Daddy, Here Is Mommy



1The sales manager immediately ran up to them.    




"Don't follow."    


Lu Yiyao ordered coldly, he wanted to set up a correct life direction for Lin Yanyan.    


He had to know that even though he was Lu Yiyao's son, he was still like an ordinary child. He couldn't have a sense of superiority from a young age, so he tried to dilute that sense of superiority as much as possible.    


He had walked step by step until today, all relying on himself.    


He also hoped that his son would be able to rely on himself in the future. Instead of relying on the protection of their ancestors, they would obtain it without any effort.    


On this point, he and Lin Ange shared the same view.    


More importantly, he wanted Lin Yanyan to be as happy as an ordinary child.    


The sales manager immediately gave the order on his microphone, and the group of executives just watched from the sidelines, in case something happened.    


However, the customers in the marketplace could not be forced out.    


The security personnel had no choice but to direct them and tighten the perimeter.    


Even so, there were still many bold customers who approached them, especially those fans who called themselves' Mrs. Lu '. How could they miss such a good opportunity? One by one, they took out their phones to take pictures.    


This time, Lu Yiyao did not order his bodyguards to stop them.    


Of course, Lu Yiyao's aura was too strong, so they didn't dare to get too close, and could only secretly take photos from afar.    


For a time.    


On Weibo and Weibo, the images of Lu Yiyao and Lin Ange holding Lin Yanyan's hand and walking around the market appeared.    


The family of three made their first hot search.    


Ding Mo smiled helplessly when he saw this news. He took out his cellphone and ordered the relevant personnel to filter the news that his fans had released.    


Anyone who saw the young master on the screen would be seen on a mosaic, and anyone who found out that the young master's face was exposed would be severely punished.    


Although Lin Yanyan's profile pic was taken care of, Lin Ange's pretty face was extremely clear.    


The internet was in an uproar.    


President Lu and Lin Second Miss actually had a three-year-old child.    


It turned out that all the rumors were not groundless.    


There really was a 'story' between the two of them.    


This piece of news, exploded in Yunjing like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. It even affected the entire country of Z. Even Xu Jianan who was far away at the Li City of the [S] country saw this hot search.    


She was sitting on the balcony outside the ward in her pink flowered hospital gown, looking out into the distance.    


At this time, the sky had just become dawn. In the light blue sky hung a few remaining stars. The starlight was dim, lonely and desolate.    


The ground was covered with a veil, and the green trees were a little hazy.    


The sea breeze blew gently and the air was filled with a coconut breeze.    


Xu Jianan's almond-shaped eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist, but the bottom of her eyes were pale and bloodless.    


One of her white hands rested on the arm of her chair, the other clutched her cell phone.    


His face was calm, but his heart surged with monstrous waves. His hands tightened inch by inch, and his heart tightened bit by bit.    


The person she loved.    


She actually had a child with another woman, and this child was so much older.    


No wonder.    


he said to her. My wife is back.    


His wife.    


It was Lin Ange.    


Heh …    


A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xu Jianan's bloodless lips as tears fell from the corners of her eyes.    


A brackish sea breeze blew past.    


The wind was warm and comfortable.    


Xu Jianan, on the other hand, felt chills running down her spine. Ye Zichen hugged her tightly, while he was still shaking uncontrollably.    


"Brother Yiyao, this isn't true, right?"    


The man's voice was so soft that it caused him to freeze, and the thin blanket in his hand became tighter and tighter.    


"Brother Yiyao, why did this happen?"    


The mist in Xu Jianan's eyes was getting thicker and thicker, and her heart was about to stop beating from the pain.    


He already knew the answer.    


He had told her so clearly.    


He was' responsible 'for her, nothing more.    


Why, upon seeing this news, would his heart still be in pain, in great pain?    


It hurt so much that she couldn't breathe, and her heart stopped.    


"Jianan …"    


Ding Zigeng, who stood at the door for two seconds, suppressed his emotions. He walked up and covered her with the blanket.    


"Jianan, why are you up so early?"    


When Xu Jianan saw him coming over, she hastily wiped away the tears in her eyes. He tried so hard to reply, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't utter a single word.    


She lowered her head and clutched her phone.    


Even though Ding Zigeng covered her with a thin blanket, her body was still shivering.    


Ding Zigeng quickly squatted down, reached out his hands to support her trembling arms and comforted her with a warm voice.    


"Jianan, it's cold outside. Let's go in."    




Xu Jianan's eyes were dull as she gazed into the distance. She lightly shook her head.    


"Jianan, be good."    


When Ding Zigeng saw her expression, a deep look of love appeared on his face.    


He knew very well the sadness in her heart.    


He could empathize with the pain of 'begging but not being able to'.    


Xu Jianan remained silent and did not give him any response. The eyes shrouded in mist continued to stare into the distance.    


That was the direction of the Yunjing.    


A coconut breeze blew.    


The temperature had risen significantly.    


The mist that shrouded the green tree slowly dissipated, and the remnant of the stars that hung in the sky gradually faded away. A red sun gradually rose above the sea level.    


The sky interweaved with beautiful multicolored lights.    


Every dawn was like a new birth.    


Xu Jianan's heart, however, was as dead as ashes. A trace of despair appeared in her misty eyes.    


"Jianan, don't worry." "Third Young Master will definitely come and accompany you."    


Ding Zigengqiang comforted her as he endured the bitterness in his stomach.    


"Will it?"    


Xu Jianan, who had been silent for a long time, finally had her lips trembling.    


These two short words were filled with desolation and sorrow.    


"I will."    


Ding Zigeng said affirmatively.    


"Brother Zigeng, tell me, will Brother Yiyao remember me if I leave just like that?"    


Xu Jianan raised her gaze. The melancholy in the depths of her eyes was heartbreaking.    


"Jianan, how can you say something like that?"    


Ding Zigeng's heart felt like it was being pierced by needles. The palm that he grabbed her arm with started to feel cold.    


Xu Jianan's long eyelashes trembled as a faint smile appeared in her eyes.    


"Brother Zigeng, if I can only live in one person's heart after death, then I'd rather not wake up again."    


"Jianan …"    


Ding Zigeng couldn't help but hug her.    


Surprisingly, Xu Jianan didn't resist, allowing him to hold her as he pleased. Even through the thin blanket, he could still feel the coldness within her body.    


This was the first time the two of them were so close.    


Ding Zigeng, who was breathing heavily, also started to tremble. His heart beat extremely fast, and a hint of red seeped out from the bottom of his eye.    


Compared to his throbbing heart, Xu Jianan didn't seem to have changed at all. It was as if she had lost her spirit soul.    


Ding Zigeng felt her coldness. His heart ached as if there was a big hand clutching his heart. His breathing was a little ragged.    


Love and not love.    


A silent tug.    


If love is a long wait.    


Would the end of his waiting be what he hoped for?    


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