Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3Lin Ange stood in front of the intensive care bed and slightly raised her head, forcing herself to withdraw the salty and cold tears in her eyes.    


Take a deep breath.    


Only when her emotions had slightly calmed down did she dare lower her eyes and look at the man who had made her worry all the way.    


He just lay there quietly, not moving at all.    


It was like he was sleeping soundly.    


Lin Ange wanted to pat his bloodless face to wake him up.    


Ye Zichen held back. The corners of her lips curled up as she whispered.    


"Lu Yiyao, I'm here. Wake up, didn't you say that we would 'stay together' until the ends of the earth? "    


"Lu Yiyao, get up. We'll go to Lover's Cliff together and watch the tide rise. "    


"Lu Yiyao, aren't you very powerful? Why is this happening? "    


"Lu Yiyao, who is it? Injured you to this extent? "    




In the end, his throat tightened and he could no longer utter a single word.    


He stepped forward. Leaning over, he squeezed his hand with the manicure.    


The palm of his hand, which had once warmed her, was cold now. The texture of her palm seemed to be covered in ice, slowly flowing through her palm and sealing her blood.    


She was scared.    


He was afraid that Lu Yiyao would never wake up again.    


The fear of losing a loved one 12 years ago was repeated.    


She sniffed and blinked her long, curling eyelashes. Under the mask, her thin cherry-like lips were gently rolled up as she softly asked.    


"Lu Yiyao, don't worry. I will stay here until you wake up."    


Just as he finished this sentence, the nurse came over to remind him that it was time to 'visit' her.    


Lin Ange pursed her lips and gently put Lu Yiyao's hand under the blanket, carefully tucking him in.    


He stood up and looked down.    


The smile in her eyes was clear and shallow, like pear blossoms in three months of Yunjing.    


No matter how reluctant she was to leave, she still walked out.    


She had just stepped out of the door of the ward when someone's fingers moved slightly on the bed.    




Country Z.    


Yunjing 101.    


Gong Nanling came to the office of the Vice President of Administration on the 62nd floor.    


As soon as he sat down, his assistant, Tong Rao, handed him an urgent document.    


"Young Director Gong, this is the emergency document that Ding Te just sent over."    


Now, when Gong Nanling heard the word 'file', his forehead would hurt. A trace of displeasure appeared on his face as he helplessly took the paper and swept his gaze over it.    


Seeing the title on the document, it immediately 'bounced' as if a spring was installed on the chair.    


"What?!" My uncle is on leave for half a month. "Leave the group affairs to me?"    


He ruthlessly scratched his hair, and his heart was immediately filled with insanity.    


"Even if he wanted to train me, there's no need to be so 'ruthless', right? I just came to the company... OMG! "Tong Rao, where's the balcony? Bring me there immediately …"    


Tong Rao was stupefied as she stared with a pair of shiny black eyes as she asked in puzzlement.    


"Young Director Gong, why are you going to the roof?"    


"Jump off the building!" What else can you do? "    


At this moment, Gong Nanling really wanted to die.    




Tong Rao was so scared that her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. She clenched her hands tightly and subconsciously looked towards the door.    


He wanted to run over and lock the half-open door.    


"Young Director Gong, you better not have any bad thoughts." "How about you call the CEO and we can discuss this …"    


"Discuss what? The notice has already been sent out, and there's still my uncle's stamp on it?! "    


Gong Nanling pointed at the red stamp at the bottom of the document and shouted towards Tong Rao.    


"Little uncle, how can you treat me like this? How can you take a vacation at this time? "    


Gong Nanling wanted to cry, but no tears came out as he fell back onto his class' chair.    


When Tong Rao saw him sit down, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


It seems like he temporarily won't go to the Sky Platform?    


"Young Director Gong, I'll go make you a cup of coffee."    


Gong Nanling waved at him with an impatient expression.    


Tong Rao walked out quickly, closing the door softly behind her.    


"Little uncle, you can't treat me like this! I am your only nephew? "    


Gong Nanling put his hands on the desk, his handsome face was buried deep in his palms, and he was feeling a bit panicked.    


It was already a big headache to take over Lu Hengyuan's work in a hurry. How was he going to live with Lu Yiyao's work?    


After two seconds, he suddenly looked up and thought to himself.    


"Why do I feel like I've fallen into a trap set up by my uncle? If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have come here. "Ai, if only there was a medicine for regret in this world …"    


Bang bang bang.    


A crisp knock came from the door.    


Gong Nanling thought it was Tong Rao and replied weakly.    


"Come in."    


The office door opened from the outside. The one who entered wasn't Tong Rao, who went to make coffee for him, but Lu Jinhui, whom he just met this morning.    




A low voice sounded, causing Gong Nanling to raise his eyes in panic.    




He really didn't expect that Lu Hongzhan would come over at this time. Inevitably, there was a look of surprise on his face.    


"Nanling, are you used to working?"    


Lu Hongzhan walked in and sat on the guest chair in front of his desk. His tone was kind.    


"Mm, not bad."    


No matter how big Gong Nanling's head was, he didn't want to show it in front of Lu Hongzhan. Ye Zichen raised his eyebrows and pretended to be relaxed.    


Perhaps it was because he had taken over Lu Hengyuan's position and didn't want Lu Hongzhan to look down on him.    


Or perhaps it was because of the scene that he saw in the Warm Garden today, that greatly changed his impression of his first uncle.    


Lu Hongzhan looked at him with a complicated expression and nodded.    


"As long as you're used to it."    


"Uncle, why did you come over?"    


Gong Nanling looked at his' unfilial 'Eldest Uncle and felt a bit of displeasure in his heart. Although he did not show any displeasure on his face, there was a trace of impatience in his tone.    


"I'm preparing to go to the city hall for a meeting. I still have some time, so I've come to take a look."    


Lu Hongzhan is the current president of the 'Yunjing Chamber of Commerce'. There are always two or three times a month when he goes to the city hall to meet with the higher ups of the political world.    


It had to be said that Lu Hongzhan was much more tactful when it came to dealing with the upper echelons of different worlds than Lu Yiyao.    


This position suited him well.    




Gong Nanling curled his lips and didn't seem to mind. He closed the document that Tong Rao had just handed him and placed it on the shelf.    


He turned around, took the documents from the top of the pile and started flipping through them lazily.    


His attitude was somewhat arrogant.    


Lu Hongzhan's eyes narrowed. He obviously did not expect Ai Hui to have such an attitude.    


If this was the moment he sat down on this seat, then wouldn't he be even more 'arrogant' as time passed?    


Even if Lu Hengyuan had a mental problem, he was no longer suitable to work. This position could not be given to a person with another surname.    


'the Lu's 'corporation, surname' Lu '.    


Even if Gong Nanling was Lu Jinhui's grandson, in the end, he was not someone from Lu Family.    


Lu Hongzhan was very clear on this point.    


Tong Rao came in with two cups of coffee on a tray.    


He first handed a cup to Lu Hongzhan, " "Deputy Chairman, please enjoy."    


Lu Hongzhan pursed his lips. His expression was a bit cold, but he didn't say anything.    


"Young Director Gong, I'll be going out first. Call me if you need anything."    


Tong Rao placed the cup of coffee in front of Gong Nanling and lowered her head slightly. She glanced at Lu Hongzhan from the corner of her eyes.    


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