Daddy, Here Is Mommy



0"Xiao Pei, I know …" I know I'm not good enough for you... Your brother also said that I feel inferior... But I really feel like I'm... Not for you... You should be looking for Third Young Master... "Oh no, Third Young Master has a wife now …"    1


Jiang Zhaowu stretched out his finger and randomly pointed.    


"You should be looking for... "We should find elites like your brother …"    


"Zhaowu, alright, don't say anymore …"    


Seeing that he was drunk, Ding Mo stood up to help him rest.    


Unexpectedly, just as he stood up, he noticed a figure standing not too far away.    


"Xiao Pei, why are you back?"    


There was a trace of surprise on his handsome face.    


Actually, he had already heard about someone coming in. Other than Lu Yiyao, Ding Pei was the only one who could enter and exit this place.    


He purposely waited for Jiang Zhaowu to speak his mind.    


The two of them weren't young anymore. If Ding Pei really didn't have any feelings for Jiang Zhaowu, then forget it. With that said, Jiang Zhaowu could start a new life as well.    


However, if she had feelings for him, it would also be good to try and develop it.    


Although Jiang Zhaowu's background was a bit pitiful, he was truly a man worth entrusting his life to.    


"I forgot to take the Car Key …"    


Ding Pei explained in an indifferent manner. Her expression was still as cold as before, but Ding Mo was able to clearly see the faint ripples that flashed across her eyes.    


Obviously, she heard all the 'drunk talk' Jiang Zhaowu said just now.    


Ring, ring, ring.    


His cell phone rang in his pocket.    


"CEO... "Yes …"    


Ding Mo answered the phone as he walked towards the door. He took the key from the hallway's bar, changed his shoes, and turned his head to Ding Pei as he spoke.    


"Xiao Pei, the CEO has urgent business with me. I need to go over immediately. "Help me take care of him first …"    


After he finished speaking, he hurriedly left through the door.    


Entering the elevator, Ding Mo let out a sigh of relief. He looked at the phone that didn't have any calls and smiled to himself.    


"This elder brother of mine has truly worried himself to death for all of you."    


How could Ding Pei know that Ding Mo was' putting on an act 'just now. She only thought that Lu Yiyao was really looking for her.    


She looked at Jiang Zhaowu, who was lying on the dining table.    


He turned around and didn't want to bother with it.    




Jiang Zhaowu's stomach was churning and he felt like vomiting. He struggled to stand up and prepared to go to the washroom.    


The soles of his feet gave way and he kicked the chair, falling straight to the ground.    


Fortunately, it was a wooden floor. Otherwise, who knows what would happen if he fell?    


"Yi, what's going on?"    


Jiang Zhaowu, who fell to the ground, rubbed his sore forehead, sat up and patted the floor in front of him.    


"Ding Mo, why is the floor in your house bumpy …"    


Drunk eyes, unable to see anything clearly.    


Ding Pei initially wanted to ignore him and just leave. Seeing him like this, she still couldn't bear to see him like this. He placed the bag on the chair and walked in front of him.    


"Xiao Pei …"    


Jiang Zhaowu sat on the floor, feeling dizzy. Noticing someone coming over, he lifted his heavy eyelids and looked up.    


The next second, he grinned.    


"Get up."    


Ding Pei had never seen him lose his composure like this. It seemed that he was too drunk. He bent down and forcefully grabbed his arm.    


"Xiao Pei, you don't need to help me up. I can get up by myself …"    


Jiang Zhaowu said with his tongue hanging out.    


"Let's go."    


Ding Pei didn't let go. She tightened her grip on his hand. Drunk people were really heavy. After much difficulty, she pulled him up from the ground, caught him, and dragged him into the living room.    


"Xiao Pei, I can do it myself …"    


"Xiao Pei, have you eaten?"    


"Xiao Pei, why haven't you gone to the 'Yuxi' for a long time? I even left you some new ham?"    


"Xiao Pei …" "Ugh …"    


Jiang Zhaowu shakily followed her and the usually quiet him suddenly became a chatterbox.    


"Don't drink if you can't …"    


Ding Pei dragged him with some difficulty. Coupled with the smell of alcohol that assaulted her face, it caused her tensed face to reveal an extremely displeased expression.    


"Who said I can't drink it? Back then, when Third Young Master, your brother and I were at Heavenly Eagle … "Ugh …"    


Drunk people abhor others saying that they can't drink, and Jiang Zhaowu was no exception.    




Seeing that he was still trying to be brave, Ding Pei became increasingly impatient.    


"Xiao Pei …"    


Jiang Zhaowu called out to her as his stomach churned. He couldn't control it for a while and directly vomited.    


"Jiang Zhaowu …"    


Ding Pei looked at the filth on her body and let go of her hand in anger.    


"Xiao Pei …" "Sorry …"    


Jiang Zhaowu's eyelids violently blinked twice, then he immediately squinted into a slit, and his body was still a little crooked.    


"Xiao Pei …" "Come, let me help you wipe it clean …"    




Ding Pei yelled at him as she prepared to go wash up in the bathroom.    


Unexpectedly, after only two steps, he heard a plop. Jiang Zhaowu fell onto the floor again.    


"Jiang Zhaowu …"    


Ding Pei stopped, gritting her teeth as she called out his name.    


At this moment, Jiang Zhaowu was unconscious and was sleeping soundly on the ground.    


Resisting her anger, Ding Pei dragged him to the bathroom and threw him into the tub.    


Jiang Zhaowu was still drunk and didn't know anything.    






Return of Spring to Earth.    


The entire Yunjing City was enveloped in a golden colored flowing light, and was still as tranquil and auspicious as before, as though nothing had ever happened.    


The people in a hurry began a new day.    


Lin Ange slowly pulled her eyelids apart. The cold side of her face entered his eyes.    


Lu Yiyao still had his eyes closed, as if he wasn't awake yet.    


She tried to gently remove the hand that was wrapped around her waist, and a clear and cold male voice that had a hint of a dull and hoarse came to her ears.    


"An An, don't move."    


"Get up."    


When Lin Ange heard his voice, she became even more unbridled and forcefully pulled his hand.    


Tightening her waist, she lay down on his firm chest.    


Somewhere, waiting to take action.    


"Lu Yiyao, wake up, I have to go to the company today."    


Lin Ange tensed her back and did not dare to act rashly. He was afraid that he would fall in the next second.    


It's been a long time since she went to the the Lin's Group, so even if Hee Shen and Ding Pei were here, she didn't have to worry about anything. But if he did not show himself for a long period of time, he would inevitably arouse suspicion.    


"It's still early, sleep a little longer."    


Lu Yiyao's arms were firm and strong, tightening as if he wanted to rub her into his body.    


In the morning, his' wild thoughts' were rather deep.    


"It's getting late, I still have to send Yanyan to school."    


Lin Ange's body temperature had risen quite a bit, and her back was covered in a thin layer of sweat.    


"I've already handed the matter over to Ding Mo."    


Lu Yiyao slightly closed his eyes and said faintly.    


"You still have to wake up earlier …"    


Before Lin Ange could finish her sentence, her rosy lips were blocked by her cold lips.    


It was impossible for her to get up early.    


The temperature in the room continued to rise.    


Both of them were sweating profusely.    


Lu Yiyao carried Lin Ange to the bathroom. After they finished washing up, they changed into new clothes and went downstairs.    


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