Daddy, Here Is Mommy



2The red light in Xu Jianan's eyes slowly faded as tears flowed down her cheeks.    


She was delicate and delicate, with a delicate and pitiful appearance.    


"Brother Zigeng, I... "I …"    


"Alright, Jianan, it's my fault …" "I promise, in the future, if you want it, I'll give it all to you …"    


"Brother Zigeng …"    


Xu Jianan lay in his embrace as she cried bitterly.    


Her tears burned the whip marks on Ding Zigeng's body and stung.    


He couldn't help it.    


He gave it to her.    


This time, his movements were a bit slow. When he walked to the end, he actually felt a sense of exhaustion.    


He finally understood why the word 'spirit' could be used to describe a person's death.    


Maybe not.    


One day, he was afraid that this would be the result.    


The rain was still pouring down.    


The two people inside the cave were still struggling to survive.    


"Phew …"    


Ding Zigeng finally completed the mission and heaved a sigh of relief.    


He collapsed onto the pile of grass.    


Sticky on the hay.    


He couldn't care less as he lay there breathing heavily.    


Xu Jianan wasn't much better off.    


His body was weak and his waist was about to break.    


But in the depths of his soul, there was always a yearning.    


Just now, when she was doing it, she closed her eyes and imagined Ding Zigeng as Lu Yiyao, dreaming of being happy under him.    


Several times she almost blurted out his name.    


They lay for a long time.    


Ding Zigeng turned his head and looked at her.    


"Jianan, are you hungry?"    


"I'm not hungry …"    


Xu Jianan responded lightly.    


"Jianan, I'll go get you something to eat."    


At this moment, Ding Zigeng couldn't help but feel hungry.    


He slowly got up and put on his clothes.    


He added firewood.    


He opened a black travel backpack.    


There were compressed biscuits and mineral water.    


This was a habit he had for many years. He always liked to put something like this in his backpack.    


There were still a lot of biscuits, but there was only one bottle of mineral water left.    


He unscrewed the lid and handed it to Xu Jianan.    


"Jianan, here …"    


Xu Jianan was already dressed. He took it and took two sips.    


His mouth was truly dry at the moment.    


Ding Zigeng passed her another compressed biscuit.    


She looked like she was about to faint and frowned.    


"Why is it this again? I feel like vomiting from eating? "    


"Jianan, hold on a bit longer. Will someone pick us up tomorrow? "    


Ding Zigeng said confidently.    




Xu Jianan was stunned for a moment before asking.    


"Who's coming to pick us up?"    


"You'll know when the time comes. "Jianan, bear with it. After tomorrow, we can go out …"    




Xu Jianan didn't want to eat anymore, so she had no choice.    


After all, there was no other food in the cave.    


It was raining hard outside, and he couldn't go out.    


The two Dark Guard who had been guarding near Qingfeng Cliff looked at the rain water.    


"Boss, tell me, where did this Ding Zigeng hide? Why haven't you appeared for so long? "    


"He's a member of the 'Heavenly Eagle'. Isn't it easy for him to hide?"    


"But it must be difficult to hide from such a heavy rain, right?"    


"I'm guessing there's a cave nearby?"    


"A cave? I've searched it many times with my drone, but I haven't found any caves? "    


"Not every unmanned aerial vehicle can be found anywhere?"    


"If it wasn't for the heavy rain, we would have been able to search it by ourselves."    


"Artificial search? Such a large forest, just how long are you planning to search it for? "    


"That's true …"    


"Come..." Come on, stop it. "Drink some wine, warm up …"    


The two of them started drinking while eating.    


Halfway through eating, the leader, Dark Guard's phone, rang.    


"..." Yes... Yes... "Understood …"    


He replied respectfully, put down the wine cup in his hand and spoke to another person.    


"Third Young Master told us to retreat."    


"Evacuate? No more defending? What if Ding Zigeng took the opportunity to come out? "    


"Why care so much? Third Young Master naturally had his own reasons for doing this. "Come, let's get in the car."    


Soon, they were in the car. He lit the ignition, started the car, and slowly drove away from this place.    


It was raining heavily and they didn't drive very fast.    


After returning to the city, he immediately reported to Lu Yiyao.    


Sunlight Century.    


Lu Yiyao stood in front of the window of his apartment, looking out at the rain curtain that covered the sky.    


The downpour continued to wash through the French windows.    


Crackling sounds could be heard coming through the thick glass.    


Lu Yiyao put his hands in his pockets and pursed his lips. The gloominess in his eyes became thicker and thicker.    


"Ding Zigeng, you deserve to die. So what if you've contacted Xu Jianan's mother? "How could you escape without my permission?"    


The rain mist gathered to form a huge web that covered the sky and enveloped the entire Yunjing City.    


Ding Zigeng did not know that an invisible net was covering the top of his head and slowly closing in on him.    


In the end, Lu Yiyao still couldn't stop worrying about Lin Ange. He put on a thin black windbreaker and walked out.    


Gently opening the door of the ward, he saw Lin Yanyan lying beside Lin Ange, smiling as he talked.    


Seeing him enter, Lin Yanyan sat up and called out in surprise.    


"Daddy, you're here."    


"Brother Yan, didn't I tell you that your mom needs to rest and don't disturb her?"    


Lu Yiyao's thick eyebrows slightly frowned and said warmly.    


"Daddy, I'm telling a story to Mei Gege. I didn't disturb her?"    


Lin Yanyan pouted and said in a soft 'excuse'.    


"Oh, really?"    


Lu Yiyao walked in with big steps and sat on the edge of his bed.    


The sickbed instantly felt like it was about to collapse.    


He touched Lin Yanyan's curly hair and asked warmly.    


"What story is it, to tell Father?"    


"This is a story between Mei Gege and I. I can't tell you."    


Lin Yanyan Ao raised his eyebrows.    


"Hmm? "Is that so?"    


Lu Yiyao's brows sunk as a soft light covered his deep gaze.    2




Lin Yanyan definitely nodded his head, and his slightly curled hair danced up and down.    


"Is that all?"    


Lu Yiyao did not get angry. He raised his eyebrows and asked lovingly.    


"Not yet?"    


Lin Yanyan paused for a second and turned around to look at her. He saw Lin Ange with a complicated expression on her face.    


"However, you've come. Let's not talk about it today."    


"Mm …"    


The corner of Lu Yiyao's mouth twitched imperceptibly. He extended his arms and picked him up.    


"Since you don't want to talk anymore, then go rest quietly. It's getting late. "    




Lin Yanyan twitched his mouth, while a hint of unhappiness appeared on Xiao Jun's face.    


Lu Yiyao held Lin Yanyan and stood up. He walked to the bed on the other side of the room.    


Put him down and tuck him in.    


"Go to sleep."    


"Mei Gege, good night."    


Lin Yanyan tilted his head and smiled at Lin Ange.    


"Brother Yan, good night."    


Lin Ange also smiled.    


Lin Yanyan retracted his gaze and said to Lu Yiyao.    


"Good night, Daddy."    


"En, good night."    


Lu Yiyao touched his hair and closed his eyes.    


He looked at the face that looked exactly like his own, and his heart was pounding.    


How could his flesh and blood be separated from his?!    


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