Daddy, Here Is Mommy



2The fragrance of flowers wafted in the air.    


They sat in silence for a while.    


Lin Ange grabbed his big hand, which was wrapped around her waist, and said with red ears.    


"Okay, Lu Yiyao, quickly let me up …"    




Lu Yiyao did not agree. Lowering her head slightly, she opened her mouth and gently bit into her pink earlobe.    


Lin Ange's ears were numb for a moment. Her whole body was trembling slightly as if an electric current had passed through it. She slightly turned her head and pouted.    


"Lu Yiyao, let go of me."    


"Hug a little longer …"    


Lu Yiyao lowered his thin lips and said in a low voice while lying on her shoulder.    




Lin Ange was already feeling uncomfortable sitting there. Somewhere, the heat was about to ignite her.    


She used all her strength to pry open his palm and finally broke free from his increasingly hot embrace.    


Standing in front of him, her pretty face was red like the rising sun, and her clear eyes were covered in a shallow layer of anger.    


Even so, she still slowly opened her mouth.    


"Let me see your injury."    


After he finished speaking, he squatted down and was about to pick up Han Li. He opened the hem of Lu Yiyao's hospital gown.    


"Are you trying to make me undress in public?"    


Lu Yiyao's sharp lips twitched unnoticeably as he joked.    


"What are you talking about? "Let me see your injury."    


Lin Ange's heart palpitated when she thought of what happened two days ago. She didn't dare to let her guard down for fear of any mishaps.    


"I'm fine."    


Lu Yiyao's bony palms pressed down on her delicate hands.    


"Then we'll go back immediately."    


Lin Ange didn't bother with Prunus Pear-Blossom anymore. She got up and was about to push him back to the ward.    


"Wouldn't it be unworthy of you to return now?"    


Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows and looked at her. His dark eyes were filled with a gentle smile.    


"You really are …"    


Lin Ange felt a little helpless.    


Sometimes, she really couldn't do anything to this man.    


He stood up, stood up, folded three pear blossoms, and placed them in his hand. Then she came up behind him, holding the wheelchair and pushing it. With a thin smile, he said.    


"Alright, let's properly appreciate this spring scene."    


"Good girl."    


Lu Yiyao pursed his lips and smiled.    




Lin Ange pouted and stopped talking.    


The garden was paved with marble of equal size, and the wheels slid smoothly. Lin Ange didn't need to exert much strength.    


She tried to walk slowly.    


The flowers in the garden were lush and colorful, each having its own special characteristics. There were even some lush greenery that had their own postures.    


"Lu Yiyao, so many flowers. What is your favorite flower?"    


Lin Ange suddenly slowed her steps, bowed slightly, and asked playfully.    




Lu Yiyao curled his lips as he held the pear blossom in his hand.    


"Seriously, what kind of flowers do you like?"    


Lin Ange's face darkened as she said seriously.    


"What kind of flowers do you like?"    


Lu Yiyao asked instead of answering, with a smile on his face.    


"You first."    


"You first."    


"Is there something wrong? I asked you first."    


"Whatever flower you like, I like it."    


"Lu Yiyao, can you have some principles?"    


"I have no principles for you."    


"You …"    


The sound of two people bickering came from the flower path.    


Hundred flowers with a smile, small grass shy.    


The result of their bickering would obviously be Lin Ange's' defeat '.    


He had clearly asked what kind of flowers he liked at the beginning, but in the end, he had raised it to a matter of principle.    


Although Lin Ange was a little angry on the surface, she was actually very happy inside.    


His words, 'I have no principles for you,' made her heart throb. The surface of the lake rippled and rippled.    


The two walked to a bamboo forest and Lu Yiyao signaled Lin Ange to stop.    


"Would you like some water? Or is there something wrong with it? "    


When Lin Ange saw him stop, she thought he was feeling uncomfortable and immediately bent over to ask.    


"I'm fine, don't be so nervous."    


Lu Yiyao looked up at her with a doting look. He raised his hand and patted the back of her hand.    


"How can I not be nervous?"    


Lin Ange pouted and muttered softly.    


"Silly Girl, don't be so nervous."    


Lu Yiyao raised his hand and caressed her perky nose as he said gently.    


Lin Ange rubbed her nose, her brows slightly raised as she asked with a pout.    


"What are you trying to do?"    


"Look, is there anything special about this bamboo?"    


Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows and looked at the green bamboo next to him with a heavy gaze.    




Lin Ange pursed her lips and walked in to take a closer look.    


The sunlight shone through the bamboo leaves, leaving behind a mottled reflection.    


The wind blew and the leaves rustled in the wind.    


"There doesn't seem to be anything special about it?"    


Lin Ange knitted her brows, a trace of puzzlement on her face.    


"Can you feel it?"    


Lu Yiyao put the pear blossom on his leg and suggested with a smile.    




Lin Ange stretched out her hand and touched it. As soon as he touched it, he exclaimed in shock.    


"Strange? "Why is the bamboo square?"    


"This is Fang Zhu, the only person in Flower City."    


Lu Yiyao squinted his eyes and explained.    


"Fang Zhu?"    


Lin Ange thought it was fun, so she touched other bamboos, only to feel that they were square.    


"Lu Yiyao, how did you figure it out?"    


"I thought a person like Mr. Nan wouldn't plant a few ordinary bamboo stalks here, right?"    


Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows and said lightly.    


This Phoenix Stage seemed like a hidden highland, it was a little lonely. In reality, the structure of the building was extremely complicated, and every part of it had its own ideas.    


For example, this garden seemed to be no different from the others' gardens, with only a few exotic flowers and herbs growing on it.    


However, he could tell that this place contained the mysteries of feng shui.    


Every scene had a different meaning. Even the strange stones that covered the flowers were very particular.    


It had to be said that he was getting more and more interested in Nan Huaijin.    


"Oh, you're right."    


Lin Ange turned around, her clear eyes narrowing as she affirmed.    


"Lu Yiyao, I really like this kind of bamboo. I wish I could bring one back and let Yanyan have a taste of it."    


This kind of bamboo was very rare. Even if one had the money, they might still be able to buy it.    


More importantly, it was still a bit difficult to raise. It would be difficult to survive in normal places.     3


Lu Yiyao stretched out his hands and held her soft and weak hands with a determined look in his eyes.    


"Go back, I'll plant it for you."    




A hint of joy appeared on Lin Ange's face. Her charming face was pleasant and serene.    


Even in the depths of spring, she was still the flower that bloomed brilliantly.    


Lu Yiyao pulled her in front of him, his hands around her slender waist.    


"Lu Yiyao, what are you doing this time?"    


When Lin Ange saw him being so restless, the smile on her face abruptly vanished as she said angrily.    


"Hug …"    


Before he could finish, his phone rang.    


At this moment, Lu Yiyao had no choice but to let go. Lin Ange took the opportunity to walk around him and behind him, pushing him back.    


After being out for so long, it was about time.    


Lu Yiyao looked down at the number on the screen and a hint of coldness appeared in his eyes.    


He was very impatient to answer the call.    


"Hey …"    


"Brother Yiyao …"    


A soft voice came over the radio.    


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