Daddy, Here Is Mommy





Lu Yiyao's thick eyebrows frowned and his stern face became silent. His expression instantly became much more serious.    


"After he died, the research was interrupted. How could that be?"    


Lin Ange's heart thumped rapidly.    


This was a huge project that Grandpa had secretly supported while he was still alive. The old professor and his grandfather were on good terms. After his grandfather died, the old professor also died. The project was thus terminated.    


Who would have thought that someone would actually start the research and development again. In addition, it seemed that his research and development had succeeded.    


"He's still alive."    


Lu Yiyao retracted his gaze. His tone was cold.    


"He's still alive?!"    


Lin Ange's heart tightened as she pulled her eyelids to their maximum, her heart beating faster and faster.    


"He's still alive …"    


She couldn't believe it, so she mumbled it again.    


"Lu Yiyao, what else do you know?"    


Lin Ange turned her body to the side with her back facing the computer as she stared at Lu Yiyao's unfathomable eyes.    


Lu Yiyao was afraid that she wouldn't feel comfortable sitting like this, so he forced her to spread her legs and sit face to face on his lap.    


In the same pitch-black pupils, their faces fell.    


Lu Yiyao smoothed down a strand of hair for her. He looked at her with a complicated expression in his eyes.    


"An An, there are some things that you'd better not know."    


"Why can't I know?!"    


Lin Ange was slightly angry.    


Since she was young, she was held in the palm of her hand, carefree and carefree. Who knew that after she had grown up, the secrets that had always been hidden from her would come out one by one, shocking her and causing her to feel exhausted.    


Life always had to be a joke for her from time to time.    


Who knew what sort of pleasant surprise he would bring her in the future?    


"An An An, I don't want you to worry about it. You just need to be at ease and do your job well."    


Lu Yiyao said straightforwardly.    


"But I don't want you to hide everything from me."    


A hint of disappointment flashed across Lin Ange's eyes.    


She had grown up, she had thought, she had the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. She did not want to live under the same wings as before.    


Lu Yiyao didn't think so.    


His woman should be cared for and doted upon wholeheartedly. Best not to worry about anything, not to do anything.    


For the first time, their thoughts clashed intensely.    


Seeing that Lu Yiyao didn't want to say anything, Lin Ange bit her lips in anger and ran out of his embrace with all her might.    


"Peace …"    


Lu Yiyao quickly got up and chased after her.    


Lin Ange had already rushed to the living room and was preparing to rush to the hallway point at the door.    


"An An, listen to me …"    


Lu Yiyao stretched out his arm and held her back.    


"Lu Yiyao, let go of me …"    


Lin Ange was getting really angry. Her face was flushed as she grabbed his arm and started to pull at it.    


"Peace …"    


Lu Yiyao hugged her tightly and looked at her closely. There was a hint of unease in his eyes.    


"Let me go …"    


The tip of Lin Ange's nose turned red and her eyes turned slightly red.    


"An An, be good …"    


Lu Yiyao lowered his voice and coaxed her. He tightened his grip around her, as if he was going to crush her into his bones and blood.    


It wasn't that he didn't want to tell her, but that he really didn't want to worry her.    


She's going to have a brain operation next month.    


Although Gu Nianshi said there was no risk in this operation. But he didn't dare to let his guard down.    


"Lu Yiyao, I really don't like you to be like this …"    


Seeing that she couldn't break free, Lin Ange sniffed with her nose, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.    


"Lu Yiyao, if you really love me, then you shouldn't hide everything from me."    


"An An, it's precisely because I love you that I chose not to tell you."    


Lu Yiyao lowered his head and kissed her pink earlobes. His magnetic voice was filled with endless love.    


"You …"    


Lin Ange was about to say more, but Lu Yiyao held her horizontally and kissed her teary eyes.    


Her long eyelashes danced lightly, and her emotions were incomparably complex.    


Lu Yiyao walked directly towards the bedroom.    


He kicked back with his heel, closed the door, and walked over to the bed.    


The four corners of the light gave off an orange glow, and the breeze rustled the muslin curtains.    


Lu Yiyao didn't put Lin Ange on the bed. Instead, he gently put her on the sofa.    


He brought the hair dryer over and began to blow her hair.    


There were several times when Lin Ange tried to stand up, but she was always pushed down by him.    


Lin Ange pursed her lips, anger still covering her charming face.    


Lu Yiyao touched her scalp from time to time with his slightly callused fingertips, like a weak electric shock. The lake in his heart rippled, and the anger in his heart started to dissipate bit by bit.    


He was hiding something from her, and she was hiding something from him.    


They all had the same starting point, and all for each other's good.    


Lin Ange understood this point, and her state of mind became much clearer.    


There were some things that he didn't want to say, so she would investigate.    


Since the old professor was still alive, he would definitely be able to find out. Even if Lu Yiyao didn't help him, what if she still had Little Uncle and Helan Xi?    


The drone of the hair dryer wasn't as loud as it sounded.    


Lu Yiyao was very patient. Lin Ange's hair, which was as long as seaweed, was completely dry from the top of her head to the ends of her hair. Only then did she stop her actions.    


"An An, feel it yourself."    


In the end, he didn't forget to confirm it with Lin Ange.    


Lin Ange pouted. She grabbed the end of her hair and shook it lightly.    


"Yes." "It's about time."    


Lu Yiyao saw that although she was still angry, her attitude was much better than before. His heart that was hanging in the air was slightly relieved.    


Holding the hair dryer, he blew twice more for himself.    


After finishing her work, she saw Lin Ange sitting on the sofa in a daze. He withdrew his brows and called out gently.    


"An An, time to sleep."    




Lin Ange raised her head with a quivering gaze. Her cheeks blushed again, as if she had put on a layer of blush.    


Lu Yiyao looked at her, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, and directly carried her onto the bed.    


He had taken off his bathrobe and was wearing only his boxer shorts.    


A man flirting with a woman.    


Lin Ange's eyes were burning as she quickly turned her body to the other side.    


This was her first time sleeping here, and she was not used to it.    


Lu Yiyao laid down beside her, and for some reason, she felt that the wide bed seemed to have caved in a lot.    


"An An, sleep with me."    


The hormone aura unique to men suddenly swirled around. The tranquil air suddenly had a 'dubious' smell.    


Lin Ange's back felt a little stiff. She pretended not to hear him and continued lying on her side.    


"Silly Girl …"    


Lu Yiyao looked at her delicate back and felt his throat tighten. His throat was dry and his body was changing rapidly.    


Don't know why? As long as he touched her, he would be easily moved.    


He gently lifted her head and let her rest on the crook of his arm, whispering into his ear.    


"An An, you're still angry?"    




Lin Ange was in his embrace, her back pressed against his chest. The two of them were so close that there was not a single gap between them.    


He had an impulse, and she had a subtle change.    


She did not dare to move, nor did she dare to make a sound. She just quietly let him hold her.    


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