Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3They were both people who had fallen to the ends of the earth.    


The two who had lost their mother's love since childhood leaned closer to each other.    


Lin Ange stared blankly for a moment. Her long eyelashes blinked, and a hint of moisture appeared in the corner of her eyes.    


"Lu Yiyao, if only our mothers were still alive, how nice would that be?"    


She didn't dare tell him that his mother was still alive.    


Living in this city.    


It was very, very close to him.    


"Silly Girl, even if they're still alive. "One day, they will grow old, and leave us …"    


"Even if that day comes, I have no regrets."    


Lin Ange slowly lowered her head and laid on his chest.    


His heart was beating strongly, steady and strong.    


"Lu Yiyao, if your mom was still alive, would you recognize her?"    


"Silly Girl …" Lu Yiyao's heart felt as if it was pierced by a long needle. He felt some pain. "He scratched her small nose and let out a soft sigh." Why would you ask such a foolish question? "    


"Are you stupid?"    


Lin Ange forcefully suppressed the secret in her heart and restrained her emotions. Ye Zichen raised his eyebrows and chuckled.    




Lu Yiyao's gaze was deep and dark, with a hint of emotion in his eyes.    


"Not stupid."    


Lin Ange pouted and smiled at him.    


She didn't dare to say anything else. She was afraid that if this continued, she wouldn't be able to hold back and reveal that secret.    




Lu Yiyao scratched her pretty nose again.    


"You're the fool."    


"I am a fool. Foolish people have dumb blessings. "Haha …"    


Lu Yiyao did not refute him and instead laughed happily.    


"You …"    


Lin Ange fumed and looked at him in disdain.    


The aloof and wise President Lu actually said he was a 'fool'. If these words were to spread out, wouldn't it make people laugh their heads off?    


The two of them chatted for a while before gradually narrowing their eyes.    


Dawn arrived unexpectedly.    


When Lin Ange was done, she went to A Li and said that Lu Yiyao wanted to see Nan Huaijin.    


The wait was a bit long.    


Nan Huaijin did not appear the whole morning, and A Li did not see him either. No one even came to give him an answer.    


This made Lin Ange doubt whether A Li had told Nan Huaijin or not.    


At noon, Gu Yunxiao came over and brought them the special fruits of Li City. There were a lot of them that Lin Ange liked to eat.    


These were all prepared by Ye Qinghuan.    


He didn't say anything in front of Lu Yiyao.    


"Gu Yunxiao, do you know where Uncle Nan is?"    


"Uncle Jin?"    


Gu Yunxiao peeled off a Fire Dragon Fruit and prepared to cut it into pieces. He stopped and thought for a moment.    


"He seems to have gone to the Qilin Villa."    


"Qilin Villa? That isn't you?"    


Lin Ange was stunned for a moment before a trace of doubt appeared on her face.    


Gu Yunxiao squinted his eyes and muttered.    


"I wonder what he went to find this old man for?"    


Kirin Manor is the residence of Gu Yunxiao's father, Gu Liancheng. After Gu Liancheng handed over the Gu Clan's matters to Gu Anhe, he no longer cared about worldly matters and rarely interacted with others.    


He didn't know what Nan Huaijin was in a hurry to do at this time.    


"Ge, is there something you need Uncle Jin for?"    


Lin Ange glanced at Lu Yiyao. Coincidentally, Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows and looked at her.    


The gaze was silent and threatening, dark and bright.    


"A small matter."    


Lin Ange pursed her lips, not speaking the truth.    


"Oh, is it urgent?"    


Gu Yunxiao handed the cut Fire Dragon Fruit in front of her and then took the silver fork affectionately.    


Lin Ange took a piece and placed it next to Lu Yiyao's mouth. She blinked a few times as if she was asking a question.    




Lu Yiyao bit onto the Fire Dragon Fruit, bit his lips and chewed lightly.    


"It's a bit urgent."    




Gu Yunxiao turned his head and looked at him. He had a calm expression, but there was a complicated look in his eyes.    


"Director Lu, are you looking for him?"    


Gu Yunxiao was not stupid, hearing what he said, he understood most of it.    




Lu Yiyao answered and then opened his mouth to take another bite of the fruit Lin Ange threw over.    


Hearing that, Gu Yunxiao hurriedly wiped his hands with a wet tissue and took out his phone from his pocket.    


"Then I'll call him now."    


"Forget it, I've been looking for A Li since a long time ago, I told him …" "Uncle Nan probably has something very important to say …"    


Lin Ange hurriedly stopped him.    


"You can't even compare to Director Lu in important matters?"    


The words that came out of Gu Yunxiao's mouth caused Lu Yiyao's eyes to narrow and a trace of Weilan to appear in his heart.    


When did he become so 'unyielding' to himself?    


However, Lin Ange could tell that Gu Yunxiao must have already confirmed their guesses.    


Ye Zichen's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but look over.    


Gu Yunxiao didn't notice that his words had a different effect on the two of them.    


"Eh, why isn't Uncle Jin answering the phone?"    


"Gu Yunxiao, forget it. Uncle Nan must have something very important to say … "    


Lin Ange didn't know why Lu Yiyao was looking for Nan Huaijin. He didn't say, and she didn't ask.    


When the two get along, they should give each other some space.    


"It's fine, I'll call A Li."    


Gu Yunxiao thought that it must be a very important matter for Lu Yiyao to ask Nan Huaijin.    


The current him was not only Yanyan's father's, but also his cousin.    


His matter was similar to his own matter, so he naturally couldn't slack off.    


Lu Yiyao could not help but feel grateful to him for taking so much care of his own affairs.    


It was unknown whether it was due to them being half-brothers or not, but Gu Yunxiao and Gu Anhe did not seem like brothers at all.    


One was extremely despicable.    


One was bright to the heavens.    


Just like Lu Hongzhan, they were not in the same family.    


A Li picked up quickly.    


"Hey, A Li, what is Uncle Jin doing? …" I wouldn't answer his phone if I called him... Oh, I see... Of course I have something to talk to him about … Yes, it's that matter that Miss Lin told you about … What... "Alright …"    


Gu Yunxiao hung up and said embarrassedly.    


"Director Lu, A Li said that Uncle Jin probably won't be coming back for the next few days, so …"    


"This?" Lu Yiyao, what business do you have with Uncle Nan? "    


Lin Ange's expression tensed up when she heard what he said, and then she asked him a question.    


Lu Yiyao's dark and narrow eyes contracted. His deep pupils were like ink, thick enough to not melt. She pursed her lips, feeling the cold.    


"I want an office."    


"The office?"    


Lin Ange frowned as she said this with an 'objection'.    


"You can't get out of bed right now. What do you need an office for?"    


Lu Yiyao smiled and said coldly.    


"Wife, your husband isn't that bad."    


"Ugh …"    



Lin Ange instantly blushed.    


Gu Yunxiao clenched his right fist and put it on the tip of his nose to hide his smile.    


Lin Ange was so angry that she picked up a piece of Fire Dragon Fruit and put it near his mouth, giving him a glance.    


Lu Yiyao's thin lips slightly raised. He opened his mouth, sucked the Fire Dragon Fruit into his mouth and said warmly.    


"Wife, eat by yourself."    


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