Daddy, Here Is Mommy



4"…"     2


Gong Hantian pursed his lips and smiled, while a hint of worry appeared in his eyes.    


"Brother Tian, how about, I find a chance to talk to dad?"    


Lu Yixun knew that he was in a difficult position. Since he couldn't reject Lu Jinhui's' good intentions', he was worried that the Gong Family Elders might not agree.    


"Dad also did it out of good intentions. I'll explain it to dad and mom when I get back to Chenghai. I think they can understand."    


Gong Hantian loved his wife dearly and did not want her to suffer any grievances. Since Lu Jinhui had already made such a decision, how could he easily change it?    


"How about, I let Third Brother talk to dad?"    


Lu Yixun thought for a moment and said gently.    


"Don't bother Third Brother with something like this? "Is he so busy at work?"    


Gong Hantian held her hand and stopped her with a warm voice.    


"But …"    


"Alright. Xun'er, stop thinking about it. Leave it to me, I'll take care of it. "    


Gong Hantian said confidently.    




Lu Yixun leaned into his arms and nodded, not saying anything else.    


Gong Nanling still didn't know that the marriage between him and Ning Qianyu, the palace, and the Ning Family were already in full swing. He only knew that he had just discovered his own heart and knew who he liked.    


At the end of the meeting, he was a little distracted. Gu Mengmeng's flushed face appeared in his mind from time to time.    


I wonder how she's doing right now?    


He sat in a comfortable position, holding his cell phone, and secretly sent her a message under the conference table.    


Gu Mengmeng, shall we have dinner tonight? I have something to tell you.]    


After that, he placed the phone back onto the conference table in front of him.    


After waiting for two minutes, he turned the screen over and saw that it was still clean.    


Black screen.    


He pressed it.    


He repeated this process for more than a dozen times, but Gu Mengmeng still hadn't given him a reply.    


"What is this girl doing?" Why didn't you reply? "Is it that busy?"    


Lu Yiyao's unfathomable eyes could clearly see his small movements. He observed them carefully without batting an eyelid.    


Two minutes later.    


Gong Nanling slowly loosened his legs, dragged the chair and sat upright. His gaze tightened as he looked at the screen of Lu Yiyao.    


"Everyone, take advantage of this opportunity, let me say one more word." The the Lu's Group is the property of my father, Lu Jinhui, and many of you are old men who built it with him. I hope that you will not forget your original intention and not forget the root of your problem. "Don't covet your own interests and get used by someone who has ulterior motives."    


"The 'Wu Steel' Group is currently operating well, and its revenue and profits are steadily rising." The Wuhan Iron and Steel Group would never need the help of external capital. Here, I repeat. If any of you wish to withdraw from the board of directors, hand over the shares in your hands. Then I, Lu Yiyao, will accept it all, and it will be 20% above the market price. "    


"But if any of you secretly transfer or resell your shares to other foreign capital, don't blame me for being rude."    


The shareholders immediately understood what he meant.    


It was rumored that the owner of Li City, 'the Gu's', Gu Anhe, extremely wished to take over, 'Sun Steel.' Lu Hongzhan, the group's first target, was currently on the move.    


Although this matter had yet to be confirmed, Lu Yiyao's words from before undoubtedly responded to this matter.    


"Director Lu, don't worry. We will definitely follow the corporation."    


"Yes, yes. We will never be villains who go back on their word. "    


"Yeah, the corporation brings us so much profit every year, how could we be willing to resell it?"    


"Director Lu, even if someone offered a sky-high price, we would never sell the shares in our hands."    


Shareholders took sides. They were of the same calibre and would never sell out their shares.    


Lu Hongzhan's face was ashen, while the veins on his forehead were popping.    


This time, the stealing was a failure. Not only did he not succeed in seizing the position, he had even lost all his face.    


Not to mention how Lu Yiyao would deal with him, even Lu Jinhui wouldn't let him off easily.    


All of this was Gu Anhe's fault.    


Lu Yiyao's eyes darkened slightly. His stern face was calm and without any wind or rain. He quietly looked at the computer screen in front of him.    


The stabbing pain in his left abdomen slowly penetrated deep into his limbs and bones, and every cell in his body tensed up.    


The veins on his forehead throbbed. His hands, which were placed on the desk, were clenched into fists. His nails dug into his palms and his knuckles gradually turned white.    


He straightened his back, still sitting upright.    


None of the people in the Yunjing meeting room noticed anything amiss.    


Even someone as vicious as Wang Shijie couldn't tell what was going on.    


Outside the office.    


Lin Ange raised her wrist to check the time. The meeting had been going on for an hour and a half.    


Unable to sit still any longer, she stood up. He rubbed his hands together and took a few steps back and forth.    




It can't go on.    


She took out her phone and sent a message to Lu Yiyao.    


[Well? Are you alright?]    




Lu Yiyao's phone on his desk rang. He picked it up and took a look.    


Her dark eyes narrowed, and her grave face softened as a layer of warmth spread across her brows.    


[Don't worry, I'm fine.]    


The slender fingers quickly typed and replied.    


Separated by a door, the two of them relied on wireless communication.    




Lin Ange's palm went numb as she quickly bit her lips to look around.    


Her uneasy heart relaxed a little, but it was still beating fast. She couldn't stop worrying.    


Even if he said it was all right, she wouldn't dare to let her guard down.    


He was someone who could only lie down. After sitting properly for such a long time, how could he not be worried?    


[How about, you quit early?]    


Lin Ange suggested with an anxious expression.    


[I'm fine. Wait for me.]    


Lin Ange's eyes began to ache as she saw his reply. Her eyelashes trembled as she felt a twinge of heartache.    


Just as she was about to continue persuading him, Ye Qinghuan's phone call came in.    


Her heart tightened as she quickly walked to the corridor.    


"Aunt Huan …"    


"An Ge, what are you doing?"    


Ye Qinghuan whispered as she sat on the balcony, looking out at the endless night.    


"Lu Yiyao is having a video conference, I'm waiting for him …"    


Lin Ange had already confirmed the relationship between Ye Qinghuan and Lu Yiyao, so she didn't hide it from him.    




Ye Qinghuan loosened her hands and the beans in her bosom took the opportunity to jump down. She was stunned for a moment before speaking in a hurry.    


"He's like this, why is he still holding conferences?"    


"It's a very important meeting. There's no way not to appear, so …"    


Lin Ange lowered her head to explain. Mist curled out of her eyes as she spoke with a helpless tone.    




Ye Qinghuan stared straight ahead, looking at the endless night in the distance. He felt a lump in his throat and a deep love appeared in his eyes.    


"Aunt Huan, don't worry. "He's in good health and his wounds are recovering well. Doctors say he's different from normal people …"    


Lin Ange wiped her eyes, feigning a relaxed expression.    


Their hearts were linked, how could Ye Qinghuan not worry?    


"We can't just let him do that."    


Ye Qinghuan slowly said as she suppressed her emotions with great difficulty.    


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