Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3"I called you, but I couldn't get through."    


Gu Yunxiao retracted his deep blue eyes as he elegantly crossed his long legs.    


"Can't get through?"    


Lin Ange frowned. These two days, her phone had been taken away. she asked, looking away from the mail.    


"You haven't told me why you're here?"    


"To be honest, I don't know why I'm here either."    


Gu Yunxiao pursed his lips and pulled at his upper eyelids. His tone was a bit helpless.    


"What do you mean?"    


Lin Ange's heart sank. Her eyes were filled with a layer of melancholy, and her frown deepened.    


"That's right …"    


Ding Pei brought the tea over, causing Gu Yunxiao to choke back the rest of his words.    


Lin Ange's delicate face unconsciously tensed up as she looked at him. She felt a trace of unease in her heart.    


She was afraid that another shocking secret was about to explode right in front of her face.    


The future, the unknown, the fearless.    


However, this was the only thing that everyone knew. The feeling of hiding it from her was really terrible.    


Ding Pei put down her tea and turned to leave.    


"Assistant Ding …"    


Lin Ange called out to her.    


"Chairman, is there anything else?"    


Ding Pei stopped on the spot and turned around.    


"Assistant Ding, if you feel tired, why don't you take a break this morning?"    


Lin Ange said with concern.    


"Chairman, I'm not tired."    


Ding Pei's expression remained indifferent, but her heart felt a tinge of warmth.    


She only slept for two hours last night, taking care of the drunk Jiang Zhaowu. At this moment, his mind was still in a daze.    


Unexpectedly, Lin Ange noticed her exhaustion with a single glance.    


"Don't take it head-on."    


Lin Ange couldn't force her to rest, so she only whispered a few words to her.    


"Thank you for your concern, Chairman."    


Lin Ange nodded at her.    


Ding Pei walked out and lightly closed the door.    


"Ge Ge, this assistant of yours is so cold."    


Gu Yunxiao couldn't help but sigh when she left.    


"Some people have cold faces, but their blood is hotter than others."    


Lin Ange picked up the steaming cup of coffee and gently stirred the spoon in the cup, curling her lips.    




Gu Yunxiao narrowed his eyes and nodded in agreement.    


"You just said …"    


Fog rose in spirals, and a faint aroma of coffee suffused the office.    


Lin Ange took a sip and stared at Gu Yunxiao with her limpid eyes.    


"Oh …"    


Gu Yunxiao crossed his long legs and put down the cup of coffee in front of him.    


"Uncle Jin told me to come over."    


"Uncle Jin?"    


Lin Ange was momentarily stunned. A deep curiosity could be seen in her eyes.    


"What did he ask you to do?"    




Gu Yunxiao lightly shook his head, twitched his mouth and took a sip of the still hot coffee.    


The next second, he frowned and pulled the coffee cup away from his lips.    


"How is this possible?"    


Lin Ange was in disbelief.    


Although Gu Yunxiao and Nan Huaijin's relationship was close, they wouldn't just come over without asking for details.    


"He really didn't say."    


Gu Yunxiao promised solemnly. Seeing Lin Ange's taut face, he seemed to be slightly angry. Ye Zichen quickly put down his coffee cup and raised his right hand.    


"Ge Ge, I really am not lying to you. "If I am lying to you, then divine lightning …"    


"Alright, I believe you."    


Lin Ange interrupted him abruptly.    


"Ge Ge, thank you."    


Gu Yunxiao's gloomy eyebrows instantly relaxed as a cheerful smile appeared on his face.    


"Thank me for what?"    


Lin Ange pursed her lips and asked.    


"Thank you for believing me."    


Gu Yunxiao touched his slightly curly hair. His deep blue eyes were sparkling.    


Lin Ange's heart inexplicably tightened. Her emotions were a little scattered as she smiled.    


"When did I ever suspect you?"    


"Yes, you've always trusted me, and so have I."    


The smile in Gu Yunxiao's eyes was as pure as a child's.    


Lin Ange was startled. She controlled her emotions and revealed an expression of thought. She didn't understand what he meant.    


"Uncle Jin is a person who planned to make a move after. There must be something that he wanted you to do since he asked you to come to Yunjing. "Could it be that it has something to do with Gu Anhe …"    


Nan Huaijin did not say anything and just let Gu Yunxiao come to Yunjing. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that it was a little strange.    


Gu Yunxiao took a sip of his coffee and asked in confusion.    


"I don't know …"    


"Ge Ge, no matter what, Uncle Jin has his reasons for arranging this. "If Gu Anhe dares to attack you, I will kill him."    


As he spoke, Gu Yunxiao's handsome face became tense. A cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes and his expression became more solemn.    


"Gu Yunxiao, it's great to have a friend like you."    


Lin Ange was deeply moved as she looked at his indignant expression.    


"Ge ge, who are we?"    


Gu Yunxiao laughed. The cold light faded from his eyes and his expression gradually became gentler.    


"How is Aunt Huan recently?" Has she returned to the Li City? "    


As Lin Ange looked at him, she couldn't help but think of Ye Qinghuan.    


"Mn, she has already returned to the Li City. "The great hall has already succeeded the throne and become the new emperor …"    


Gu Yunxiao slowly drank his coffee and his tone became a lot more relaxed.    


For some unknown reason, Lin Ange's heart suddenly throbbed, and she felt a dull ache.    


It seemed that whenever the emperor was mentioned, she would act this way.    


This kind of inexplicable emotion caused her to be at a loss of what to do.    


"Oh …"    


"Yes," she answered faintly, her rosy lips lightly pursed.    


"Ge Ge, I am relieved to see that you are fine. "You're busy. I'll go back to the hotel to reverse the jet lag."    


Gu Yunxiao raised his wrist to look at the time, then stood up.    




Lin Ange stood up as well. They put down their coffee cups at the same time.    


"I'll treat you to dinner tonight."    


Lin Ange personally sent Gu Yunxiao to the office door, her mouth curved into a smile.    




Gu Yunxiao did not decline and nodded in agreement.    


"Then let's talk later."    


"Alright, Ge Ge, go and busy yourself."    


Gu Yunxiao waved to her and walked out with his long legs.    


Lin Ange's clear and limpid eyes watched him leave without moving. Her heart sank and a dense fog shrouded her heart.    


He turned around, returned to his desk, and sat down in the executive chair. Ye Zichen's gaze sunk. He opened the email sent by Hee Shen and continued to read.    


Since she hadn't been here for a while, Lin Ange had been busy the entire morning. There were even more documents that needed to be signed than usual.    



As an assistant, Ding Pei was extremely busy. When it was close to noon, she came in with a copy of the 'Sober Treatment Plan' that Hee Shen had drafted.    


"Chairman …"    


Ding Pei placed the plan in front of Lin Ange and waited quietly for her instructions.    


Lin Ange rubbed the bridge of her nose, which was slightly sore. She then lowered her gaze and took a closer look.    


The news of Lin Yifei's death has not been made public until now.    


The case is still pending, and very few people know about it. However, even if he were to cover it like this, it would be impossible.    


There had to be a saying for a living person to die just like that.    


Of course, this case involved the Dark Night, so they couldn't reveal it to the public. Lin Yifei was killed by someone.    


After weighing the pros and cons, sudden death was the best 'reason'.    


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