Daddy, Here Is Mommy





Gong Nanling did not utter a sound and pretended to be calm.    


Lying there next to her, his body already. Something he shouldn't have thought of came so violently that he almost couldn't hold it in.    


"Gong Nanling …"    


Seeing that he did not react, Gu Mengmeng stretched out her leg and lightly kicked him.    


The tip of his foot poked Gong Nanling's body, causing a lot of micro-electric currents to appear in the air. Gong Nanling couldn't control himself anymore. He wished he could turn things upside down …    


"Gong Nanling …"    


Gu Mengmeng saw that he didn't want to, so she gave him another kick.    


"Gu Mengmeng?!"    


Gong Nanling yelled at her, then jumped up and stood in front of the sofa.    


Such a strong reaction gave Gu Mengmeng a fright. Although the strength of this kick was a bit stronger than the previous one, it shouldn't be enough to knock him down, right?    




Gu Mengmeng threw the pillow at him, her scarlet cheeks blushing with anger.    


"What are you screaming for in the middle of the night?"    


"You … You speak as you speak, why did you kick me? "    


Gong Nanling turned his back so that she wouldn't see him.    


Gu Mengmeng slowly crawled out from the corner of the sofa and replied angrily.    


"Who told you not to promise me?!"    


"You …"    


Gong Nanling slightly turned his head and lowered his eyes to look at her. The roots of his ears were slightly hot.    


"I'm going to the bathroom."    


After saying that to her in a hurry, he rushed towards the washroom.    


Gu Mengmeng only thought that he was anxious internally and didn't think too much about it.    


Who knew that even after half an hour had passed, he still hadn't come out. She wondered if he was asleep inside.    


He got up and walked to the door of the washroom. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard the sound of flowing water.    


"Is he taking a bath?"    


Gu Mengmeng was stunned for two seconds. The redness that had just faded from her cheeks started to redden again.    


Even though the two of them were friends, they still felt a bit embarrassed when they heard the sound of flowing water.    


She had no time to 'eavesdrop' on him as she showered and turned to return to the living room. Who knew that the bathroom door would suddenly open, revealing a small gap. Soon after, Gong Nanling's voice mixed with the sound of flowing water could be heard.    


"Gu Mengmeng …"    


The volume was still a bit loud, so he obviously didn't know that she was at the door.    




Gu Mengmeng stopped, her heart thumping rapidly. After being stunned for a moment, she asked in a low voice.    


"What for?"    


"You … Why are you here? "    


Gong Nanling hid his entire body at the door and only poked his head out.    


"You went in for half an hour and I thought you were unconscious?"    


Gu Mengmeng pouted and replied snappily.    


"Hehe, Gu Mengmeng, I didn't expect you to be so concerned about me."    


Gong Nanling blinked at her with his bright peach blossom eyes. His curry hair was still dripping down, and there was a bit of charm on it as it went down.    


Gu Mengmeng glanced at him, then looked away.    


"Nonsense. "Speak, what did you call me for?"    


"Oh, I've brought a change of clothes with me. Go get it for me."    


Gong Nanling raised his eyebrows and smiled faintly.    




Gu Mengmeng quickly turned around and left. Gong Nanling looked at her running away and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile.    


After returning to the living room, she opened Gong Nanling's backpack and took out all of his clothes.    


This guy was really well-prepared. He even brought a pair of pajamas with him.    


The pajamas were casual, not silk. However, the other piece of clothing caused Gu Mengmeng to feel extremely embarrassed …    


Even though Gong Nanling was her childhood friend, he was still a bit embarrassed when he saw the clothes.    


She took a glance and had a strange feeling that he seemed to be …    


"Gu Mengmeng …" "Achoo …"    


Gong Nanling had been in a cold shower for more than half an hour and felt a little cold.    


Seeing that Gu Mengmeng had yet to bring the clothes over, he raised his volume and urged her on.    


"Coming …" "To …"    


Gu Mengmeng stuffed his pajamas through the gap in the door and ran away without a second of hesitation.    


Gong Nanling looked at her embarrassed expression and the smile in his eyes became deeper.    




Li City.    


Qingning Hospital.    


After an emergency rescue, Xu Jianan was finally able to stabilize herself, and the rejection reaction of the donor was also reduced by a lot.    


Ding Zigeng let out a long breath, but his heart was still in his chest.    


"Director Lu, it is normal for such a repulsive reaction to occur. After all, the donor and recipient have an adaptive process. But this time, the donor was a young man, so the rejection reaction was naturally greater. That's why that scene happened to Miss Xu. "    


Principal Zhen put down his stethoscope, a grave expression on his face.    


"Yes." Lu Yiyao folded his hands in front of his pockets with a calm expression.    


"Principal Zhen, will such rejections occur frequently in the future?" Ding Zigeng asked anxiously.    


"There should be more, but don't worry, this is normal and it won't threaten your life. According to the examination, the donor has begun to function normally, and the blood flow and output are relatively good. "    


"Oh. "That's good."    


Ding Zigeng rubbed his hands and said in a low and hoarse voice.    


Lu Yiyao looked at Xu Jianan and said to Ding Zigeng.    


"Zigeng, you stay here and take care of her. I'm going back to the hotel first."    


"Alright. Third Young Master, be careful on the road. "    


Ding Zigeng nodded and replied.    


This was Li City, Gu Anhe's territory. Everything should be done with caution.    


Lu Yiyao strode out of the ward and took out his phone, preparing to give Lin Ange a call and explain. Looking at the time, it was already the early morning on Yunjing.    


Forget it, it was best not to disturb her.    


Ye Zichen put the phone back in his pocket and walked into the elevator, while Ding Mo followed him.    


After getting into the bulletproof car, Ding Mo immediately asked for instructions.    


"President, would you like to go back to the hotel for lunch, or?"    


"To the beach."    


Lu Yiyao did not answer the question directly. "Yes." Ding Mo was startled for half a second. "Alright." He then instructed the driver to head towards the most famous lover cliff.    


From Qingning Hospital to lover's cliff, was around twenty kilometers.    


The scenery along the way was very pleasant, and as the sea breeze blew by, the salty taste became increasingly rich.    


Not far from his destination, Ding Mo turned around.    


"CEO, why did you suddenly think of going there?"    


"I came to Li City for a trip, I have to take a look no matter what."    


Lu Yiyao's thin lips twitched, and his stern face was devoid of any color.    


"What about lunch?"    


Ding Mo knew that his stomach wasn't good. Tang Yi has said that you must take good care of it, otherwise it will become a chronic stomach disease, very difficult to treat.    


"Let's eat when we get back."    


Lu Yiyao looked out of the window and said plainly.    




Ding Mo turned around and reminded the driver to speed up a little.    


The black bulletproof vehicle was like a black whirlwind. It moved as fast as lightning and soon arrived at its destination.    


Lovers' Cliff.    


The most famous attraction in Li City.    


Cliffs, cliffs.    


The view was magnificent.    


At the top of the cliff, there was a famous love bridge that connected the two precipices. There were many lovers' locks on the bridge.    


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