Daddy, Here Is Mommy



4"That... Geiger told me that you and her had already … "    


Gu Yunxiao's deep blue eyes narrowed as a hint of disappointment flashed across his eyes. But soon, he raised his eyebrows and a smile filled with blessings filled his eyes.    


He scratched his curly hair and said sincerely.    




"Thank you."    


Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows, while his tone remained indifferent.    


In this world, other than Lin Ange and his children, there probably wasn't anyone who could make him speak in an amiable manner.    


"Anything else?"    


"Oh, there's …"    


Gu Yunxiao took a deep breath before he got down to business.    


"Uncle Jin has already set off for Yunjing, he wants to see you tonight."    


The moment he said that, Lu Yiyao's expression turned cold, while his deep gaze turned serious. Unexpectedly, he had become a 'hot topic', and all these big figures wanted to 'meet' him.    


He could guess why Nan Huaijin had come here.    


He had saved his life, so he couldn't not see him.    


"Time, place."    


Lu Yiyao's thin lips slightly parted, his words were short.    


"The exact time is still uncertain, but the location can be determined. Junyue Hotel's' Cloud Restaurant ', villa # 6."    




Lu Yiyao bit his cold lips and coldly squeezed out a sound from his throat.    


"Director Lu, busy yourself then. I'll call you when the time is set."    


Gu Yunxiao saw that he didn't want to continue the conversation, so he hung up with a smile.    


Lu Yiyao looked at the phone screen which was getting darker. Wind was rising in his double pupil eyes as the cold air around him raged.    


Looks like it's impossible for one person to develop 'N9'.    


With so many people, what was their purpose?    


Who was the best collaborator between Jun Linchuan and Nan Huaijin?    


If it was just intuition alone, he would choose Nan Huaijin.    


He had no idea where this intuition of his came from.    


Compared to Nan Huaijin, he felt that Jun Linchuan was a person with a lot of history. He was strong and fierce, with a domineering aura that could rule the world. If she worked with him, she probably wouldn't even have the right to speak.    


The things that he wanted to do, naturally had to be done.    


Lu Yiyao drank two mouthfuls of coffee before the chilliness in his body slightly subsided.    


Bang bang bang.    


Ni Yang knocked on the door and came in with a document in her hand.    






Lu Yiyao didn't even raise his head as he looked at the numbers on the computer screen.    


"The price of 'the Lu's' rose steadily and wasn't too high." The the Lin's Group's share price, on the other hand, was floating in the air, and not long after opening, it was about to rise and stop.    


It looks like the matter of him and Lin Ange obtaining the marriage certificate was already known to the entire Yunjing.    


"CEO, this document needs your signature to confirm."    


Ni Yang opened the folder in her hands and handed it to him.    


Lu Yiyao reached out his hand to take it and took a look.    


"You've only signed one before?"    


"CEO, Young Director Gong added another one …"    




Lu Yiyao flipped to the end and looked at Gong Nanling's new supplementary clause with a cold expression.    


"One document has to be done twice. Tell Ding Mo to deduct all of Gong Nanling's bonus for this month."    


He took the expensive golden brush and signed his name with it as he spoke coldly.    


"Yes, CEO."    


Ni Yang felt a chill run down her spine. She lowered her head, took the document, and turned around to leave. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would be implicated as well.    


Closing the door, she let out a long sigh of relief.    


"What's wrong?"    


Ding Mo happened to have something to talk about with Lu Yiyao. Seeing her like this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and ask with a smile.    


"Assistant Ding, the CEO told me to tell you to deduct all of Young Director Gong's bonuses for this month."    




Ding Mo knew Ni Yang wouldn't lie, but this decision was a bit sudden.    


Ever since Gong Nanling took over the job of Lu Hengyuan, he was willing to work under any circumstances. Honestly speaking, his skill level and work ability were much better than Lu Hengyuan's.    


Why would Lu Yiyao randomly deduct his bonus?    


Ni Yang pouted and said helplessly.    


"Because of this document, the president's signature was previously reported to him. "Young Director Gong added another one today, so …"    


"The CEO said he needed to do a document twice?"    


As expected of someone who had followed Lu Yiyao for so many years, Ni Yang's words made Ding Mo understand what was going on.    




In her heart, Ni Yang was crying for Gong Nanling.    


The supplementary document was originally for the sake of the company. He didn't think that he would be deducting all the bonuses in the entire month. This was a bit too serious.    


"Young Director Gong is rich, so he's not afraid of losing it."    


Ding Mo smiled and said.    


"Go ahead. "Oh yeah, don't tell Young Director Gong about this yet."    


"OK, Assistant Ding."    


Ni Yang hurriedly agreed. Ding Mo pushed the door and walked in.    


Lu Yiyao had already shifted his gaze away from the computer screen and was drinking his coffee.    


"CEO, Chairman went to the Cloud Restaurant to see Eldest Young Master."    


Ding Mo walked in and lowered his voice.    


"Ignore them."    


Lu Yiyao took a sip of his coffee.    


Jun Linchuan and Lu Jinhui could tell at a glance that there was a past. As for the past, he had yet to find out.    


"CEO, are you really not going to see Eldest Young Master?"    


Ding Mo's handsome face slightly tensed up. Like Lin Ange, he was also a bit worried.    




Lu Yiyao continued to drink his coffee and sat there arrogantly with a cold voice.    


"Will this leave a bad impression on Eldest Young Master?"    


Ding Mo's considerations were the same as Lin Ange's. In the future, Jun Linchuan would be the leader of this country. If they offended him like this, nothing would happen in the future.    


"One's impressions are not based on flattery. Even if he is the leader of this planet, I still wouldn't go if I didn't want to. "    


Lu Yiyao's low and cold voice was filled with arrogance and unruliness.    


"Yes, CEO."    


Ding Mo did not dare to say more.    


Thinking about it, even Lin Ange couldn't persuade him, much less persuade him.    


Just as he was about to turn around, Lu Yiyao suddenly said coldly.    


"He wants the N9."    


"'N9'? "Eldest Young Master?"    


Ding Mo was stunned on the spot, a hint of worry instantly appearing on his handsome face.    


This matter was far beyond his expectations.    


In his mind, Jun Linchuan was a political, foreign, and financial expert. How could this be …    




Lu Yiyao's cold lips curved into a mocking smile.    


It wasn't just Ding Mo. If others were to hear this, they would also have the same reaction.    


Jun Linchuan was really unbelievable.    


Let's not talk about whether this project will succeed in the end. Even if they succeeded, the economic benefits would be far worse than offshore oil extraction.    


There was a huge risk to this project, and if it failed, then it would have irreversible consequences.    


Lu Yiyao was doing this for his faith, but what about Jun Linchuan? And for what?    


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