Daddy, Here Is Mommy



2Lin Ange held onto the conference table and slowly stood up. Suddenly, it was pitch black in front of her and she could no longer see anything. The long eyelashes blinked violently, but it was still dark in front of him.    


What was going on?    


Lin Ange's heart rate suddenly became chaotic.    


There was a brief blankness in his brain.    


His body slightly swayed.    


Ding Pei noticed her abnormality and rushed over to support her, asking uneasily.    


"Chairman, what's wrong?"    


Her voice entered Lin Ange's ears like a mosquito. Buzz buzz. It was light and indistinct.    


Lin Ange closed her eyes tightly. Her long eyelashes that seemed like combs covered her spirited eyes, and a shadow appeared in the depths of her eyes.    


The tiredness increased.    


Soon, a thick layer of sweat covered her forehead.    


"Chairman... "Chairman..."    


Seeing her like this, Ding Pei became even more worried. Should she inform the infirmary?    


Just as she took her cell phone and was about to make a call …    


Lin Ange's mind returned to normal, and Ding Pei's voice became clearer.    


He slowly pulled open his heavy eyelids, and his vision gradually became clear.    


"Assistant Ding …"    


"Chairman, why don't you go home and rest?"    


Ding Pei suggested.    


"I'm fine …"    


Lin Ange glanced at her from the side. The corner of her lips curled up slightly as she smiled faintly.    


"You are already like this, why are you still saying that you are fine. Chairman, your health is more important. "    


Although Ding Pei's tone was light, it was filled with concern.    


"It's fine. Let's go."    


Lin Ange pursed her lips, took the electric brush, and walked out.    


Upon entering the chairman's office, Ding Pei quickly made her a cup of red ginseng tea.    


"Chairman …"    


"Assistant Ding, thank you."    


Lin Ange took the tea and curled the corners of her lips.    




Ding Pei nodded slightly. Her expression was still calm as she walked out without saying anything. Inwardly, she felt sincere admiration for Lin Ange.    


He had been on the plane for such a long time, yet the jet lag did not even tip over as he directly came to work.    


She was really powerful.    


Director Lu was the same.    


They are serious and dedicated people to their work.    


There would always be a reward for giving up something.    


The the Lin's Group's revenue had increased by 30% and its profit had increased by 20% since Lin Ange took over.    


In such a short period of time, such growth could be called a 'miracle'.    


Lin Ange was only 22 years old, but she already had this kind of extraordinary ability. In addition to her own efforts, something in the genes could not be ignored.    


This might be the so-called natural talent.    


Helan Family people were truly not ordinary.    


After two sips of red ginseng tea, Lin Ange looked much better. She didn't feel so tired anymore.    


He returned to his desk, sat down, and continued to immerse himself in the mountain of documents.    


Bang bang bang.    


There was a knock at the door.    


She only thought it was Ding Pei as she responded with an indifferent tone.    


"Come in."    


The door of the office was pushed open, and the sound of clanking footsteps could be heard. It was clear that it was not Ding Pei.    


She quickly raised her head, raised her eyebrows, and looked over.    


Lu Yiyao slowly walked towards her.    


He wore a white shirt and black trousers, no tie, and no windbreaker. He looked all the more refined and reserved.    


"Why are you here?"    


Lin Ange put down the expensive pen in her hand and stood up. Her tone was slightly coquettish.    


"Chairman Lin, it's time for lunch."    


Lu Yiyao walked in front of the desk in big strides, his slender hands supporting her shoulders. His long eyelashes swept around and his black pupils were deep, filled with endless gentleness.    


"Is it twelve?"    


The whole morning had been so busy that Lin Ange had forgotten the time.    


"It's almost time."    


Lu Yiyao grabbed her wrist with the watch and waved it in front of her eyes.    


Lin Ange glanced at him and realized that it was true.    


"Time flies, I only had two meetings …"    


"Let's go, Chairman Lin."    


Lu Yiyao smiled, then squinted his eyes and said gently.    


"Where to?"    


"Let's go eat."    


Lu Yiyao said warmly as he caressed her hair.    




Lin Ange was slightly taken aback and pondered for a moment.    


"We're almost there. Why don't we go downstairs to the cafeteria to eat?"    


"Chairman Lin, you're treating me to a canteen?"    


Lu Yiyao slightly opened his thin lips, raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile.    


"What's wrong with the cafeteria? The food in our dining hall is quite delicious … "    


Lin Ange glanced at him arrogantly.    


"Alright. "As you wish."    


Lu Yiyao held her in his arms and kissed her.    


"Aiya, what are you doing? This is the company, how bad would it be if others saw it? "    


Lin Ange pushed him.    


"I'm hugging my own wife, what's wrong?"    


Lu Yiyao didn't think much of it, as a playful smile flashed across his eyes.    


"We don't have a license yet?"    


Lin Ange retorted subconsciously.    


"I was going to tell you that?"    


As Lu Yiyao hugged her, Mo Tong's expression became more serious.    


"In the afternoon, we will settle this matter. What do you think?"    


"So sloppy."    


Lin Ange pouted.    


Getting a marriage certificate was a big deal, but he had to choose a good day, no?    


Besides, she hadn't told Uncle Helan Xi about such a big matter.    


Although this was her own problem, her grandparents were no longer around. Helan Xi was her only elder, so no matter what, she should tell him and listen to his opinions.    




Lu Yiyao's thick eyebrows twitched. Looking at him, he seemed to have guessed what she was thinking.    


"Mrs. Lu, when did you say?"    


"I want to ask uncle …"    


Lin Ange didn't hold back and spoke her thoughts.    


"Alright, I'll accompany you when the time comes."    


Even Lu Yiyao couldn't wait to drag her to the marriage registration office and let all the dust fall to the ground. But he still respected her and listened to her advice and arrangements.    


Such a tyrannical man would be so soft in front of the woman he loved.    


Lin Ange pursed her cherry-like lips and looked at him with a smile in her eyes. Starlight seemed to be floating in the corners of her eyes.    


Lu Yiyao kissed her forehead, touched his ear and said gently.    


"Let's go and eat first."    


He put his arm around her and started for the door.    



Lin Ange hurriedly escaped from his embrace as she raised her delicate eyebrows and said in a stern voice.    


"This is the company …"    


Lu Yiyao knew she was worried about the impact, so he didn't insist. He raised his hands and shrugged, indicating that he would not put his arms around her again.    


Lin Ange wanted to laugh when she saw his actions, but she held herself back. He opened the office door and walked out.    


Lu Yiyao followed closely behind.    


In the studio of the outer room.    


When Ding Pei saw them come out, she quickly stood up.    


"Chairman, Director Lu."    


"Assistant Ding, let's go eat first. Don't be busy."    


Lin Ange asked with concern when she saw that she was still busy.    


"I'll take care of this and go."    


Ding Pei looked at the documents on the table and replied.    




Lin Ange nodded and walked towards the elevator used by the president. Lu Yiyao walked quickly and walked beside her.    


The corner of Ding Pei's mouth curled up slightly as she watched the two of them leave. A faint smile appeared on her face.    


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