Daddy, Here Is Mommy



2A hint of bitterness appeared in Lin Ange's eyes. Her long, close-combed eyelashes were tilted upwards like butterfly wings.    


She pursed her lips and a hint of gratitude appeared in her eyes.    


"Actually, it's all thanks to another person these past four years …"    


"Ye Qinghuan?"    


Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows and his thin lips as he said the 'unfamiliar' name.    




Lin Ange hadn't thought that he would actually know about Aunt Huan's existence.    


Then, did he know that Aunt Huan was his biological mother?    


Her heart tightened. She always wanted to tell him that secret. However, when he remembered Ye Qinghuan's words, he swallowed his words back.    


He slowly lowered his head, afraid that he would sense that something was amiss.    


In the air above Phoenix Stage, a burst of whimpering bell sounds suddenly rang out.    


The endings lengthened.    


The garden was silent.    


Lin Ange stood up in panic. Her delicate eyebrows frowned as she looked at Lu Yiyao and said uneasily.    


"The Emperor, he …"    


"The Celestial Emperor has passed away."    


Lu Yiyao held her hand tightly, and his dark pupils shrank.    


Even if he wasn't from S nationality, he still had some understanding of this place.    


Such mournful wails, other than the death of the Celestial Emperor, would not be heard in any other occasions.    


"The Emperor passed away?"    


Lin Ange was stunned for a moment.    


Suddenly, his heart felt as if it had been hit by a heavy object. It felt dull and somewhat painful.    


Soon after, the back of his head, which he had previously injured, began to hurt terribly. His head suddenly felt dizzy and his temples hurt to the bone. He could not open his eyes and his body was swaying.    


Lu Yiyao felt that she was a bit strange, so he quickly pulled her into his embrace and let her sit on his lap.    


"Little girl, what's wrong?"    


"I'm fine …"    


Lin Ange's vision turned pitch black. She felt as if the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning. She answered lightly before fainting.    


Lu Yiyao was frightened by the sight of Lu Yiyao fainting without any warning.    


He carried the unconscious Lin Ange and quickly informed Ding Mo.    




Lin Ange lied on the bed in Lu Yiyao's ward.    


Gu Nianshi came over to diagnose at the first possible moment.    


"Gu Nianshi, quickly take a look. What happened to her?"    


Lu Yiyao was extremely anxious, it was as if he had been fished out of water. His hospital gown was completely drenched, and sweat was still dripping down his forehead.    


"Director Lu, don't worry, An Ge will definitely be fine."    


Gu Nianshi comforted him and said to Ding Mo.    


"Assistant Ding, you should first change a set of clean clothes for your Director Lu to avoid catching a cold."    




When Ding Mo heard his suggestion, he quickly bowed and said respectfully to Lu Yiyao.    


"CEO, how about …"    


Before he finished, Lu Yiyao interrupted him coldly.    


"I'm not going anywhere. I'm just waiting here for her to wake up."    


"CEO, but Doctor Gu said …"    


Ding Mo was somewhat helpless and somewhat anxious. After all, Lu Yiyao's injury was slightly better. If there were to be any more accidents, it might affect the recovery of his injuries.    


Time waited for no one.    


After they had been out for so long, it was time for them to return to the Yunjing.    


"Shut up."    


Lu Yiyao's face sunk as he reprimanded.    


Ding Mo did not dare to persuade anymore and retreated to the side.    


Gu Nianshi checked for a while, then told the nurse to draw Lin Ange's blood.    


Some tests will have to wait for the blood test to report.    


Lu Yiyao sat in front of the sickbed, tightly holding Lin Ange's hand. His well-defined facial features were covered with deep worry and worry.    


He had fainted without any warning. It was the most terrifying and dangerous thing he could do.    


All the cells in his body were stretched to the maximum as his deep black eyes stared at her unblinkingly. His thin lips were slightly parted as he softly called out.    


"Peace …"    


On the bed, Lin Ange's face was growing paler and paler, as if something was devouring her blood. Her palms became cold bit by bit, and her slender hands became even more slender and fair. On the back of his hand, he could clearly see the blue capillaries.    


His life seemed to be slipping away.    


The air pressure in the ward suddenly dropped, making it difficult for everyone to breathe.    


Gu Yunxiao hurried over and rushed to Lin Ange's bedside. He almost kneeled down beside Lu Yiyao.    


"Geiger, what's wrong? Wasn't it fine just now? "    




Lu Yiyao pursed his cold lips. His chin was tightened into a cold arc, and a deep shadow fell on both sides of his nose.    


Gu Yunxiao saw that he did not make a sound, so he looked up at Gu Nianshi.    


"Big brother? What's wrong with that? "    


"Yun Xiao, we're still not sure about the situation. We'll have to wait for the blood test to report."    


Gu Nianshi put his hands into the pockets of his white coat and looked at Gu Nianshi with a gaze as warm as jade.    


"Blood test?"    


Gu Yunxiao thought about the serious side when he heard that. His heart was beating very fast.    


"Do you mean to say that it's because of her?"    


He didn't dare to say the word 'leukemia' out loud.    


He saw that the pressure in the ward was so low and Lu Yiyao was so nervous, so he didn't make that association.    


"No, I must tell Aunt about such a big matter."    


He stood up, walked out of the ward, and took out his phone to call Ye Qinghuan.    


The nurse with the blood test report came over. He quickly grabbed her arm and asked anxiously.    


"What's the situation like?"    


"Congratulations, Young Master Yunxiao."    


The nurse said with a smile.    




Gu Yunxiao couldn't help but feel confused when he heard her words. His deep blue eyes widened as he asked in astonishment.    


"Don't lie to me at a time like this? Quick, tell me, what happened to Geiger? "    


He couldn't wait to snatch the test report and read it for himself.    


"Miss Lin is pregnant. Young Master Yunxiao is going to be a godfather again."    


The nurse was in a hurry to send the report in, so she quickly told him about the 'good news'.    


"What did you say?" Geiger pregnant? She has a baby? "    


Gu Yunxiao still couldn't believe his ears. He hugged the back of his head, took a few deep breaths and turned around.    


Perhaps the 'good news' came too suddenly, and he actually didn't 'digest' it.    


"Hehe, gege, I have a baby again. I'm going to be a godfather again …"    


Gu Yunxiao chuckled as he said this.    


The nurse smiled and didn't say anything else. She opened the door to the ward and walked in.    


Gu Yunxiao laughed foolishly for a while and then slapped his head.    


"Geiger, you already have a baby. You have to quickly tell aunt about this and let her be happy."    


At this moment, Ye Qinghuan was eating breakfast. When she saw Gu Yunxiao call her, her heart couldn't help but pinch. What's the matter with calling her so early?    


"Yun Xiao …"    


"Aunt, let me tell you some good news …"    


Gu Yunxiao's blue eyes were full of joy and excitement.    


"Good news?" "What good news?"    


Ye Qinghuan was slightly stunned.    


What good news could there be at this point?    


The death of the Celestial Emperor saddened the entire nation.    


All recreational activities had been cancelled, and even the newlyweds who were getting married in the last month had changed their dates.    


"Aunt, Ge Ge is pregnant. She has a baby …"     4


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