Daddy, Here Is Mommy



0Lu Yiyao entered the study and locked the door. Only a small crack was left on the heavy curtain.    


The room immediately turned incomparably dark.    


Without turning on the light, he went to his desk, sat down, leaned back in his chair, and closed his eyes.    


The 'truth' that he suddenly found out was even more deadly than the bullet Ding Zigeng shot at him.    


He never imagined that his own father would actually be a traitor.    


Heh …    


His perky eyebrows trembled, and the corner of his mouth curled into a desolate sneer.    


This sort of 'truth' was even more difficult for him to accept than being an illegitimate child.    


How could he be the son of a traitor?    


How is this possible?    


At this moment, he wished he could use the knife to cut open his own blood vessels and drain the blood of that 'humiliation', eliminating all the genes in his bones.    


In an instant, his forehead jumped up as if it was in pain.    


His brain began to buzz as his intracranial pressure skyrocketed.    


Lightning sparks.    


The blurry image began to rampage in his mind again.    


"Lu Yiyao, do you know who your father is? He is a 'traitor', the shame of the 'Heavenly Eagle' … "    


It was pitch black.    


He could only hear the voice, but he could not clearly see the person who spoke.    


"Lu Yiyao, stop …"    


The other party was in hot pursuit of him. As he chased after him, he bellowed at the top of his lungs.    


The sound of hurried footsteps came from afar and came in a rush.    


Not just one person, but a group of people.    


They were dressed in black shirts and black trousers, as if they were the life-reaping gods of Yama.    


Their faces were still unclear.    


Lu Yiyao closed his eyes and tried hard to remember. He wanted to see who those people were.    


His brain felt as if it was being pierced by needles, causing his scalp to swell with pain.    


"Lu Yiyao, you are the son of 'Traitor', quickly hand over the 'A.I. Chip' …"    


In the darkness, that threatening voice sounded once again.    




The cold wind, accompanied by the sound of gunfire, whistled past his ears and made a harsh noise.    


Lu Yiyao had no time to look at their faces. He only wanted to escape the darkness, but he didn't know where the light was.    




Lu Yiyao bit his cold lips and covered his head with his hands.    


Large beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his back was covered in dense, cold sweat.    


This kind of feeling made him wish he was dead.    


He quickly opened his eyes, took his phone and called Tang Yi.    


Tang Yi quickly rushed over.    


Ding Mo opened the door for him.    


"Doctor Tang, why are you here?"    


"Where's Boss?"    


Tang Yi asked anxiously.    


When Lu Yiyao called him just now, his breathing was a little disorderly and he felt very painful.    


"Upstairs in the study room. What's wrong?"    


Ding Mo replied.    


"Let me see first."    


Tang Yi carried his medicine box and quickly went upstairs.    


Ding Mo quickly followed her.    


Bang bang bang.    


Tang Yi knocked on the study door.    


"Come in."    


Lu Yiyaoqiang endured the headache and felt the chill in his heart.    


Tang Yi opened the door and walked in.    


"Boss …"    


"CEO, are you alright?"    


Ding Mo followed in and asked anxiously.    


"Ding Mo, has Dark Guard from Sunlight Century been arranged?"    


Lu Yiyao looked at Ding Mo and frowned. His voice was very low.    


"Everything has been arranged …"    


"You go check out all the tenants, owners and tenants."    


Lu Yiyao squinted his eyes and ordered coldly.    


"Yes, I'll do it right away."    


After Ding Mo said that, he glanced at him with a heavy expression.    


"Assistant Ding, go busy yourself." "Boss, I'm here. Don't worry, I'll be fine …"    


Tang Yi could see that he was worried. He pursed his lips and said lightly.    




Ding Mo nodded and quickly walked out, closing the door lightly.    


"Boss, your head is hurting again?"    


Tang Yi saw that Lu Yiyao's forehead was covered with sweat and immediately made his judgment.    


"Mm …"    


Lu Yiyao's sharp face was tense, and a deep crease appeared between his eyebrows.    


"Take your blood pressure first …"    


Tang Yi took out the blood pressure detector and checked it seriously.    


A moment later.    


"Everything is normal …"    


Tang Yi's expression became a lot more serious.    


"Boss, how about we go to the hospital and do a thorough checkup?"    


"I'm going to the hospital, why do I need you here?!"    


Lu Yiyao took the paper towel and wiped the sweat off his forehead.    


"This headache of yours is not a physical injury like Ange's. You are... "How about I call Hee Shen over and ask him to help you open that sealed memory of yours. This way …"    


Tang Yi's expression tensed up as he said helplessly.    


"Besides this, is there no other solution?"    


Lu Yiyao looked at him coldly and said in a low voice.    


"That's all I know …"    


Tang Yi licked his lips and said carefully. After a pause, he added.    


"Of course, given your current condition, it does not preclude you from recalling it yourself. However, this would be an incomparably painful process. "I'm afraid that in the future, the situation will be even more serious than it is today …"    




Lu Yiyao pursed his cold lips and didn't say anything.    


As though his brain was about to explode from the firework, his face turned pale.    


"Boss, Hee Shen is also a top hypnotist with a license. He is also very professional, don't worry …"    


"I know."    


Lu Yiyao understood what Tang Yi meant.    


"Then …"    


Tang Yi looked at him with a puzzled expression.    


"There are some things I don't want to alarm anyone about."    


Lu Yiyao pursed his lips and clenched his fists so tightly that the muscles on his arms bulged.    


"Boss, in that case, you …"    


Tang Yi was stunned for a moment before he frowned and said nervously.    


Only now did he understand why Lu Yiyao still hadn't called Hee Shen over after so long.    


"Give me two painkillers."    


Lu Yiyaoqiang endured the pain and opened his mouth again.    


"Boss, it's not that I don't want to open it for you, it's just that eating too much of this medicine isn't good for your body …"    



Tang Yi swallowed his saliva, rubbed his hands together and explained in a low voice.    


"Give me the medicine box."    


Lu Yiyao glanced at him and snapped.    


"Boss, this …"    


Tang Yi nodded slightly and didn't dare to look at him. However, his feet remained in place and didn't move.    


It's OK to take the painkiller once or twice. Too much might produce antibodies.    


Lu Yiyao's situation will get worse and worse in the future. In the end, who knew how many slices he would have to eat?    


"Bring it here."    


Lu Yiyao clenched his teeth and took a few deep breaths. Then, he spoke again with a cold and straight voice.    


"Boss …"    


Tang Yi was in a dilemma as he revealed a troubled expression.    


How could he not know what kind of person Lu Yiyao was? If it were not for the pain, he would not have asked him to give him the painkillers.    


But this really wasn't a long-term solution.    


"Tang Yi, from today onwards, you are no longer the family doctor for 'Lu Family'."    


Lu Yiyao's serious gaze became more and more intense. The cold look in his eyes made people shudder.    


"Boss, don't..."    


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