Daddy, Here Is Mommy



3Her fists were clenched tight, the veins were popping out on her forehead, and the arteries in her neck were pumping very fast.    


"Lin Ange, I'm back. This time, I will definitely make it so that you will never be able to recover. "    


The girl turned around, her face dark, and ran forward.    


Soon, it disappeared.    


After the second lap, Lin Ange was drenched in sweat. After the exercise, his complexion became even better, and the green in his eyes disappeared. Some of the chaotic thoughts in his head began to clear up as well.    


Lu Yiyao was also in high spirits. His facial features were more solid and his entire body was emitting a unique hormone aura.    


"An An, come, let's go home."    




Lin Ange nodded, relaxed a little, and walked towards the elevator.    


Although she didn't have to worry about Lin Yanyan, she was sure that he would be worried if he found out that they had all disappeared.    


"An An, what do you want to eat this morning?"    


When they entered the elevator, Lu Yiyao put the wet hair that hung in front of her forehead behind her ears.    




Lin Ange raised her hand and used her wristband to wipe the sweat off her face.    


"I don't have any random things here."    


Lu Yiyao withdrew his brows and lowered his head. He looked at her and the corner of his mouth slightly curved.    




Lin Ange pouted and rolled her eyes at him.    


"Western style?"    


Lu Yiyao smiled and asked.    


"Whatever you say."    


"There's no 'anything'."    


Lu Yiyao emphasized again.    




Lin Ange was speechless and shook her head helplessly.    


"Silly Girl …"    


Lu Yiyao put his arm around her thin shoulder and a layer of sweat appeared on his palm.    


Back home. Lin Yanyan had already woken up. He had probably just finished washing up. His hair was neatly combed and was not messy at all.    


Seeing them carrying each other home while also wearing a couple's sports attire, he frowned and asked.    


"You guys went for a run?"    


The pair of large eyes that were like black grapes blinked, seeming to be in disbelief.    




Lin Ange nodded and pulled down Lu Yiyao's hand that was on her shoulder.    


"Brother Yan, when did you get up?"    


"Just got up."    


Lin Yanyan replied softly.    


"Brother Yan, what do you want to eat this morning?"    


Lu Yiyao touched Lin Yanyan's curly hair and asked.    


"Daddy, don't mess up my hair …"    


Lin Yanyan pouted and said unhappily.    




Lu Yiyao was slightly shocked and ignored the warning. Instead, he rubbed his hair even more vigorously.    


"Daddy, you! Humph! "Childish!"    


Lin Yanyan had never thought that his cold and aloof father would have such a 'boring' side to him. Little Jun's face tensed up as he glared at him with his obsidian eyes. He crossed his arms and looked extremely angry.    


"Alright, stop teasing him. Hurry up and prepare breakfast."    


Lin Ange looked at the two men and felt a headache coming on. She quickly pushed Lu Yiyao into the kitchen.    


Lu Yiyao stopped her and kissed her heavily before letting her go.    


Lin Ange rested for a while before she walked into the bathroom and briefly washed herself. He dried his hair and went into the bedroom to change his clothes. When she finished her work, Lin Yanyan was already sitting on the dining table.    


"Mei Gege, come over and have breakfast."    




Lin Ange acknowledged him and then walked to the dining table, lowering her head to take a look.    


Although it was a Western breakfast, it was also very rich.    


"Where's your dad?"    


"Oh, he went to the bathroom."    


Lin Yanyan drank the milk. There was a milk stain on the corner of his mouth.    




Lin Ange quickly took a tissue and lightly wiped him.    


"Mei Gege, I'll do it myself. Eat quickly. "    


Lin Yanyan turned his head and said in concern. Her soft and cute face made people want to pinch it.    




Lin Ange replied with a gentle voice and passed him a tissue.    


Halfway through his meal, Lu Yiyao came out of the bathroom. His hair had not completely dried yet.    


"Sit down and eat."    


Lin Ange picked up a love fried egg and prepared to eat it. Upon seeing him walk out, Zhang Xuan hurriedly greeted him.    


"I'm going to change clothes and come out."    




Soon, Lu Yiyao changed his clothes and came out.    


"Why do you have so many romantic outfits? Why is there no dress for our family of three? "    


Lin Yanyan looked at the two people sitting next to him, pouted his mouth and said unhappily.    


"Eh …"    


Lin Ange lowered her head to look at herself, then looked at Lu Yiyao. It was just as Lin Yanyan had said, she and Lu Yiyao were dressed in a couple outfit today.    


She was wearing a professional blue and white striped dress, Lu Yiyao a shirt of the same material, and dark trousers.    


"Yanyan, we are wearing work clothes for work, it's not good to customize a parent's uniform."    


Lin Ange hurriedly explained.    


"Hmph …"    


Lin Yanyan looked at Lu Yiyao arrogantly and said in a displeased tone.    


"This is clearly father's doing …"    


"No, how is this father doing this on purpose? "Is this really …"    


Lin Yanyan was a little too smart. Lin Ange was worried that he misunderstood her, so she continued.    


Unexpectedly, the man beside her interrupted her faintly before she could finish her sentence.    


"That's right, I did it on purpose."    


"Lu Yiyao, you …"    


Lin Ange stretched out her hand, gritted her teeth, and pinched his leg.    


Lu Yiyao's eyes flashed slightly as he let Lin Ange pinch him. He did not resist or get angry.    


He had to get used to his women.    


"Brother Yan, you're not convinced?"    


Lu Yiyao picked up his coffee and took a sip, his thick eyebrows raised towards Lin Yanyan with a hint of 'provocation' in his eyes.    


"Daddy, so what if you and Mei Gege are wearing matching clothes? Mei Gege's most beloved 'man' is me! "    


Lin Yanyan ignored his dad, who was sitting opposite to him.    


For a moment, the restaurant was filled with the smell of gunpowder.    


"Eh …"    


Seeing this, Lin Ange pinched Lu Yiyao again.    


"Lu Yiyao, what are you doing?" Is there any point in eating your son's jealousy? "    


"How boring."    


Lu Yiyao said coldly.    


"How boring. You're still …"    


"Anthea, tell him, who is your most beloved man?"    




Lin Ange was instantly driven mad. She almost vomited a mouthful of milk out of her mouth. He forcefully swallowed the remaining 'love' egg down and finished it.    


"Haha …"    


Lin Yanyan shook his eyebrows proudly at Lu Yiyao and laughed happily.    



"Hurry up and eat."    


Lu Yiyao pursed his lips, cast a glance at him and said coldly.    


"I'm full."    


Lin Yanyan replied in disdain and wiped his mouth with a tissue.    




Lu Yiyao ignored him and continued eating.    


"I'm full too."    


Lin Ange finished the fried eggs and stood up as well.    


Lu Yiyao raised his eyebrows and smiled faintly.    


How he wished.    


Every morning after that, he would be able to have breakfast with them.    


Even if his son 'bickered' with him while his wife reached out to pinch him, it would still be a type of happiness. A genuine happiness.    


He must protect this happiness for the rest of his life.    


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