Daddy, Here Is Mommy



2Lin Ange walked in front of Gong Nanling. Her face was tense and her eyes were filled with anger.    


"What's the matter with you? How did they get into a fight like that? "    


"He …"    


Gong Nanling clenched his teeth and glared at Xia Luoxi angrily.    


Lin Ange frowned as she turned around, her eyes filled with a sharp glint of light.    


Xia Luoxi's handsome face was a bit tragic to look at, almost beyond recognition. If one did not look carefully, one would not even be able to recognize him.    


"Lin Ange, you're really amazing. Men with Lu Family, one by one, are completely loyal to you."    


Xia Luoxi's slightly narrowed eyes were filled with coldness and ridicule. His cold voice sounded a little strange.    


Gu Mengmeng looked at him in shock.    


Was the man in front of her still a handsome senior she knew?    


She looked into his eyes and felt that they were frighteningly cold. They were like wild wolves as they emitted a silent green light.    


Ma Li was also stunned for a moment.    


She had never seen Xia Luoxi like this before.    


"Xia Luoxi, you really care too much about me. What's it got to do with you what they did to me? "    


Lin Ange's clear eyes narrowed as a cold and threatening light shone from them. Her hoarse voice was filled with deep disgust and coldness.    


Without waiting for Xia Luoxi's response, he pulled Gong Nanling and said coldly.    


"Gong Nanling, let's go in …"    


"Xia Luoxi, there's no end between us."    


Gong Nanling's face darkened. He gritted his teeth and said harshly.    


Xia Luoxi wiped the corner of his mouth and said with a cold smile.    


"Young Master Gong, we'll see."    


He turned around and left without looking back.    


Although Ma Li was afraid of him, she had no choice but to follow him. As she left, she glanced at Gu Mengmeng helplessly.    


Lin Ange pulled Gong Nanling back to the mourning hall and asked him to sit on a chair in the resting area.    


"Gong Nanling, what happened to you?" Are there any injuries? "    


"It's nothing, Little Aunt …"    


Gong Nanling looked at her with both anger and concern. Then, he smiled.    


"Gong Nanling, you still have the nerve to smile at a time like this?" Lin Ange scolded.    


Gu Mengmeng came over with a glass of water, looking a little angry.    


"Why did you start fighting with him?"    


"He's talking nonsense. I'll teach him a lesson."    


Gong Nanling took the cup and drank a mouthful. A hint of anger appeared on his devilish face.    


"What did he say?" Gu Mengmeng asked doubtfully.    


"He said …"    


Gong Nanling subconsciously looked at Lin Ange, then he looked away and licked his slightly cracked lips.    


"Aiya, I've already said that he's spouting nonsense, so stop asking …"    


"You …"    


When Gu Mengmeng saw that he wanted to say something, she hesitated. Clearly, he had something on his mind. She glared at him, then turned around and returned to the brazier.    


"Are you really alright?"    


Lin Ange confirmed.    


"It's really nothing."    


Gong Nanling smirked as if nothing had happened.    


Lin Ange glanced at him and did not pursue the matter any further. She turned around and walked to Gu Mengmeng's side.    




Zi Yunshan Manor.    


Gu Nianshi was escorted home by Man in black. The huge living room was brightly lit with crystal chandeliers shining brightly.    


On the sofa.    


Gu Mingcheng and Gu Jingyun were sitting upright. Xiao Jingwan sat opposite them with a hint of worry on her face.    


Gu Xiran, who rarely went back to his old home, sat beside his mother and whispered as he held her hands that were a little cold.    


"Mom, don't worry."    


"Xiran …"    


Xiao Jingwan tightly held her hand, a trace of anxiousness appearing in the corner of her eyes.    


Gu Nianshi had violated the Gu family's taboo this time. How would Gu Mingcheng deal with him?    


The Gu family wasn't just a grandson, but also Gu Chuanshi and Gu Xinzhi.    


They were all eyeing the successor of the 'the Gu's' covetously.    


In a fit of anger, Gu Mingcheng took over the shares in Gu Nianshi's hands. If they took him in as their heir, would their house be filled?    


Although the current CEO of 'the Gu's' was his own daughter, the successor could only be his grandson.    


This was a tradition the Gu family would never break in a hundred years.    


Gu Xiran's position as the CEO was only temporary. When the time came, he would have to hand it over to the 'successor'.    


When Gu Nianshi walked in, he immediately noticed that these people were waiting for him.    


She curled her lips and spoke in a faint voice.    


"Are you waiting for me?"    


"What do you think?"    


Gu Jing Yun was the first to speak with a low voice, his eyes filled with anger.    




Gu Nianshi did not say anything, but a hint of indifference appeared in the bottom of his eyes.    


Their heartache towards Gu Yalan was so intense that he didn't want to say a word to them. He headed straight up the stairs.    


"Come here."    


His indifferent and disdainful attitude made the head of the Gu family, Gu Mingcheng, very angry.    


Gu Nianshi's body froze. He stopped, turned around and smiled.    


"Grandfather, what do you want to say tomorrow? I want to rest now."    


This was the first time he openly defied Gu Mingcheng.    


Anyone who knew the truth would know that it was because of Gu Yalan.    


"At the end of the year …"    


Xiao Jingwan looked at him uneasily. She wanted to stand up and pull him towards her.    


Gu Xiran, who was at the side, could not help but have a headache. Under the light, his exquisite facial features were covered with a deep cloud of worry. Ye Zichen frowned, then looked towards his own little brother and softly reminded him.    


"Grandfather has been waiting for you for a long time …"    


"Big sister, I'm sending aunt away now, I still have some bad luck on me." I'm afraid I'll affect you, lest you get infected too. "    


"When the New Year came, you …"    


Gu Xiran's brows furrowed even more. His almond-shaped eyes swept across his handsome face, then he uneasily looked Xiao Jingwan in the eye.    


This little brother of his was really 'stimulated' today. Not only did he ignore her warning, he even said such outrageous words.    


"Gu Nianshi, you're too presumptuous!"    


When Gu Jing Yun heard this, he scolded in a low voice.    


"Impudent? Father, how could I be presumptuous? "    


Gu Nianshi stretched the corner of his mouth as a bitter smile appeared in the bottom of his eyes.    


Bang. Crack.    


Gu Jing Yun opened his mouth to scold, but the ashen-faced Gu Mingcheng moved first. He directly threw a blue and white porcelain teacup in front of him towards Gu Nianshi.    


The porcelain lamp brushed past Gu Nianshi's face and then fell onto the ground, producing an ear-piercing sound.    


This voice echoed throughout the large living room, causing the atmosphere in the room to become even more depressing.    


Xiao Jingwan took the risk of being scolded by her father-in-law and walked to Gu Nianshi's side. She looked at his left cheek which had a deep red scar on it. It was broken, and tiny drops of blood oozed out.    


Xiao Jingwan was praising him endlessly as she tried to persuade him with a gentle voice.    


"At New Year's, quickly apologize to grandpa …"    




Gu Nianshi sneered and said nothing.    


"Gu Nianshi, I thought that you'd be quieter after taking your shares. I didn't expect you to get even worse. "    


Gu Mingcheng's face was extremely gloomy.    




Gu Nianshi glanced over with his clear eyes and smiled faintly.    


My aunt died.    


He did not see a single trace of grief on his grandfather's and father's faces. There was only a monstrous rage.    


His heart turned cold.    



He was also slightly disappointed.    


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