Daddy, Here Is Mommy



1Gong Nanling's breath stopped and his heart beat like thunder.    




Ning Qianyu's face turned even redder as she stretched out her hands to pull the blanket tightly around her.    


With this pull, more than half of Gong Nanling's quilt was pulled away, revealing his long and impressive legs.    


Gong Nanling was unable to do anything, so he could only tighten the robe on his body to cover himself.    


But in the morning, the man's reaction was slightly different.    


He stood up, crossed his arms, lowered his eyebrows, and nervously asked again.    


"Ning Qianyu, last night, did we …" Is there... "That …"    


After all, Ning Qianyu was a girl. When she saw him ask so directly, she was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak.    


He grabbed the blanket tightly with both hands and buried his head into it.    


Seeing her reaction, Gong Nanling understood what was going on.    


Last night, the two of them probably did it …    


Clap clap.    


Gong Nanling slapped himself twice as his chest heaved violently.    


Inhale, exhale.    


After taking a few deep breaths, he finally spoke to Ning Qianyu, who was hiding under the blanket and curled up into a ball.    


"Don't worry, I will take responsibility."    


As he spoke, he turned around and walked out of the bedroom.    


Ning Qianyu, who was still under the blanket, felt her chest tighten as a flower bloomed in her heart.    


The dark blue eyes blinked as he thought to himself.    


"Did he misunderstand something?"    


"Nanling, last night, we …"    


She slowly stuck her head out and wanted to explain to Gong Nanling, but she found that he had already left.    


He could have explained it to him, but why didn't he want to explain it to him?    


Was it because of unwillingness?    


True, what did she really want to do with him last night?    


However, she still did not do that.    


The two of them cleaned up. She helped him to the bed and prepared to go to the other bedroom. Unexpectedly, he kept holding her and didn't let her go. He was even mumbling to himself.    


"Gu Mengmeng, don't go …" "Don't go …"    


Ning Qianyu felt both ashamed and angry, but she still couldn't bear to push him away.    


She loved him, no doubt about it.    


What about him?    


He was afraid that there was already another woman in his heart.    


That woman was called Gu Mengmeng.    


Holding back her heartache, Ning Qianyu lay down beside him. Perhaps because he was drunk, or perhaps because he was tired, but soon he fell asleep.    


The two of them started hugging each other …    


Gong Nanling came to the bathroom and covered his nose when he saw the clothes in the laundry basket. He quickly turned around and headed to the other room, the smaller washroom.    


Just as he finished washing up, the doorbell rang.    


He took a glance at the opposite window. It was the butler of the guest room, holding something in his hand.    


Gong Nanling asked silently as he only opened the door a crack.    


"What is it?"    


The butler handed two paper bags to him in a respectful manner.    


"Sir, these are the clothes that Miss Ning bought, please check them."    


"Thank you."    


Gong Nanling took it and said coldly.    


The butler from the guest room smiled politely.    


Gong Nanling felt that there was a trace of inexplicable meaning in his smile.    




he muttered as he slammed the door behind him.    


"What the hell? You make it seem like this young master has done something shameful."    


He walked into the bedroom and placed the paper bag on the sofa in front of the bed. Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the bed.    


"Ning Qianyu, the thing you bought is here."    


The quilt slightly moved, followed by a light sound.    


"That's for you."    


"For me?"    


Gong Nanling was stunned for a moment, then frowned. After washing up, his handsome face looked much more energetic, but the haze on his face only grew deeper.    


"Yes, it's for you."    


Ning Qianyu slowly stuck her head out, her hands still clutching the blanket as she looked at him shyly.    


Gong Nanling lowered his head and pulled the paper bag.    


A bag containing shirts, trousers, ties, belts, and...    


In the other bag was a new pair of shoes and socks.    


Without exception.    


They were all bought according to his size.    


"Ning Qianyu, you …"    


Ning Qianyu wrapped herself tightly in a blanket and sat up slightly. She pursed her red lips and said in a low voice.    


"Your clothes are dirty, so... "Achoo …"    


As she spoke, she suddenly sneezed.    


"You got a cold?"    


Gong Nanling frowned and asked indifferently.    


"I'm fine …" "Achoo …"    


Ning Qianyu smiled, her cheekbones unnaturally red.    


Gong Nanling put down the things in his hands, turned around and found the medicine box. He gave her a cup of cold medicine and brought it to her.    


"Drink it."    


"It's nothing …" "Cough, cough …"    


Ning Qianyu softly refused. Unexpectedly, she started to cough slightly.    


By the looks of it, he most likely had a cold.    


"Get up and take me to the doctor."    


"No need."    


Instead of going to see a doctor, Ning Qianyu might as well drink her cold preparation. He quickly took the glass and sipped it.    


Gong Nanling went back to the sofa and twisted the paper bag.    


"How much is it altogether? I'll transfer it to you. "    


"Nanling, there's no need. Do you and I still need to be that clear?"    


"I'll do some calculations later."    


Gong Nanling glanced at it. There was a tag on the shirt, so the price was clear. The others should be the same, so it was easy to calculate.    


When Ning Qianyu saw that he insisted on being estranged from her like this, a trace of disappointment flashed past her eyes.    


Holding the glass tightly in both hands, he lowered his head and slowly drank the cold powder.    


The heat entered her eyes, making them water.    


Gong Nanling carried two paper bags and was about to go to the locker room when he suddenly thought of a very serious problem.    


He turned around and bit his lower lip as the light in his eyes tightened.    


"About that, we probably didn't do anything last night. Don't forget to take your medicine later …"    


"Take medicine?"    


Ning Qianyu was stunned. She raised her head with a complicated look in her eyes.    




Gong Nanling paused for half a second before speaking again.    


"I'll buy it later."    


After saying that, he left without looking back.    


With that said, Ning Qianyu completely understood what he meant by 'take the medicine'.    


His stomach was rolling with a hint of bitterness for no reason.    


Even if something did happen to the two of them last night, there was no need for them to take any measures. In any case, they were both unmarried couples.    


Gong Hantian and Ning Huanyu did not say anything but were happy instead.    


Were the old people on both sides looking forward to carrying a grandson?    2


Ning Qianyu's eyes turned sour as the mist in them began to rise, condensing into beads. He fell down into the cup. The unfinished ointment in the glass rippled.    




Her cell phone rang, she took it, took a look.    


It was a transfer message from Gong Nanling.    


It was twice as much as the clothes and shoes she had bought.    


A hint of bitterness appeared on the corner of Ning Qianyu's mouth. It was even more bitter than drinking the colds.    




His phone rang again.    


It was still sent by Gong Nanling.    


It was just two simple words.    


[Thank you.]    


Such estrangement caused Ning Qianyu's mood to be in an even worse state, and her heart was in a state of panic.    


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