Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3Lin Ange looked serious as she finished reading. She nodded with a proud smile in her eyes.    


"Manager Fang, since the 'case' is over, let's communicate with 'the Lu's' to speed up the entry of T2."    


"Yes, Chairman."    


Fang Qingchuan already had a plan in her heart. Lin Ange's words matched her words.    


She looked at Lin Ange's pair of eyes, which looked exactly the same as Helan Xi's, and her heart trembled slightly.    


Ever since she saw Helan Xi two days ago, she wanted to think about him more and more.    


Don't know, after that meeting, did Helan Xi go back to prison?    


Lin Ange noticed that she seemed to be in a daze, so she asked with a frown.    


"Manager Fang, is there anything that I can help you with?"    


"Oh, no."    


Fang Qingchuan came back to her senses and lightly shook her head.    


"Manager Fang, if there is, you have to tell me."    


Lin Ange looked at her with a restless heart.    


She knew about the relationship between Fang Qingchuan and Helan Xi.    


Elite students who graduated from the Capital University, gave up on such generous jobs and joined the the Lin's Group without hesitation. With her qualifications, she could be the vice president of Marketing Department.    


She didn't need to look into the reason behind this, she could roughly guess it.    


Love makes people brave and stubborn.    


Fang Qingchuan was just like that.    


She had stubbornly refused all her suitors after so many years of loving him. Some said she was aloof, some said she had a problem with her orientation, maybe it was lace.    


Although Lin Ange knew the relationship between her and Helan Xi, she didn't expose it. She just pretended that she didn't know anything.    


The relationship between the two was currently only that of the boss and his employees.    


"Thank you, Chairman."    


Fang Qingchuan pursed her lips and smiled.    


"Oh right, Manager Fang, there's something that I want to hear from you?"    


Lin Ange's tone was very gentle, without any sign of being the boss.    


"What is it?"    


Fang Qingchuan's hands, which were placed on her knees, clenched into fists.    


"When the T2 project is officially launched, the workload will increase significantly. You have two roles, and I'm afraid you can't handle it. Why don't you remove your position as Marketing Department Manager for now, and take charge of T2 full-time? What do you think? "    


Lin Ange paused for a moment before continuing.    


"Of course, the position will be adjusted accordingly. You are no longer just a project doctoring officer, you are a project director. "    




Glimmers danced in Fang Qingchuan's eyes. She was surprised by Lin Ange's decision.    


How could she not know how important the T2 Project was to the the Lin's?    


As the director of this project, his authority was equivalent to that of the vice president of the group.    


"If you have any thoughts, you can say them."    


Seeing that she didn't say anything, Lin Ange smiled at her in a friendly manner.    


"I don't think so."    


Fang Qingchuan's heart skipped a beat when she saw Lin Ange's pair of warm and smiling eyes. She looked over at the laptop in front of Lin Ange.    


Lin Ange's eyes that were suffused with a smile really resembled Helan Xi's. That gaze was suffused with a burning brilliance, as if it was the warm winter sun, causing one's heart to palpitate.    


The more she thought about Helan Xi, the more she missed him.    


"So you agree?"    


Lin Ange knew that Fang Qingchuan would definitely agree.    


For Helan Xi, she would definitely agree.    


"Qingchuan thanks Chairman for his trust."    


Glimmers danced in Fang Qingchuan's eyes as she pursed her lips and said.    


Although she had restrained her emotions, Lin Ange could still tell that something was off. However, she did not point it out, nor did she mention her uncle Helan Xi.    


"Wait a moment, I'll get the HR Department to issue the transfer order."    




Fang Qingchuan responded indifferently with a calm expression.    


To her, her position and salary were not even worth the love she had in her heart.    


She could do anything for those she loved.    


There were a lot of people, like her, who would lower themselves to dust when they fell in love.    


They never felt there was anything wrong with that. They only felt that it was an extremely happy thing to be able to do something for the person they loved.    


After Lin Ange finished reading the 'court records', she turned off her pen and lightly pushed it towards Fang Qingchuan.    


"If there's nothing else, you can go back to work."    


"Ok, chairman."    


Fang Qingchuan stood up and picked up the electric brush from the table.    




Lin Ange turned to her with the corner of her mouth once again, her light smile appearing in the shallow whirlpool.    


Not long after Fang Qingchuan had returned to her office, the transfer order from the HR Department arrived. The office had been reinstalled for her.    


Her rapid advancement made many people jealous and jealous.    


Someone said that the reason she was like this was entirely because of the care and concern of CEO Hee Shen. He even said that Hee Shen was courting her.    


When Hee Shen heard this rumor, he couldn't help but laugh.    


The person Fang Qingchuan had been waiting for was Helan Xi, he already knew that.    


He only had simple admiration towards her, nothing more.    


It was unknown whether it was because his eyesight was too high, or because the fated person had yet to appear. Even now, he had yet to meet a woman that would make one's heart beat with eagerness, despite everything to marry her back home.    


Beep, beep, beep.    


The phone on the table rang.    


It was Lu Yiyao.    


He hurriedly answered the call.    


"Third Young Master …"    


"Do you have time this afternoon?"    


Lu Yiyao's low and cold voice sounded, revealing a hint of weariness.    


"Two meetings in the afternoon?" "How about tonight?"    


Hee Shen checked his schedule and found that the afternoon was packed to the point that he could barely squeeze in.    


Lin Ange was also taking part in these two meetings, and it was very important that he not miss them.    


"Forget it." Call me when you have time. "    


Lu Yiyao pinched his sore brow and said coldly.    




Hee Shen said warmly.    


After hanging up, he was stunned for a moment.    


Could it be that Lu Yiyao asked him out because of 'N9'?    


That's not right.    


He immediately rejected.    


If it was really because of 'N9', he would definitely be very anxious and wouldn't let him set another time.    


With that in mind, he relaxed and continued his work.    




Lu Yiyao drove over to pick up Lin Ange for dinner.    


"Why don't we go to the cafeteria today?"    


Lin Ange suggested.    


"I have to celebrate such an important day."    


Lu Yiyao said with a smile. Between his brows, there was endless gentleness.    




Lin Ange thought for a moment. Today was indeed an important day, so she did not refuse.    


Lu Yiyao led her directly to the opposite side of the 'the Lin's' building. He purposefully slowed down his pace, as his posture became a bit more relaxed.    


Lin Ange let him hold her slightly cold fingers without struggling. Her expression was very natural.    


Perhaps that was because they had already applied for a marriage certificate.    


The warmth from Lu Yiyao's palm warmed her through the texture, causing circles of ripples to form on the surface of her heart.    


The sunlight fell on their bodies, coating them with a layer of golden light.    


Such a beautiful couple like this made everyone around them cast sidelong glances at them.    


"This isn't that …" "That …"    



A girl was speechless when she saw Lu Yiyao.    


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