Daddy, Here Is Mommy



1The light in Lu Yiyao's eyes suddenly became intense. He pursed his lips and felt a slight heat rising in his chest.    


He really did not expect that the person that he had always been yearning for would send him a video invitation.    


God knows how much he wanted to look at her and talk to her face to face.    


He could not wait to turn around.    


Just as he walked to the door, the monitor inside the ward suddenly let out a 'squeak'. "Creak …" The sound.    


"Third Young Master …"    


Ding Zigeng was so nervous that he immediately stopped him.    


In the quiet sickroom, it suddenly became much noisier.    


Hurried footsteps.    


Orders from the medical staff.    


Even though Lu Yiyao wanted to answer the phone, he had no choice but to turn around and walk towards Xu Jianan's bed.    


He stubbornly refused Lin Ange's video invitation. Before he could explain anything to her, he put the phone back in his pocket.    


Lin Ange's heart dropped to the bottom when she saw the screen suddenly hang up.    


At this moment, her mood was like riding a roller coaster. He hopefully rushed to the top. Before he even had the chance to experience the scenery, he had already rushed to the lowest point.    


That feeling of loneliness and disappointment was something she had never experienced before.    


Stunned for two seconds, he thought to himself.    


What was he doing?    


Why would you refuse a video request?    


Is it inconvenient?    


Or not?    


Or was he accompanying Xu Jianan?    


The moment she thought of that woman, the intimate image of the two of them involuntarily appeared in her mind.    


He felt slightly satisfied in his heart.    


Lin Ange was annoyed by her wild thoughts. She bit her lips and turned off her phone angrily. He finished the cold coffee in one gulp. Then she took the clothes to the bathroom.    


The sound of flowing water.    


It washed away her fatigue and her boredom and bitterness.    






Warm Garden.    


8 PM.    


Gong Nanling stood in front of Gu Mengmeng's house with two large plastic bags in his hands.    


The doorbell rang.    


After waiting quietly for a while, Gu Mengmeng, whose eyes were red and swollen, slowly opened the door.    


"What took you so long?"    


As soon as they met, Gu Mengmeng asked in a low voice, her eyes bloodshot.    


It was only eight o'clock, but it was already dark and she was frightened to be alone in the empty house.    


"There was a traffic jam on the way, and then I went to the market to buy some things, so …"    


Gong Nanling raised his eyebrows, waved the plastic bag in his hand and explained in embarrassment.    


"Oh …"    


Gu Mengmeng swept a glance with her brows lowered as she answered softly. The door opened a little and motioned him in.    


Gong Nanling walked straight into the kitchen with the plastic bag in his hand. Gu Mengmeng put down her things and returned to the living room, asking Gu Mengmeng, who was sitting on the sofa.    


"Are you hungry? How about I order takeout?"    


When he passed by the market, he also wanted to cook by himself, just like Lu Yiyao. Therefore, on a whim, he bought a lot of ingredients.    


However, looking at the time, it seemed a little late. With his skills, who knew when he would be able to finish this meal?    


"I'm not hungry …"    


Gu Mengmeng's voice was still hoarse, and her reply sounded a little weak.    


"Oh …"    


Gong Nanling bit his lips and scratched his head. His rebellious eyebrows twitched.    


"Then you have to be patient. I'll do it right away."    




Gu Mengmeng hugged her pillow and leaned against the sofa, her eyes glazed over.    


Her mind was a little empty, and she didn't go into detail about what he had said or what he was going to do.    


As long as she wasn't alone in the family.    


She had wanted to call Lin Ange, but the thought that Lin Ange and Lin Yanyan would have to take care of her made her feel better to bring Yanyan here.    


Other than her, in Yunjing, the one with the best relationship was Gong Nanling. Thus, she called him.    


She just wanted him to be with her so that she wouldn't be so afraid. As for everything else, he didn't think too much about it.    


A moment later.    


Pong, pong.    


Although this voice sounded a little noisy, it made the lonely and desolate house a little more lively.    


Gu Mengmeng was no longer so scared in her heart.    




Suddenly, a sharp scream came from the kitchen. Gu Mengmeng's dull gaze quivered and her heart started beating in panic. He slowly put down the pillow in his hand, got up and walked to the kitchen door.    


"What's wrong?"    


Gong Nanling, who was washing his fingers with the tap, jumped in shock. He quickly shut off the tap and hid his hands behind his back.    


Although Gu Mengmeng was haggard and powerless, his deliberate actions did not escape her eyes.    


He walked in lightly and asked with a frown.    


"What happened to his hand?"    




Gong Nanlingqiang resisted the pain on his fingers. He put his hands behind his back and shook his head.    


Gu Mengmeng walked closer and reached out to grab his arm.    


"Let me see."    


"I'm fine. "I'm really fine …"    


Gong Nanling squinted his beautiful eyes. His lips curved into a smile, and a smile appeared on his devilish face. She tensed up, refusing to let her see.    


A sliver of anger appeared on Gu Mengmeng's tired face. Her eyes landed on the blue and white ground from the corner of her eyes.    


A demonic red flower of blood bloomed like a demon one after another.    


"Gong Nanling, you got it?"    


Gu Mengmeng's heart was in turmoil. She raised her head and glared at Gong Nanling with her red and swollen eyes.    


"Gu Mengmeng, no, how could that be? How did someone as powerful as me get his hands on it? "    


Gong Nanling smiled, then forced himself to 'explain'.    


"You …"    


Gu Mengmeng no longer insisted on looking at his hand. She bit her pale lips tightly, gave him a fierce glare, then turned around and walked away.    


"Gu Mengmeng, wait a little longer. Dinner will be served soon." "Swish …"    


Gong Nanling saw her back disappear from the door. He quickly turned on the tap and started washing his cut fingers.    


Only a minute had passed.    


Gu Mengmeng, who had already walked out, walked back in with a medical kit in her hand.    


Gong Nanling put his hands behind his back as if he was shocked by lightning.    


"Give me your hand."    


Gu Mengmeng raised her gaze and cast him a sidelong glance. He didn't ask any further questions and directly opened his mouth. His hoarse voice seemed to contain an irresistible force.    


"I'm really fine, go sit in the living room. Dinner will be ready in a moment …"    


Gong Nanling retorted guiltily.    


Gu Mengmeng slammed the medicine kit on the counter, grabbed his hand, and pulled hard.    


This time, the strength in his hands was a little strong. She had used up most of her strength.    


Gong Nanling did not struggle, but his expression looked a little scared.    


"Gu Mengmeng, it's really nothing."    


"Shut up."    


Gu Mengmeng pulled his hand over and saw that his right thumb had cut a long wound, fresh red blood was still spurting out.    


How could the eldest young master, who had lived like a prince for so many years, cook anything?    


[That damned left-handed guy?!] All day long, you know 'nonsense'.]    


Gu Mengmeng looked carefully at Gong Nanling's wound and scolded him angrily in her heart.    


He opened his medical kit and took out the medical iodine.    


"Yo …"    



Gong Nanling couldn't help but frown when he felt the iodine on his wound and subconsciously retracted his injured hand.    


"Don't move."    


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