Daddy, Here Is Mommy



4The door opened.     4


The servants in uniform bowed towards them, respectfully greeting them.    


Lu Yiyao wore a cold expression and did not reply. Lin Ange elegantly pinched the hem of her long skirt and pursed her lips, politely smiling at them.    


"Third Brother, An Ge, you came."    


The three of them had just arrived at the hallway living room, and Lu Yixun, who had dressed up, was the first to greet them. Soon after, Gong Hantian also walked over.    


"Third Brother, you came."    


His greeting was warm and not deliberately fawning.    


"Second Sister, Second Sisterfu, good."    


Lu Yiyao replied to them indifferently. As he spoke, Lin Ange also raised the corner of her mouth and gave them a faint smile.    


"Yanyan, quickly come and let aunty hug you for a while."    


Lu Yixun smiled elegantly and extended her hand towards Lin Yanyan.    


Lin Yanyan had a pretty good impression of her, so he leaned his little body towards her.    


Lu Yixun took it over and hugged him.    


"Yanyan, are you hungry? Auntie will take you to have some snacks first."    


"I haven't said hello to grandpa yet."    


Lin Yanyan pouted and said obediently.    


"Alright, let's go see grandpa first."    


Seeing that he was so sensible, Lu Yixun liked him even more. She hugged him as she walked towards Lu Jinhui.    


Lu Yiyao, Lin Ange, and Gong Hantian followed behind them. Gong Hantian looked at Lu Yiyao, hesitating to speak.    


The marriage between Gong Nanling and Ning Qianyu was originally an extremely good marriage.    


Not only were the two families old friends, they also had a lot of business dealings with each other, infiltrating each other. It could be said that each of them would flourish while the other would suffer losses.    


Gong Nanling was very tough right now and was determined to 'break off the engagement'.    


Unexpectedly, not only did Lu Yiyao support his decision, but Lu Jinhui also wavered.    


It worried him.    


Honestly speaking, he really disliked Gu Mengmeng in his heart. Even if she didn't have an unknown background, wouldn't his biological father not know who she was? Just say that her bodily functions were damaged and she was unable to give birth.    


How could a girl like this become the mistress of Gong Family?    


He wanted to have a good talk with Lu Yiyao and ask him to persuade Gong Nanling. Even if he really didn't like Ning Qianyu, he could at least find a new match for her.    


Lu Yiyao's peripheral vision fell on Ye Zichen's face, so he understood a bit, but pretended to not know anything. He asked.    


"Why isn't Nanling here?"    


"You don't know him yet, sigh …"    


Gong Hantian sighed softly.    


Lu Yiyao understood, Gong Nanling was going to the hospital to accompany Gu Mengmeng again.    




He pursed his cold lips and did not speak again. Because he was holding Lin Ange's hand, they slowed down their pace.    


"Grandpa …"    


Lin Yanyan saw Lu Jinhui sitting on the sofa, so he called him.    


"Yanyan is here …"    


Lu Jinhui said with a loving smile. His face was covered with the benevolence of an elder. His gray-white brows were slightly raised, and his eyes were cold and filled with a warm glow.    


"Grandfather, it's been a long time since I've seen you. I miss you so much …"    


Lu Yixun put Lin Yanyan down and Lin Yanyan ran over to Lu Jinhui on his short legs. Then, he raised his head and frowned, looking concerned.    


"Grandfather, are you feeling better?"    


Such a obedient appearance and tender question made everyone present feel gratified.    


Lu Yixun was slightly moved. She stretched out her hand and gently pressed the corner of her eyes.    


"Xun'er …"    


Gong Hantian quickly walked to her side, held her shoulders and reminded her in a low voice.    


"Thanks for Yanyan's concern, grandpa is much better now. Look, Grandfather doesn't even need to sit in a wheelchair anymore. "    


Lu Jinhui held his small hand and said with a smile.    


"That's great."    


Lin Yanyan blinked his eyes that were like black grapes, while a happy smile appeared on his face.    


"Grandfather, can you fly a kite with me in the future?"    


"Of course."    


Lu Jinhui raised his longevity eyebrows. In the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, there was a kind smile.    


As an old man in his seventies, he naturally hoped that his children and grandchildren would all be happy to enjoy that pleasure.    


"Yanyan, let's go. Auntie will bring you to eat delicious food."    


Lu Yixun knew Lu Jinhui had something to say to Lu Yiyao and Lin Ange, so Lin Yanyan was a bit inconvenient here. He slightly bent over and reached out his hand.    




Lin Yanyan nodded. His slightly curled hair danced gently like a white cloud.    


"Grandfather, I'll accompany you later."    


"Alright, go ahead."    


Lu Jinhui patted his back and smiled kindly.    


Lu Yixun led Lin Yanyan towards the kitchen. Gong Hantian also followed.    


In the huge living room, only Lu Jinhui, his son, and Lin Ange were left.    


"Take a seat."    


Maybe it was because Lu Jinhui was still immersed in the happiness he had just now, but there was still a hint of warmth in his tone.    


"An An, come …"    


Lu Yiyao led Lin Ange and sat on the other sofa. As soon as they sat down, Lu Jinhui opened his mouth again.    


"Today's guest is very important, I hope you will cooperate seriously and not make any mistakes."    


When Lin Ange heard this, she felt that it was more like a job than a party.    




Lu Yiyao leaned back against the back of the sofa with a leisurely posture. His long and narrow eyes were half closed, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up to reveal a hint of cold disdain.    


He didn't utter a word, but Lin Ange couldn't do so indifferently. She pursed her lips and spoke in a faint voice.    




"An Ge, I heard that you've been investigating the truth about your mother's accident recently. Have you found anything?"    


Lu Jinhui took the opportunity to look at her, and his expression gradually became serious as the light in his eyes became a lot more jovial.    


"Lordmaster, I'm sorry. I don't have anything to say for now."    


Lin Ange said with a smile, neither servile nor overbearing.    


Lu Jinhui didn't expect her to answer him like that. Her somewhat cloudy eyes narrowed, and a trace of displeasure clearly appeared on her face.    


Lu Yiyao's phone just vibrated. He took it out and looked at it, while the corner of his mouth twitched imperceptibly.    


His woman should be like this. With her personality and position, she should be 'arrogant'.    


Lin Ange's pretty face was still covered with a faint smile. Facing Lu Jinhui's warning gaze, the curve of her lips became even wider.    


After these few years of experience, she had learned to read words.    


Lu Jinhui's gaze clearly stated that he wanted her to stop investigating Helan Jing's accident?    


As for the reason, it was definitely for Lu Yiyao.    


Her clear and limpid eyes didn't relax in the slightest. Her charming face slightly tensed up, and she clearly had the words' impossible 'written on it.    


The scene was rather delicate, and the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became much more gloomy.    


Just then, the Cheng Garden Manager Lu Sen walked over quickly, and bowed to Lu Jinhui as he spoke respectfully.    


"Master, the guests have arrived …"    


"Quick, help me up."    


Lu Jinhui quickly said to him in a cold tone.    


Lu Sen went up and helped him stand up, then he took the cane that was on the side of the sofa.    


Lin Ange stood up as well, feeling an inexplicable surge of panic in her heart.    


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