Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3"Please lend me your cell phone."    


Lin Ange spoke to a guard standing in front of the closed door.    


"Chairman Lin, I'm sorry. You still haven't released your seal, so you can't contact anyone else for the time being. "    


The guard lowered his head and respectfully refused.    


"I have something very important to take care of right now. Could you please bring my phone over?"    


Lin Ange became a little anxious, and her voice became stern.    


"Chairman Lin, I'm sorry. We can't leave here right now. Please understand. "    


The guard looked at his other colleague and once again respectfully said, "No."    


"What do you mean? I didn't kill anybody. You've been holding me for over 36 hours. I want to see my lawyer, right away, right away. "    


Lin Ange shouted angrily when she saw that they didn't budge the slightest bit.    


"Chairman Lin, please calm down. I will immediately convey your request to the higher authorities. Please do not be impatient and wait patiently. "    


The guard patiently advised with a tone that was neither servile nor overbearing.    


No matter how anxious Lin Ange was, she couldn't force her way out. He couldn't help but clench his hands, his eyebrows tinged with a trace of anger.    


"Chairman Lin, you should go inside and wait …"    


another guard said respectfully to her.    


"You all …"    


Lin Ange stamped her foot and turned around angrily but helplessly.    


He heard Ding Mo's voice before he even got to the desk.    


"Madam …"    


Lin Ange's eyes lit up as she turned her tightly-knit brows to the side.    


"Assistant Ding, you came at the right time. Quickly come and take a look …"    


"Madam, what happened?"    


Ding Mo said anxiously as he saw her anxious expression.    


"Lu Yiyao's computer has been hacked. Give me your cell phone and I'll call Gu Yunxiao right away. "    


"The CEO's computer has been hacked?"    


Ding Mo was shocked for a moment, then walked in front of the desk and turned on the closed laptop again.    


On the computer screen.    


The sea of blood, the white skull, and the blood-red characters suddenly disappeared and were replaced by a flower made of ink and pear.    


The beautiful scene was quiet and peaceful.    




Lin Ange froze, grabbing the mouse and sliding backwards.    


The Ink Pear Blossom slowly disappeared and the photo of her standing under the cherry tree reappeared.    


"It clearly wasn't like that just now?"    


When Lin Ange saw that the computer had returned to normal, a trace of surprise appeared in her eyes. How could he recover in such a short time?    


She didn't do anything just now?    


He put down the mouse and said urgently to Ding Mo.    


"Assistant Ding, hurry and check if the documents in the computer have been lost?"    


"Madam, this is the CEO's computer. I can't touch it."    


Ding Mo stood up with a faint smile on his handsome face.    


"It's fine, he wants to ask, I'll testify for you."    


Lu Yiyao's personal computer naturally contained a lot of important documents. The consequences would be unimaginable if it was stolen. Not to mention Gu Anhe.    


"Madam, you don't have to worry. No one can break into the CEO's computer."    


Ding Mo saw the worry on her face so he tried to comfort her.    


"There are mountains outside the mountain, and there are people outside the mountain. Furthermore, I just saw with my own eyes that someone really did mess with this computer. "    


Upon hearing his words, Lin Ange didn't relax in the slightest, instead, she became even more worried.    


"Madam, Young Master Yanyan's godfather did some maintenance on this computer and added a 'backlash'. As long as the opponent attacks, not only will the computer's files not be lost, they will also all be sent over. "    


Ding Mo had no choice but to tell them the 'truth'.    


"Counterattack?" "Gu Yunxiao?"    


Lin Ange's eyes narrowed in surprise as she listened to his explanation.    


"Yes, ma'am. You know Gu Sixth Young Master's level. So, you don't have to worry about anyone attacking you.    


"Mm …"    


This time, Lin Ange's heart was finally at ease. He raised his eyes and asked.    


"Assistant Ding, are you here to see Lu Yiyao? He's been gone a while. "    


"Oh …"    


Ding Mo was stunned for a moment, he obviously didn't know what was going on.    


"Madam, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first."    




Lin Ange watched him leave before returning to her desk and sitting down again.    


She wanted to see if Gu Yunxiao's Backlash software was really effective.    




Her clear eyes stared unblinkingly at the computer screen.    


Sure enough, the five icons turned into six in an instant.    


Lin Ange was a bit conflicted. In the end, she clicked on the icon that appeared.    


Who allowed this' intruder 'to be so arrogant?    


She tapped the map twice and a prompt popped up.    


[Please point your face at the camera to verify your identity.]    


"Ugh …"    


Lin Ange frowned as her delicate face tensed up.    


Opening the file, he actually had to 'wash his face'.    


This Gu Anhe is really capable.    


"It must be important to be so guarded. "No, I have to open it immediately. Let's see what Gu Anhe is planning to do."    


She couldn't open it, but there was one person who could.    


Since he couldn't get his phone, it would be the same if he used his computer to contact them.    


Lin Ange logged into her mailbox and passed the 'rebound' document to Gu Yunxiao.    


"Gu Yunxiao, find a way to open this file and reply to me immediately."    


When the email was sent, she looked at the time on the computer.    


At this time, it was midnight on Li City.    


Gu Yunxiao would need at least a few hours to read this email.    


"Forget it. I'm not in a hurry anyway."    


Lin Ange pursed her lips and said softly.    


His brain felt a bit heavy.    


After dealing with some of the documents in the mailbox, he returned to his bed to rest.    


Junyue Hotel.    


3909 Main Suite.    


Lu Yiyao was sitting on the main sofa in the living room with his legs crossed elegantly.    


He glanced at Gu Yunxiao, who was sitting across him, with his deep eyes, and said two words in a soft voice.    


"Go ahead."    


"Director Lu, I didn't expect you to arrive so quickly."    


Gu Yunxiao looked at him, feeling a little scared.    


Lu Yiyao was one of those innate experts. He would show his might without getting angry. A single glance could kill a person in an instant.    


Gu Yunxiao didn't even have this kind of feeling when facing Gu Anhe.    


He said this to ease the tension in his heart. To Lu Yiyao, it sounded like he was stalling for time. He raised his wrist, looked at the precious watch on his wrist, and said coldly.    


"I'll only give you fifteen minutes."    


Gu Yunxiao answered immediately.    


"Alright. Just a moment. "    


Then he got up and went into the master bedroom and came out with a folder.    


"Director Lu, look at this."    


Gu Yunxiao handed the folder over to Lu Yiyao.    


Just as he handed it over, the phone in his pocket rang.    


Taking it out, he couldn't help but voice out.    


"Geiger?"    2


He sat down and opened the email sent by Lin Ange without bothering to talk to Lu Yiyao.    


Lu Yiyao squinted his eyes, then raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ye Zichen.    


Why did Lin Ange contact Gu Yunxiao?    


Her phone was temporarily 'kept' by the police. Why would she contact him …    


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