Daddy, Here Is Mommy



4Gu Nianshi didn't expect it.    


The family that he had always been proud of was actually such a cold-blooded and heartless person.    


He did not want to say another word.    


Cen'er pursed her lips, her expression grave.    


His silence made Gu Mingcheng even angrier. He turned around and shouted angrily at Gu Jing Yun.    


"Gu Jing Yun, you better watch out for this unfilial son of mine. If something unexpected happens again, you'll be the only one to ask."    


"Yes, Father."    


Gu Jing Yun did not dare to say half a 'no', and respectfully nodded.    


Gu Mingcheng stood up and left. Gu Jing Yun and Gu Xiran also stood up.    


"Unfilial son!"    


Gu Jing Yun walked over and scolded in a low voice. With his hands behind his back, he angrily went upstairs.    


When Xiao Jingwan saw Gu Mingcheng and Gu Jing Yun had left, she immediately grabbed Gu Nianshi's arm and said in pain.    


"In the new year, hurry up and apply the medicine."    


"Mom, it's fine."    


Gu Nianshi reached out his hand to push her away, his clear eyes were filled with sadness as he said lightly.    


He turned around and walked back to his room.    


"At the end of the year …"    


Xiao Jingwan was extremely worried. Gu Xiran walked over, supported her and said softly.    


"Mom, leave him alone for a moment, sigh …"    


"Xiran, how could this be? If your grandfather were to really accept the New Year's heir, wouldn't that be letting you, Second Uncle, or Third Uncle off? "    


Xiao Jingwan was worried about Gu Nianshi's injuries, but was even more worried that his position as the successor would be taken away.    


"Mom, I'm afraid that if we give this position to him now, he won't care about it anymore."    


Gu Xiran said helplessly.    


"This …"    


"Alright, mother, you should go back to your room to rest. I'm going back. "    


Gu Xiran raised his wrist and looked at the time.    


"It's already so late, you'd better not go back. "We'll sleep here tonight."    


Seeing that the time was not early, Xiao Jingwan could not help but feel sorry for her daughter.    


"Ye Ol 'Three is back, I can't deny it."    


Gu Xiran's expression was a bit serious.    


"Alright then."    


Xiao Jingwan nodded, her eyes filled with worry. This pair of children of hers had been outstanding and sensible since young. They rarely made her worry about them.    


It was just that when she grew up, it made her worry endlessly.    


"Xiran, bring Ziling over for the weekend, I haven't seen her for a long time."    


Xiao Jingwan walked Gu Xiran to the door, unwilling to look at her.    




Gu Xiran nodded and walked out.    


The night was boundless.    


The lights were dismal.    


This was the first time Gu Xiran felt that the air in Zi Yunshan Manor was so heavy and oppressive.    


Xiao Jingwan looked at the black Bentley slowly retreating out of her line of sight before turning back.    


He went upstairs, passed by Gu Nianshi's room and wanted to push open the door and take a look. He thought for a while, shook his head, sighed, and went back to his room.    


Gu Nianshi stood by the window and looked out at the desolate night. He felt a chill in his heart.    


Recalling the scene of his aunt's life coming to an end, his heart began to feel cold.    


A tear finally rolled down the corner of his eye.    


Tears flowed down his handsome face, piercing and refreshing.    


He clenched his hands into fists and whispered through the glass.    


"Aunt, I'm sorry, I couldn't send you on your final journey."    


Buzz buzz.    


The phone in his pocket vibrated.    


He quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, restrained his sadness, and coldly answered.    


"Hey …"    


"Eldest Young Master, something happened at the funeral parlor?"    




Gu Nianshi quickly straightened his body and frowned.    


"The young master of Chenghai and the young master of Lu Family, I don't know why, but they have started fighting."    


"Xia Luoxi and Gong Nanling?"    


Gu Nianshi couldn't understand what kind of conflict the two of them would have with Aunty's Spirit.    


Don't they know about people who respect the 'lost'?    


A layer of anger suddenly appeared in his clear brows and eyes.    


"How is Gu Mengmeng?"    


Right now. What he cared about the most was this lonely cousin of his.    


"Miss Gu is fine, but Miss Lin seems to be injured." However, they did not summon the doctor, so it should be fine. "    


"Lin Ange is injured?"    


Gu Nianshi's heart tightened. His clear eyes couldn't help but tighten and reveal a hint of worry.    


"Eldest Young Master, you don't have to worry about Director Lu sending 'Dark Guard' to protect her in the dark."    




Gu Nianshi answered indifferently, but he did not relax at all.    


"Eldest Young Master, then what about tomorrow's funeral?"    


"Make sure you don't let Miss Gu find out."    


Gu Nianshi's clear eyes contained a hint of helplessness and loneliness.    


"Eldest Young Master, don't worry. I'll do my job well so that Miss Gu won't find out."    




Gu Nianshi narrowed his eyes and lowered his head slowly. Cen Bo's lips curved in a desolate smile.    


He stood by the window for a long time, looking at the lonely star in the middle of the dark night in silence.    


Time slowly passed.    


Dawn came quietly.    


Lin Ange, Gu Mengmeng and Gong Nanling knelt in front of Gu Yalan's spirit tonight. Inside the brazier, the paper money was piled up in a pile of ashes.    


Their faces were covered with a heavy mask of fatigue, and their eyes were swollen and bloodshot.    


Eight o'clock.    


The funeral home staff came to inform them that Gu Yalan's body should be sent to cremation.    


When Gu Mengmeng heard this, she instantly became somewhat resistant to it.    


Lin Ange and Gong Nanling held her up and consoled her for a long time before Gu Mengmeng finally agreed with heartache.    


The three of them stood in front of the glass that was separated from the incinerator, all of them looking miserable.    


Staring at the blazing fire, Gu Mengmeng almost fainted. In the end, she gritted her teeth and persevered.    


Life hammered in the fire and finally turned into dust.    


Gu Mengmeng looked at the luxurious casket and her vision turned black. Unable to hold on any longer, she collapsed backwards.    


Gong Nanling quickly hugged her …    




Lu Yiyao's private jet arrived at Li City Floating Cloud Airport.    


The bulletproof car Ding Mo had arranged had been waiting for a long time. Although this trip was extremely low-key, the security measures didn't slack off in the slightest.    


This is the Li City. It was not Yunjing.    


Lu Yiyao put on his sunglasses and slowly walked down the gangway. The dim starlight cut out his deep facial features, and his black suit gave off a reserved and relaxed feeling.    


Ye Zichen pursed his lips and smiled coldly, then looked at Ding Mo.    


"Contact Gu Yunxiao, let's meet sometime."    


"Yes, CEO."    


Ding Mo answered and opened the back door for him. Then, he sat on the passenger seat.    


The black car slowly drove away from the Floating Cloud Airport and headed towards Li City.    


The speed was very fast.    


The moment Lu Yiyao got on the car, he started to close his eyes and meditate.    


The long distance flight had made him feel a little tired, and even a trace of weariness had appeared in the depths of his eyes.     0


Ding Mo turned his head and looked back, so he reminded the driver to slightly raise the temperature of the car by two degrees.    


The Li City belonged to the tropical weather.    


In the blink of an eye, the rain began to fall non-stop. The wiper was constantly swinging back and forth.    


A hint of salty moisture suddenly appeared in the air.    


Lu Yiyao suddenly opened his eyes and raised his wrist to look at the expensive watch in his hand.    


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