Daddy, Here Is Mommy





Gong Nanling hung up the phone and stood in front of the window for a while. After waiting for Chaos' mind to clear up a bit, he turned around and walked towards the bedroom.    


He took the temperature detector and measured Gu Mengmeng's temperature.    


A slight fever, not very serious.    


He sat on the edge of the bed with her for a while. Seeing that she was still sleeping soundly, he turned around and went to the study.    


He switched on his computer and began to handle the work.    


Since Lu Yiyao was not around, his workload naturally increased a lot.    


Although he was young, he had a natural talent for business. His actions were decisive and steady. On this point, there was a bit of Lu Yiyao's elegance.    


No wonder Lu Jinhui thought highly of him.    


Gong Hantian and Lu Yixun were pleased to see him like this, but at the same time, they were also deeply worried.    


The better Lu Jinhui and Lu Yiyao treated Gong Nanling, the more they entrusted him with the task, the more worried they became.    


They did not want their son to be caught up in the squabble of wealth and power.    


They only wanted him to be safe and happy for the rest of his life.    


In the mailbox.    


A lot of mail.    


He took a sip of water and started to process the ingredients one by one.    




Despite the medication, he had an inevitable cold.    


The hotel had been tormenting them all night, and they were already exhausted. After being drenched in the heavy rain for so long, it would be strange if he didn't catch a cold.    


Halfway through the reply, his phone suddenly vibrated.    


He picked it up and took a look.    


Qiao Ann Hua's private number.    


"Boss Qiao …"    


"Young Director Gong, something happened?"    


The moment the phone was picked up, the panicked voice of 'Ann Hua' 's CEO, Qiao Ann Hua came over.    


"Director Qiao, don't panic, speak slowly."    


Gong Nanling frowned and said calmly.    


"Young Director Gong, the Bid Book is gone?"    


At this moment, Qiao Ann Hua was sitting in the General Manager's office of 'Ann Hua'. Looking at the wide open file safe, sweat trickled down his forehead out of fear.    


"The Bid Book is gone?"    


Gong Nanling was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what was going on.    


"Didn't I tell you to store it carefully?"    


"Yeah, I put it in the file safe in my office to keep the bottom line from leaking out. "Who knew that someone would pry open the safe …"    


"Who is so bold? How dare you pry open your safe? Is your company's security department a decoration? "    


Gong Nanling was so angry that he stood up, clenched his fists and knocked heavily on the desk in the study.    


The water in the cup that had yet to be finished splashed out.    


Lu Yiyao was strict in his actions. Whether it was the headquarters of the Wu Steel Group, its subsidiaries, or his own wholly owned company, they all placed great emphasis on security and safety.    


Whether it was money or manpower, the investment was quite large.    


As the CEO of 'Ann Hua' construction company, the security in his office was naturally very tight.    


Even entering would be difficult.    


Who was so good as to be able to enter quietly and easily open the safe to steal the documents?    


In the Yunjing, there shouldn't be many such powerful people, right?    


"Young Director Gong, the surveillance videos from yesterday when I left the office till now have all disappeared …"    


Qiao Ann Hua kept wiping his sweat and asked absentmindedly.    


Lu Yiyao gave him a death order, he must take down Yunjing Number 1.    


The Bid was gone. What was he going to bid for next week?    




Gong Nanling's peach blossom eyes were filled with vigorous anger. His fists tightened as a terrifying white appeared on his joints.    


"Young Director Gong, do you want to call the police?"    


Qiao Ann Hua sat on his office chair and said in panic.    


"Call the police?!"    


Gong Nanling paused, licked his dry lips and said angrily.    


"You want everyone in the Yunjing to know that you lost the 'Bid Book'?"    


"Then …"    


Qiao Ann Hua was terrified and didn't know what to do.    


"Tell my uncle yourself …"    


Gong Nanling was so angry that his face turned ashen. His heart heaved as he spoke coldly to Shi Yan.    


"Young Director Gong, I don't dare …" "Besides, Director Lu told me to not contact him if there's nothing else …"    


Hearing this, Qiao Ann Hua was so scared that he did not dare to breathe. His back was completely drenched.    




Gong Nanling was speechless. He was so angry that he nearly passed out.    


Qiao Ann Hua did not dare, did he dare?    


Lu Yiyao might slice him to death if he knew.    


"Young Director Gong …"    


Qiao Ann Hua became more anxious as he saw that the old man wasn't going to speak. He called out to him and asked him to enlighten him.    


"Don't call me …"    


Gong Nanling said angrily.    


"Young Director Gong …"    


Qiao Ann Hua swallowed his saliva, took a deep breath and said helplessly.    


"I know I will make things difficult for you, but right now, I really don't know what to do …"    


His voice was shaky.    


Gong Nanling leaned his fist on the desk, his rebellious eyebrows were tightly knitted, while his face was full of anger.    


He wanted to throw the phone away.    


However, now was not the time to be emotional, so he couldn't disturb Lu Yiyao in everything. He bit his lips and thought about it.    


"How long will it take to make another serving?"    


"Do it again?"    


Qiao Ann Hua was stunned for a moment and quickly answered.    


"Related personnel work overtime all day. Roughly three days."    


"Then do it again."    


Gong Nanling calculated for a bit. There were still five days until the second bid, so there was plenty of time. Thus, he did not hesitate to reply.    


"Young Director Gong, I still don't know who stole our Bid Book. But if it's a competitor, then wouldn't it be the bottom line if we make a new one? "    


Qiao Ann Hua said worriedly.    


"Do it first. When you're done, send it to my personal email."    


Gong Nanling's eyes narrowed, but he did not give him an explanation.    


"Yes, Young Director Gong."    


Qiao Ann Hua finally got a slight chance to catch his breath and hurriedly agreed.    


"Until the second competition, the people involved must be closely monitored. You can send me the list later. "    


"OK, Young Director Gong."    


Now, whatever he said, Qiao Ann Hua would do?    


"That's it."    


Gong Nanling did not want to talk to him anymore, so he hung up angrily.    


After this call, his mood turned increasingly bad.    


Outside, the rain and wind were raging.    


One thing after another.    


This was really bad.    


In the end, she was the grandson of Lu Family with half of her Lu Family blood flowing through her body.    


He was unperturbed by the situation.    


The more important the matter, the calmer one would be.    


He stood for a moment, then sat down.    




In his private email, Qiao Ann Hua quickly sent over the names of all the people involved in the bidding war.    



Gong Nanling then passed the list to Captain Wu of Lu Family.    


At the same time, a secret investigation was conducted into the theft of the Bid Book.    


He didn't dare to hide such a huge matter from him. He only waited for the Li City to light up in the morning before calling Lu Yiyao.    


After he was done, he continued to deal with other matters.    


After a while, Ding Pei called.    


A few times in a row, Ding Pei had helped him find Gu Mengmeng, and his impression of her had increased by quite a bit.    


"Assistant Ding …"    


"Young Director Gong, is Gu Mengmeng alright?"    


Ding Pei asked, concerned.    


"She has a cold. She can't come to the company today."    


Gong Nanling said naturally.    


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