Daddy, Here Is Mommy



1"Also, check this Ye Weilan again. Better start with the head. "    


Just as he was about to reach the door, Lu Yiyao told Ding Mo, who was following closely behind him, to stop.    




Ding Mo nodded slightly, with a determined look in his eyes.    


The two of them left, each driving their respective cars.    


Halfway there, Lu Yiyao received a call from Lu Yixun.    


"Second Sister …"    


"Third Brother, Daddy woke up. He told you and Big Bro to come to the hospital …"    


Lu Yixun's voice was hoarse and filled with exhaustion.    


"What is it?"    


Lu Yiyao asked lightly.    


"I don't know the specifics either. Dad told me to call you guys."    


Lu Yixun's eyes were red and her eyelids were swollen.    


"When did he wake up?"    


"I just woke up not too long ago."    


Lu Yixun answered honestly.    


"If there's nothing particularly important, I won't be coming."    


Lu Yiyao twitched his thin lips and coldly refused.    


Right now, he didn't want to face Lu Jinhui, so he didn't know how to face him.    


"But …"    


Lu Yixun was a little disappointed, but she didn't dare to say anything else.    


"Second Sister, tell him that I'll be coming over tomorrow."    


Lu Yiyao squinted his eyes and replied.    


"Alright then …"    


Lu Yixun knew that he was going to keep his word, so she reluctantly hung up the phone. Then, he made up a reason for Lu Jinhui.    


Lu Yiyao pressed his cold lips together and his face sank as he gave the Qingning Hospital Principal a call.    


"Director Lu …"    


"How is the old man?"    


"The chairman has woken up, his vital signs are temporarily normal. "But …"    


The dean wanted to say something but hesitated.    




Lu Yiyao frowned and said coldly.    


"Director Lu, the chairman just had a major surgery. His condition isn't as good as it was before. "This time, the sickness is very fierce. It is fortunate that I can wake up …"    


The dean was still pouring out a few sentences, thinking about how to put it in order to be more tactful.    


"Get to the point …"    


A deep crease appeared between Lu Yiyao's eyebrows and a hint of impatience appeared on his grave face.    


"Director Lu, prepare yourself. I'm afraid that the time for the chairman is running out. "With my experience, most of them..."    


"Stop talking."    


Lu Yiyao interrupted him and hung up the phone.    


The dean looked at the gradually dimming screen and sighed. He then gently shook his head.    


A physician or a physician cannot save his life.    


Even though Lu Jinhui was the boss of this hospital, he couldn't escape his fate.    


Go back where you came from.    


A bright white light flashed across Lu Yiyao's eyes.    




The dazzling lightning split apart the rolling black clouds.    


And then, the sound of rolling thunder followed.    


Rumble …    


Like this, a thunderstorm was imminent.    


The wind began to blow.    


The people on the sidewalk quickened their pace, walking fast with their arms crossed.    


Lu Yiyao sped up the car.    


He was worried about Lin Ange and Lin Yanyan.    


Even though Ding Mo had already arranged for the top-notch Dark Guard to go, he was still worried.    


That girl called Ye Weilan was too suspicious.    


It was definitely not a coincidence that she moved into Sunlight Century and went there to apply. Her motive for deliberately 'approaching' Lin Ange was definitely not simple.    


Violent winds and torrential rain.    


It whistled through the air.    


Lin Ange, who was still in a daze, felt that her body was a little cold. She slowly opened her sleepy eyes.    


The window was not shut tight, and a strong gale blew in, bringing with it a long and heavy rain.    


In the air, there was an additional cold and gloomy wetness.    


Lin Ange quickly sat up, and her suit slipped onto the carpet.    


Bend down and pick it up. Just as he put his hand on the arm of the sofa, his phone rang.    


"Lu Yiyao …"    


She was still in the habit of calling him by his name.    


Lu Yiyao didn't argue with her and let her.    


"An An, I'm about to go through the store, do you want to bring something back?"    


She doted on him and asked him the same question.    


"No need, it's raining heavily, drive slowly."    


Lin Ange closed the window while talking on the phone.    


Outside the window, the rain was pouring down and the sound of thunder could be heard. The sky filled with rain curtain that enveloped the entire Yunjing City. The entire city had fallen into a storm.    


The wind was strong and the trees swayed. The ground was covered in red.    


"Alright, then that's it for now. I'll be there shortly."    


Lu Yiyao said warmly as the corner of his mouth slightly curved.    




As he was driving, Lin Ange didn't say anything to him. After putting down the phone, he saw that the light inside the room was somewhat dim, so he turned on the light.    


The orange lights were especially warm against the wind and rain outside.    


Lin Yanyan also slowly opened his eyes. He squinted and let out a lazy cry.    


"Mei Gege …"    


"Yanyan, you're awake."    


Lin Ange, who was about to go to the washroom, stopped and turned her head to warm her face.    


"Mei Gege, is it raining?"    


Lin Yanyan rubbed his eyes and asked.    




Lin Ange replied and then said to him.    


"Yanyan, take a seat first. Mommy will go to the bathroom."    


"Alright, go ahead."    


Lin Yanyan replied obediently.    


Lin Ange smiled and turned back to the bathroom.    


Lin Yanyan stood up and stood on the carpet. Then he sat down on the sofa and looked out the window.    


The city amidst the rain and mist was somewhat sad and lost.    


Lin Ange came out of the bathroom and saw him staring out of the window in a daze. Her heart tightened as she walked over.    


"Yanyan, what are you looking at?"    


"Mei Gege, such a heavy rain, even a little bird's home must be wet, right?"    


Lin Ange was stunned for a moment. She touched his curly hair and said warmly.    


"The birds will find a place to hide."    


"Sigh …"    


Lin Yanyan sighed, while Xiao Jun's face showed a trace of worry.    


"Little birds are really pitiful …"    


Lin Ange didn't know how to comfort him.    


The child was a little early on in life, but he was still a child. His heart was as pure as a crystal without any impurities.     4


"It won't rain for long, don't worry …"    


Lin Ange lowered her head and smiled at him.    


Ding dong.    


The doorbell rang.    


"Daddy is back?"    




Lin Ange thought to herself, it shouldn't be Lu Yiyao. The door was unlocked. He knew the code.    


"Sit here and don't move. I'll go take a look."    


Lin Ange turned around and walked toward hallway.    


In the afternoon, they had just passed through a life and death battle at the south side of the city, so Lin Ange was naturally more cautious.    


She did not say anything. She stood at the doorway and looked at the frame.    


A man in an orange take-out suit was standing in front of her door, holding a take-out case.    


"External? "Can Lu Yiyao cry out?"    


Lin Ange frowned slightly as her mind spun.    


"No, Lu Yiyao just called himself and didn't tell her about ordering takeout. "Besides, even if there's a takeout, he would never let anyone send it over. It would only be Ding Mo."    


She quietly took out her phone and recorded down the person that appeared in front of her eyes.    


Ding dong.    


The doorbell rang again.    


The delivery man took the list and looked at it, muttering.    


"That's right, this is the place. Why is there no one here?"    


At this moment, two Man in black appeared in the video frame.    


"What are you doing?"    


the two of them snapped at the delivery man.    


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