Daddy, Here Is Mommy





Lu Yiyao replied in a neither light nor heavy manner.    


"How is she?"    


Gu Yunxiao looked at the background screen on his phone and felt even more worried.    


"She's fine."    


Lu Yiyao answered with a strange tone.    


"Then can I have a word with her?"    


Gu Yunxiao squinted his blue eyes and said sincerely.    


When Lin Ange heard this, she opened her eyes wide and waved her hands towards Lu Yiyao.    


Lu Yiyao withdrew his gaze. A cold light flashed from the corner of his eyes. He pursed his lips and replied in a faint voice.    


"She's asleep …"    


"Oh …"    


A clear trace of disappointment flashed across Gu Yunxiao's handsome face. He smiled and said to Lu Yiyao.    


"As long as she's fine, it's fine."    


"Is there something else?"    


Lu Yiyao's tone was cold and not friendly at all.    


Seeing him like this, Lin Ange couldn't help but frown as she thought to herself.    


"Lu Yiyao is too cold towards Gu Yunxiao. No matter what, they are still cousins, right?"    


Just when she thought about persuading Lu Yiyao later, Gu Yunxiao spoke again.    


"Director Lu, that …"    


Gu Yunxiao wanted to speak, but he stopped and slightly tilted his head away from the camera.    


"If you have something to say, say it."    


Lu Yiyao frowned and said coldly.    


Gu Yunxiao turned his head around, with sorrow flowing in his deep blue eyes. He asked.    


"Is Gee really asleep?"    




Lu Yiyao's heavy eyes tightened, and his cold lips slightly pursed, but he did not reply.    


He was a person who didn't like to talk twice. It was obvious that he didn't believe Gu Yunxiao's question. A trace of annoyance arose within his heart.    


If not for Lin Ange, he would have hung up the video call long ago.    


"Director Lu, I have no other intentions …"    


Gu Yunxiao saw that he was angry, so he explained in a low voice.    


"That's right …"    


"If you have something to say, just say it."    


Lu Yiyao pouted and said coldly.    


Seeing his attitude, Lin Ange felt wronged for Gu Yunxiao.    


She knew best what kind of person Gu Yunxiao was.    


Clear, generous, magnanimous.    


But Lu Yiyao clearly saw his' cousin 'as his rival in love.    


"How is Brother Yan recently?"    


Gu Yunxiao scratched his curly hair, smiled and said with concern.    


"He's fine."    


"In that case, I am relieved …"    


Gu Yunxiao pursed his lips, and slowly clenched the hand on the table into a fist.    


"Director Lu, how about this first. Give my regards to Ge Ge and Brother Yan."    


There was something that he still hadn't said out loud.    


"Mm, goodbye."    


Lu Yiyao's eyes were still cold. He responded and hung up the video.    


Gu Yunxiao looked at the phone screen that suddenly dimmed down. The smile on his face slowly faded as he sighed. He got up and went to the balcony.    


In the fifth month of the Li City, the weather had become somewhat hot.    


The night wind brought a hint of coolness.    


Gu Yunxiao was wearing a simple white T-shirt with a pair of fancy shorts. His hands were on the railing as he looked into the distance.    


The starry sky was filled with stars.    


The brilliance of the stars filled everyone with endless imagination.    


Was there really another time and space outside the universe? Or perhaps, was there another planet that was reproducing life?    


Gu Yunxiao's body slightly leaned forward. His deep blue eyes did not blink, just like the blue sky.    


He focused his mind.    


"Big Brother Yunxiao …"    


A cheerful voice came from behind him. He couldn't help but frown, and a trace of impatience was revealed on his face.    


"Who let you in?"    


He did not turn around to look, but instead, spoke up in displeasure.    


"I saw that the light in your room was still on, and I was wondering if you were staying up late again, so I stewed a bird's nest for you …"    


Yuwen Qingge looked at his back with a small porcelain bowl in her hand, her voice a little timid.    


"Eat it yourself."    


Gu Yunxiao still didn't turn his head around. Both of his hands were on the railing, as he stood up straight.    


"There's more …"    


Yuwen Qingge placed the small porcelain bowl on Gu Yunxiao's desk and then walked to his side.    


"Big Brother Yunxiao, why do you sleep so late every day?"    


"I'm used to it."    


Gu Yunxiao stood still and glanced at her. His voice was light.    


"Big Brother Yunxiao, staying up late is bad for your health. You should rest early in the future."    


Yuwen Qingge walked over and was two steps away from him.    


"Since you know staying up late isn't good, then why don't you hurry up and sleep."    


Gu Yunxiao turned around and leaned against the railing with his hands on top of the railing. He tilted his head and looked at her.    


Perhaps it was because Lin Ange had long ago fallen into his heart, but from then on, no woman was able to enter his heart. He knew that Ye Qinghuan and Nanny Lin were worried, but he was really not interested in other women.    


Although Yuwen Qingge didn't confess to him, he was able to discern her feelings towards him.    


If it was anyone else, he would have already driven her away. How would he let her stay here for so long?    


"I can't sleep …"    


Yuwen Qingge gripped the railing with both hands and leaned back. Ye Zichen pouted, then revealed a look of helplessness.    


"Are you homesick?"    


Gu Yunxiao frowned and asked.    


"No …"    


Yuwen Qingge immediately denied.    


"What's that?"    


"I'm worried about Auntie Ye …"    


Yuwen Qingge's curling eyelashes blinked, and her small face instantly became more serious.    


"You don't have to worry about her. She's fine …"    


Gu Yunxiao's heart tightened. Although he said that he was fine, he was actually just as worried as her.    


Ye Qinghuan vomited blood for no reason yesterday and went to the hospital to examine. She found a small tumor growing in her stomach.    


At present, it has not been detected whether the tumor is benign or malignant.    


He had just chatted with Lu Yiyao because he wanted to tell him about it. In the end, he still didn't have the courage to say it out loud.    


Although Lu Yiyao was Ye Qinghuan's own son, they had yet to recognize each other. He didn't know how Lu Yiyao would react after hearing this news.    


He was also worried that Lin Ange might hear about it, which would worsen her condition. She had just had an operation, so if she knew about this, she would definitely get angry.    


What's more, Ye Qinghuan's situation was still uncertain.    


"Big Brother Yunxiao, how about we send Auntie Ye to the Pear City? My father is very familiar with the President of the Royal Hospital … "    


Yuwen Qingge stood sideways, looked at Gu Yunxiao and suggested.    


"The situation has yet to be confirmed. There's no need to work so hard."    


Although the condition of Li City was not as good as that of Pear City, the level of medical treatment was not too bad. If Ye Qinghuan's situation was serious, then she didn't need Yuwen Family to step in.    


Nan Huaijin's reputation was much higher than Yuwen Family.    


There was two minutes of silence.    


Yuwen Qingge suddenly lowered her head. Her eyes were red, and she was choked with sobs.    


"Big Brother Yunxiao, it's all my fault …"     3


"What's the matter with you?"    


Gu Yunxiao could not stand a girl crying so he asked with a cold expression.    


"If I didn't come, Auntie Ye might not have …"    


Yuwen Qingge said in a low voice, wringing her hands.    


"What kind of logic is this?"    


Gu Yunxiao also turned his body and the two of them stood face to face.    


Yuwen Qingge was very tall, 172 in number, but she still looked petite in front of Gu Yunxiao.    


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