Daddy, Here Is Mommy



1After boiling the water in the pan, Lin Ange brought out the tomato and egg from the refrigerator.    


When Lu Yiyao came out of Lin Yanyan's room, a bowl of fragrant tomato and egg noodles was also prepared.    


"Wife …"    


Just as Lin Ange was about to take the noodles out, Lu Yiyao walked in quickly and hugged him from behind.    


Even though they were separated by his clothes, Lin Ange still felt that his heart was beating fast and his breathing was a little cold.    


"Hurry, wash your hands and eat the noodles."    


Lin Ange slightly turned her head, and the two of them pressed their cheeks together as their breathing slowly became tangled.    


"I just want to eat …"    


Lu Yiyao Huan used some strength in his big hand on her waist, and the two of them pressed their cheeks together even more tightly. He whispered softly.    




Before he could finish his sentence, Lin Ange heavily slapped his hand and scolded him.    


"Hurry up and go eat the noodles."    




Lu Yiyao swallowed the word "you" back down when he saw her "angry". He did not dare to do anything rash. He kissed her soft pink earlobe and let go.    


Lin Ange gave him the chopsticks.    


Lu Yiyao ate the noodles alone in the restaurant. Lin Ange took her pajamas to wash her face and rinse her mouth.    


Everything was so calm and natural.    


It was as if they had already lived for many years.    


Although Lin Ange's cooking skills weren't as good as his, it had to be said that the noodles were extremely delicious.    


Perhaps, there was a portion of 'happiness' in the seasoning.    


Lu Yiyao didn't even have any leftover soup. He ate it all.    


Lin Ange asked after washing up and seeing him sitting on the sofa looking at his phone, she frowned.    


"Have you finished the noodles?"    


"Yes, it's delicious."    


Lu Yiyao put down his phone and waved her over.    


Lin Ange walked to his side and sat down.    


"Peace …"    


Lu Yiyao reached out his hands and embraced her. His dark, narrow eyes were filled with a smile.    


"What's the matter with you?"    


Lin Ange noticed that something was wrong with his mood today. Although he appeared to be very relaxed, she still felt it. He had a heavy heart.    


"I'm fine …"    


Lu Yiyao shook his head and said warmly.    


"Lu Yiyao, if there's anything, you have to tell me. "We're now husband and wife …"    


Lin Ange looked at him in silence for two seconds before she slowly opened her mouth.    




Lu Yiyao pursed his cold lips and slightly rolled his Adam's apple. He held her tight and rubbed Lin Ange's small hand with his other.    


His heart throbbed for no reason.    


The impulse was triggered.    


Under strong pressure.    


He raised his eyebrows and fixed his gaze on her. His dark eyes were filled with boundless tenderness.    


"My good peace …"    


This deep sound was filled with many emotions.    




Lin Ange looked at him, starlight flashing in her clear eyes.    


These words were like a shining feather, carelessly gliding across her heart. His heart rate suddenly dropped, and he became somewhat flustered.    


After a while.    


Lin Ange lightly nudged him.    


"Go wash up and rest early."    




Lu Yiyao responded and stood up.    


Lin Ange gave him her pajamas and watched him walk to the bathroom. Her eyes glazed over, and her pretty face was covered with a layer of faint worry.    


Back in her bedroom, she lay on her bed and switched her phone to flight mode. She took out a book of poems and read it.    


If my grandfather was still alive, my uncle would not have gone to prison. Perhaps she should be somewhere by the sea now, enjoying the blue sky and white clouds, strolling along the sunny beach.    


In his spare time, he would write essays and learn how to cook.    


If she could, she really hoped to stay away from the 'dark tide', away from the 'darkness', away from one 'conspiracy' after another.    


She wasn't even 23 years old and had already taken over the Lin's Group. Only she knew how much burden she had on her shoulders.    


He took two deep breaths, calmed his heart, and then retracted all of his thoughts.    


His clear eyes fell on the paper that exuded the scent of ink.    


"..." As the twilight falls in the mountains...    


When Lin Ange saw this part, the worries in her heart gradually subsided.    


Lu Yiyao came in and asked with deep concern.    


"What are you looking at?"    


Lin Ange folded the bookmark and showed it to him.    


"My An'an really is a 'genius' …"    


Lu Yiyao did not hesitate to praise Lin Ange.    




Lin Ange was slightly embarrassed and her face blushed as she smiled. Remembering the matter of his parents' activities, he confirmed it with him.    


"What time tomorrow?"    


"Nine thirty in the morning."    


Lu Yiyao took the book of poems and flipped through it a few times, then put it on the bedside table.    


Lin Ange took the alarm clock and set the alarm.    


The two of them lay down.    


Lu Yiyao tucked her in and habitually let her pillow his arm.    


That night, he was rather quiet and didn't make any small movements.    


The next day.    


Lin Ange woke up to the alarm clock, but the man beside her was still awake.    


She was about to get up to make breakfast, but Lu Yiyao held her and wouldn't let her go.    


"An An, let's sleep a little longer …"    


"If you don't get up soon, you will be late. Today is the first time the two of us are accompanying Yanyan to a reunion, we can't be late. "    


Lin Ange said softly.    


"Give me a kiss …"    


Lu Yiyao slowly opened his sleepy eyes. His cold voice carried a trace of laziness from the morning.    




Lin Ange frowned and pouted her cherry-like lips.    


"You're not allowed to get up until you're close."    


Lu Yiyao held her back like a child.    


"You're so childish …"    


Lin Ange said snappily.    




Lu Yiyao suddenly turned around and placed his hands on the sides of her body.    


Their eyes met.    


There was light in the air.    


Lin Ange instantly felt her heartbeat quicken, and her white swan neck was quickly covered with a layer of charm.    




When faced with such a domineering and stubborn man, he felt rather helpless.    


Ye Zichen raised his head slightly, and pecked Lu Yiyao's lips like a chick pecking rice.    


"Ugh …"    


Who knew that this man had been plotting for a long time? He didn't just want to kiss her.    


He did his best.    


Finally, Lin Ange's lips were released. She pushed him and gasped.    


"Are you going to attend the parents' meeting today? "Stop messing around …"    



"You doubt my ability?"    


Lu Yiyao looked down at her and raised his eyebrows as he took his time to look at her.    


"I have never doubted your ability, I am... "Ugh …"    


Lin Ange's later words were cut off once again.    


She wanted to say, after all this, how could she still have the strength to participate in the parent and child event?    


Fortunately, Lu Yiyao slowed down his movement, and the two of them became more and more compatible.    


Half an hour later.    


Lu Yiyao got up and went to make breakfast, while Lin Ange rested for a while before getting out of bed.    


Fortunately, she had brought forward the alarm clock by quite a bit, so there was still time.    


The three of them changed into their children's outfits and went downstairs.    


"Daddy, didn't you say that babies can't be faked?"    


Lin Yanyan got into the car and fastened his seat belt. Pouting his mouth, he asked Lu Yiyao.    


"Just because it's bad doesn't mean it's impossible."    


Lu Yiyao turned his head and glanced at him. The corner of his mouth twitched imperceptibly.    


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