corner of his eyebrows slightly raised, revealing a smile to indicate that he had succeeded.    


The porridge was very soft and smooth, going down the throat.    


The stomach was warm.    


The heart was warm.    


Halfway through his meal, he decided to tease her.    


When she put the spoon in his mouth, he bit it hard.    


"Lu Yiyao, let go."    


He bit down like a child.    


"Lu Yiyao, you are so childish. If you don't let go, I'll let go. "    


Lin Ange rolled her eyes at him and pretended to let go.    


Lu Yiyao's mouth twitched and slightly loosened.    


Lin Ange quickly took out the spoon.    


Again, wary of the old trick, he just put the spoon to his lips.    


Lu Yiyao exerted a little more strength and put his lips into his mouth as he pursed his lips gracefully.    


After a while, the bowl of porridge reached the bottom.    


Lu Yiyao did not finish his words, and his thin lips twitched.    


"Anything else?"    


"Yes, there is."    


Lin Ange was afraid that he wouldn't be able to eat well, so she cooked most of the pot.    


"Do you still want more?"    




Lu Yiyao nodded like a greedy child.    


"Then you sit down, I'll go get you another bowl."    


Lin Ange quickly got up and was about to go downstairs.    


Lu Yiyao grabbed her slender wrist and stood up as well. His dark and narrow eyes were filled with tenderness.    


"Let's eat together."    


Lin Ange froze for a moment, her eyes clear and clear.    




Lu Yiyao held her soft and soft hands and slowly walked down the stairs.    


They went into the kitchen.    


Lin Ange served him porridge, but he held her from behind.    


His cold chin was placed naturally on her neck, and his cool breath was mixed with the hot fog.    


Lin Ange was flustered.    


"Lu Yiyao, you …"    




Lu Yiyao didn't say anything. His chin moved and his sharp lips fell on her neck as he gently kissed her.    


The porcelain bowl in Lin Ange's hand almost fell to the ground.    


Lu Yiyao reached out his hand, took the bowl from her hand and put it on the azure stone countertop. Then, he pulled her to face him.    


Her slender arm was wrapped around her slender waist, and her eyes were lowered as she stared fixedly at her.    


Lin Ange's long eyelashes trembled. She pursed her red lips and raised her head, breathing rapidly and restlessly.    


"Lu Yiyao..." "Ugh …"    


Before he could finish his words, she had already hugged him, her red lips sealed in his.    


Four lips touching.    


Breathing in and out.    


He greedily grabbed her breath and explored every nook and cranny with all his might.    




It was like the pot of hot porridge that was still bubbling.    


"Little girl, I hope you can take care of me like this for the rest of my life."    


After kissing her as tenderly as possible, Lu Yiyao stuck to her pink earlobes and said in a low voice.    


Lin Ange's curling eyelashes trembled, causing her to become moist.    


At this moment.    


Her heart skipped a beat and she almost blurted out the answer.    


Biting her lips to clear her mind.    


After a moment, his breathing stabilized and his clear eyes met with the black pupils. His tone was somewhat annoyed.    


"Lu Yiyao, have you lost your mind?"    




Lu Yiyao's eyes were as black as ink and as firm as iron.    


Lin Ange was slightly flustered. She tilted her head, licked her lips that still tasted of his scent, and changed the topic.    


"Are you still going to eat?"    




Lu Yiyao nodded and slowly let go of her slender waist. Then, he turned around and walked towards the restaurant.    


Lin Ange stared at his back for two seconds, her heart filled with worry.    


The person who was clearly about to open the door, yet unknowingly, they really wanted to get closer …    


After scooping up the porridge, he walked out.    


Lu Yiyao was already sitting at the dining table with his long legs crossed elegantly. His bony fingers tapped on the table in a rhythmic manner.    


His hands were beautiful, clean and slender, with distinct joints and a manly charm.    


At this moment, he had returned to his former prideful and aloof appearance.    


Lin Ange was stunned for a moment.    


Maybe that was what he looked like.    


What he had done to her just now, what he had said. It's all nonsense and nonsense.    


She pursed her lips and gently placed the bowl in front of him.    




"Did you eat it?"    


Lu Yiyao's fingers stopped. He squinted his dark eyes and asked worriedly.    


"I'm not hungry."    


"Not hungry?"    


Lu Yiyao's thick eyebrows creased, while a faint smile appeared in the depths of his eyes.    


"I'm too full?"    




Lin Ange wasn't able to react in time as she thought to herself, "When did he feed her?"    


As he thought about it, he caught a glimpse of amusement in his eyes.    


So what did he mean?    


On Bed |...    


Gritting her silver teeth, she pouted.    






Lu Yiyao scooped up a spoonful of congee and was about to put it in his mouth when he stopped and raised his eyebrows.    


Lin Ange's mind went into a frenzy. She glared at him viciously, turned around, and walked back into the kitchen.    


He was really a bit hungry.    


It was not as big of a deal as eating.    


He scooped a bowl for himself and walked out.    



Two people.    


One sat at one end of the table, the other at the other.    


The distance between them was quite far, but with a single glance, he was able to catch the other party's attention.    


To prevent herself from looking at him, Lin Ange lowered her head and ate in silence.    


Lu Yiyao did not disturb her.    


Buzz buzz.    


His phone vibrated.    


He picked it up and saw that Ding Mo had sent him a video.    


He frowned.    


Ding Mo had never been in a video with him. Thinking about it, it must be the little bun.    


He slowly put down his spoon, stood up and walked towards Lin Ange.    


Lin Ange, who was lowering her head to drink her porridge, felt a heavy shadow coming towards her, and her heart skipped a beat. She looked at him with doubt in her eyes.    


Lu Yiyao's black eyes met with her puzzled gaze and he whispered as he curled his lips.    


"Son is looking for us?"    




Lin Ange's eyes narrowed.    


Lu Yiyao sat down beside her and pressed the button on the video link.    


On the screen, a small, jade-like face appeared. It was followed by a soft voice calling out to her.    


"Mei Gege, Daddy …"    


"Brother Yan …"    


"Son …"    


Lin Ange and Lu Yiyao greeted at the same time.    


"Hee hee."    


When Lin Yanyan saw them appear on the screen at the same time, he smiled so much that his eyes curved. His black grape-like eyes were very bright.    


"Daddy, Mei Gege, what are you two doing?"    


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