Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3When Tong Yao received Tong Rao's message, she hurriedly replied. "Good, little brother, I won't leave until I see you again."    


Ding Pei walked over and handed her a document.    


"Make ten copies of this document for the meeting tomorrow."    


"Yes, Dint's help."    


Tong Yao giggled in agreement.    


Her smiling face was in stark contrast to Ding Pei's cold face.    


"What is it? Why are you so happy?"    


Ding Pei glanced at her and suddenly asked.    


"Oh, my cousin invited me to dinner."    


"It's just a meal, is it not worth being so happy? "When you're at work, pay attention."    


Ding Pei was as indifferent as water. Her face showed a trace of sternness.    


"We haven't seen each other in a long time, so …"    


Before Tong Yao could finish her explanation, Ding Pei had already turned around and walked back to her office.    


Her back was cold and proud, and there was a trace of heroic spirit in it. Even though her feet were still wrapped in white gauze, her gait was still as powerful as a man's.    


Tong Yao quickly withdrew her smile and stuck her tongue out at her back.    


Although Ding Pei was cold to everyone, Tong Yao and the people in the secretary's office still liked her a lot.    


She wasn't very talkative, but she was very capable, and she never asked them for excessive work.    


One said one, two said two.    


He was a very upright person.    


There was no weakness in a strong general.    


Since Ding Pei was so powerful, Lin Ange, as the boss, could only imagine.    


Tong Yao took the documents to the copy room and began to busy herself.    


Ding Pei walked into the chairman's office and reminded Lin Ange in a light voice.    


"Chairman, it's time to pick up young master."    




Lin Ange was flipping through the financial data submitted by the Finance Department for the past four years, answering her with a raise of her wrist to check the time.    


It was already 5 o'clock in the blink of an eye. Time passed by so quickly.    


"Assistant Ding, send a copy of the data submitted by the Finance Department to my personal email. I'll check it when I get home."    


Lin Ange ordered calmly as she turned off the computer.    


She was like a spinning top, operating at high speeds every day.    


Even when I go home, I work late.    


"Ok, chairman."    


Ding Pei asked after pausing for a moment.    


"Chairman, the cake has been decided. Do you want to fetch it yourself, or do you want the shop assistant to directly deliver it to Qingyi Garden? "    


"I'll just pick Yanyan up and go straight away."    


Lin Ange put the phone back in her bag, glanced at the clean desk again, and said with a frown.    




Ding Pei nodded and followed Lin Ange out.    


When Lin Ange arrived at the St. Paolo kindergarten, she didn't expect to meet Ye Lingyuan again.    


Ye Lingyuan arrived earlier than her today and leaned against the car while chewing gum. Such a posture was full of arrogance.    


If the parking space hadn't been full, Lin Ange wouldn't have parked next to his car.    


"Mrs. Lu …"    


Lin Ange opened the car door and stepped out. Ye Lingyuan's unruly voice sounded.    


The two of them exchanged a couple of blows, but Lin Angeruo ignored them. She could not help but appear too arrogant.    


His Ye Family was a third generation of pure red.    


Old Master Ye had just stepped down from the throne, while Ye Lingyuan's second uncle, Ye Zhenhuan, still held an important position in the capital.    


In terms of Yunjing, the difference in power and Lu Family was about the same, and it was slightly higher than the Gu Family.    


"Third Young Master Ye, you're really early."    


Lin Ange said indifferently as she pursed her cherry-like lips.    


"It's rare to come and go a few times a year, so naturally you're here early."    


Ye Lingyuan stopped chewing and slightly curled his lips. His pitch black eyebrows raised up and a touch of gentleness appeared in his dark eyes.    


Lin Ange unexpectedly heard a trace of helplessness and sadness from her unruly words.    


She was stunned for half a second. Just because of this sentence, his good impression of this playboy's arrogant Third Young Master of the Ye Family suddenly soared.    


She had always respected and worshipped soldiers.    


Furthermore, Ye Ziling's father, who was also Ye Lingyuan's older brother, Ye Chenyuan, was killed in an international peacekeeping operation.    


He was not only the pride of the people of Yunjing, but also the pride of the soldiers of Z Nation.    


Ye Lingyuan was in the army all year round, so it was rare for him to go home.    


But as soon as he returned, he came to fetch Ye Ziling. Regardless of whether it was to make up for Ye Ziling's missing father's love, his actions were still very moving and warm.    


"This little uncle of yours is quite 'competent'."    


Glimmers danced in Lin Ange's eyes as she raised her eyebrows and spoke softly.    


"But little uncle is still little uncle after all. I can't be father …"    


Ye Lingyuan suddenly lowered his eyes as a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his lips. Under the setting sun, the resolute and three-dimensional features actually revealed a touch of vicissitudes and vicissitudes.    


This kind of him was really different from the young him.    


Time could indeed forge a person.    


Third Young Master Ye, who was very unruly and stubborn, also had this kind of feeling.    


The atmosphere was stifling and depressing.    


Lin Ange pursed her lips. There was a hint of a joke in her words.    


"This is a new era, no one can ask a woman to 'come to an end in one go'? You can find your niece a 'father'. "    


Even though it was a joke, it was also the truth of her words.    


Ye Chenyuan had lost two years already, and Gu Xiran was still alone.    


She was only 30 years old and was still so young. Could it be that she would live on by herself from now on?    


Whether it was his emotions or his physiology, they were all torture and destruction?    


"Mrs. Lu, are you trying to introduce her to me?"    


"I don't dare to provoke people from the Ye Family. I just feel that your sister-in-law is a little lonely living by herself. "    


Lin Ange smiled and brushed away a strand of hair hanging by her ear.    


Did she know better than anyone the loneliness and difficulty of raising a child alone? Because she knew very well.    


This was how she had endured the past four years.    


"Oh, really?"    


Ye Lingyuan probably stood there for a long time. The legs he leaned on changed, while he still leaned against the car. Those hawk-like eyes narrowed, becoming a bit more silent than before.    


Lin Ange shot him a glance but didn't say anything. She just raised her wrist to look at the time.    


"Mrs. Lu, if you have similar conditions, why don't you introduce us?"    


Ye Lingyuan's expression sunk. He lowered his eyes and glanced at her.    


When Lin Ange heard this, she looked at him in disbelief. On her beautiful face, her eyebrows knitted together as her clear and limpid eyes focused.    


These words didn't sound like a joke.    


"What is it? You really don't dare? "    


Ye Lingyuan's slightly tight face suddenly relaxed. He raised his eyebrows and asked in a provocative manner.    


"I just don't want to get involved."    


When Lin Ange saw that he had returned to his usual unruly and unruly attitude, her tone immediately became clear and indifferent.    




Ye Lingyuan could hear the faintly estrangement in her tone, so he did not continue the topic. In his heart, however, he began to consider this suggestion of hers.    


It was time to find a good home for her sister-in-law.    


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