Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3Ding Mo hesitated, and wondered if he should tell him the truth.    




Lu Yiyao saw that he wanted to say something, but he was hesitant. He knew that the situation was not good. Her eyebrows sank, her lips trembled as she spat out two words.    


Ding Mo glanced at Gu Yunxiao, his heart slightly rose and fell. He was extremely conflicted.    


At this moment, the temperature of the Silver Beach had reached its highest point in the day.    


The sun was hot and hot.    


Ding Mo's handsome face was covered in a thin layer of sweat. His back was also starting to sweat and his wet pants legs were starting to dry up bit by bit.    


"CEO, is Madam here?"    


"Why did you ask her?"    


Lu Yiyao frowned and formed a deep 'Chuan' sign between his brows. His cold face was covered with ice, and he subconsciously looked towards the ward's door.    


Lin Ange had gone to eat lunch and had not come back yet.    


Ding Mo's original intention was … If Lin Ange was beside him, then, when he told her about the 'situation', even if Lu Yiyao insisted on going to make a deal with Gu Anhe personally, Lin Ange would definitely stop him.    


In this world, she was probably the only one who could stop him.    


"CEO, I …"    


Ding Mo was hesitant, but he didn't know if Lin Ange was with him or not. His head was bowed, and his hair began to drip with sweat.    


Lin Ange had just walked to the door when she heard Lu Yiyao's low and deep angry voice.    


"Ding Mo, it seems like you don't want to stay by my side?"    


I haven't seen him so angry in a long time. Did something happen?    


Could it be that something happened to Xu Jianan?    


"CEO, I …"    


Ding Mo slightly pursed his lips. Looking at the rising tide, he still didn't dare to tell the truth.    


"Where's Gu Yunxiao?" You let him answer the phone. "    


Lu Yiyao was furious as he saw Ding Mo stammering and then hesitating to speak.    


He could vaguely guess what was going on.    


Xu Jianan and Ding Zigeng's condition was probably worse than drowning to death.    


"Lu Yiyao, what's wrong?"    


The more Lin Ange heard, the more nervous she became. She walked in with light footsteps and asked with a slight frown.    


Ding Mo heard her voice on the phone and his eyes lit up. He extended his hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead.    


The surging waves of the sea were getting stronger and stronger. The air between his nostrils was salty.    


"CEO, Miss Xu and Young Master Geng are being …"    


Ding Mo looked at the police officer not far away and took two steps forward randomly. He lowered his voice and said uneasily.    


"They were kidnapped by Gu Anhe."    


"Gu Anhe!" Kidnapping?! "    


The lines on Lu Yiyao's angular face became colder and harder, while his deep and narrow eyes instantly became stormy. His hands subconsciously clenched into fists. The needle on the back of his left hand burst open and blood flowed out.    


Lin Ange's heart skipped a beat. She immediately grabbed a cotton swab and pressed it against the bloody needle. Soon, the cotton swabs were dyed red. Lin Ange, who had eaten lunch, felt her stomach churn uncomfortably. She felt depressed and a little nauseous.    


She wondered if she had a coma. It had been this way for the past few days. Whenever he saw blood, he would find it difficult to breathe properly, and he would vomit immediately.    


Resisting with great difficulty, he threw away the bloody cotton swabs, took two more swabs, and held onto the needle tightly as he reprimanded.    


"Don't move."    


"What does he want?"    


Lu Yiyao had no time to talk to her. His unfathomable black pupils were like a thousand-year cold pond, filled with cold air.    


Lin Ange also became nervous, her long slender eyebrows becoming even more knitted.    


What did this Gu Anhe want to do?    


Why would he kidnap Xu Jianan for no reason? They didn't even have anything to do with each other?    


There could only be one answer: Lu Yiyao.    


"He said he wants you to switch them …"    


Ding Mo slowly lowered his head again. He had said what he needed to say, but his heart was even more anxious now.    


The phone was silent for a few seconds.    


If it wasn't for the fact that the call time was still lengthening, he would have just hung up the phone for Lu Yiyao.    


Lu Yiyao's gaze became colder as he frowned and looked out of the window. Outside, the spring sun was shining brightly.    




His voice was as low as water.    


"CEO, you can't go."    


Surprised, Ding Mo subconsciously replied.    


"May I ask your address?"    


Lu Yiyao was furious. His eyes flashed with a cold light.    


Before Ding Mo could reply, Lin Ange spoke up to stop him.    


"Lu Yiyao, you can't go."    




Lu Yiyao glanced at her and pursed his lips, not replying her.    


At this moment, he was extremely enraged, afraid that he would accidentally 'hurt' her the moment he opened his mouth.    


"Lu Yiyao, with your current appearance, how can you go?" I know better than you what kind of person Gu Anhe is. "    


Lin Ange stood by the sickbed, holding the cotton swabs she had pressed into his eyes tightly in her palms. The veins on the back of her hands were turning purple.    


"Little girl, I have to go."    


Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice as he looked at her tense face and suppressed the anger in his heart.    


"I can't go!"    


Lin Ange enunciated every word.    


"If we don't go, then Xu Jianan and Ding Zigeng …" "Gu Anhe can do anything."    


Lu Yiyao patiently explained to her. If it was anyone else, he would not care about it at all. He would just throw off his blanket, get up, and leave. But the person standing in front of him was the woman he loved.    


He knew she was worried about him, nervous about him.    


How could he bear to reprimand her when he hadn't even said a single harsh word to her?    


Lin Angemei's long, comb-like eyelashes danced a few times, and her long, slender eyebrows narrowed. Ye Zichen bit his lips and looked at Lu Yiyao.    


"I'll go!"    


"You're going?"    


The light in Lu Yiyao's eyes became tighter and tighter. The light in his eyes became sharper and sharper. His thin lips revealed a trace of sternness.    




"I'm Mrs. Lu, why can't I?"    


If Gu Anhe wanted Lu Yiyao to go, the odds were against him. And when she went over, Gu Anhe wouldn't dare to do anything to her because of her 'relationship' with Gu Yunxiao?    


Besides, Lu Yiyao's current physical condition clearly didn't allow it.    


"If I say no, then no."    


Lu Yiyao's thin lips slightly opened, and his tone became slightly more serious. After he finished speaking, he lifted up the blanket and was about to get up.    


Lin Ange grabbed his hand and pulled the blanket over him again.    


Ye Zichen raised his eyebrows and looked at him, while his clear eyes were sharp and firm.    


"As long as I say so."    


She was arrogant, stubborn, and a bit domineering.    


"Little girl, be obedient."    


Lu Yiyao looked at her and his heart softened as he held her hand. The cold voice carried a trace of helplessness.    


As she rubbed her palm, she realized that a hole had been cut open in her palm by the cotton swab.    


He did not hesitate to place her delicate hand on his lips and lightly sucked on it.    


Saliva stung the wound.    


Lin Ange's eyes lit up. She subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand.    


"Don't move."    


Lu Yiyao answered gently. He swallowed the saliva mixed with fresh blood until it was completely dry and his Adam's apple rolled.    


Lin Ange froze for a second. Her eyes seemed to be filled with mist as it slowly floated up to the sky. She hurriedly retracted her small hands, furrowed her brows, and coldly said to him.    


"Stay here and don't go anywhere. Rest assured, I will definitely save that person for you. "    


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